• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 996 Views, 22 Comments

Mighty Rescue Mares! - Bookish Delight

[MLP x Mighty Switch Force!] A runaway infant has crash-landed in Equestria, and a lone space police offer is sent to retrieve it. Oh, did we mention it's landed in the company of changelings? To arms, Patricia! Fight on, Twilight!

  • ...

Incident 02: Whoa, I'm In Equestria

"I'm a peacekeeping officer from Planet Land. Full Designate: Police Android Tailored for Rescue, Infiltration and Capture of Interplanetary Antagonists With Adaptable Gear and Organic Nanotech."

Minutes later Patricia found herself in the library house of the one called "Twilight Sparkle." There were books, books, and more books, yet not a single item that looked to be compatible with her power systems. Under normal workload she'd be able to run for days without recharging, but there was no telling what this mission on this unfamiliar world would involve just yet.

She pushed her worries out of her mind as a white unicorn raised her hoof, her mouth agape. "Uh, no offense, darling, but can we just call you Patty?"

Patricia smiled. "'Rarity,' yes? Please do," she said, gesturing to her robot partner. "Only Gendo here calls me Patricia. Also, the narrator."

"The what now?" Applejack asked.

"We're set in our ways," said Gendarmor. Offscreen, the narrator agreed. "Patricia" was the name given in her game's promotional materials, after all.

"No, seriously." Applejack scratched her head. "We really ain't gettin' it."

Patricia pressed a button on her arm, and a holographic image projected from the palm of her hands. A gaggle of ponies with looks of amazement on their faces crowded around it. The image meanwhile showed multiple human girls running around, from street to street, in a city in flames.

"You're looking at a bird's eye view of part my home world. Tangent City, to be exact. Fires have been breaking out everywhere due to an industrial accident. We suspect foul play and we're keeping our eyes out for all possible suspects -- but currently it's been all we can do just to contain the blazes, and save the people trapped by them. Some of them are no older than children. And one of those, uh... got away from us. Off-world, even."

"Feel like telling them how?" asked Gendarmor.

"Absolutely not," muttered Patricia. "Anyway, we were chasing the kid when she veered off onto a different orbital path from us. There's a homing beacon on her pod which also scans vitals, and it's letting us know she's safe and sound, which is good. She landed somewhere on your planet. Meanwhile, Genny and I ended up here, and you know the rest. Uh... sorry about your clock tower, by the way. And, uh, and for crashing into Pinkie Pie."

"It's okay," said Rainbow Dash. "That thing's seen more punishment than you know."

"Yup!" Pinkie Pie bounced. "And then there's the clock tower!"

Patricia's mind boggled. "I'll, uh, take your word for it. Anyway, this is where we've detected the baby's pod to have landed." A map of Equestria's land mass appeared on screen, with a blue pulsing red dot and a red one overlaid atop it. "The blue dot's us. And the red one... aha! Any clue where that is, girls?"

Pinkie Pie pointed. "Isn't that close to...?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, sure is. Uh, Patty, hate to say, but y'all might wanna be re-evaluatin' that whole 'safe and sound' thing."

"Wuh-oh." Patricia shivered. "Something up with that place?"

"That's changeling grounds," said Rarity. "Someplace none of us are fans of going to unless we absolutely must. And even then."

"Genny, anything in Equestria's files on changelings?" asked Patricia.

Gendarmor's eye flashed. "Apologies, Patricia. I'm turning up nothing in the P.L.P.D.'s banks."

"Not surprised," said Twilight. "Changelings are a twisted race of shapeshifters who are pretty good at keeping themselves hidden. They can take on the appearance of almost anypony they want. Their leader, Queen Chrysalis, has made moves against Equestria twice now. But we beat her back."

"Y'mean you beat her back, Twi," said Applejack.

"What? No way! I had the help of friends and family!"

"Maybe the first time," said Rainbow Dash, "but I was there both times! That second fight you two had was awesome!"

"So yeah, given our track record, we're not worried," said Pinkie Pie. "Why, I'm sure a walk in changeling territory by now would be easy as me!"

"Oh? You really think so?"

Ponies and robots turned towards the new voice to see a crystal ball sitting on a pillow, being carried through the library's entrance by two changelings. Within the crystal ball itself, Queen Chrysalis's contemptuous glare could be seen.

"Speak of the she-devil," said Applejack.

"Greetings, ponies. I couldn't help overhearing your little pieces of slander against me. Fortunately it looks like you're going to have a chance to prove your boasts, because I have your precious... gah! H-hey, g-get off of me!"

All present in the library squinted their eyebrows as they made sure that they were in fact witnessing a tiny infant crawling all over the Queen's face. The baby cooed obliviously without a care in the world.

"Argh! I swear," growled Chrysalis, "sometimes you're more trouble than you're w-... seriously, move it-"

Static replaced the image on the ball, then after a few more seconds, a written message. Rainbow leaned forward to read it. "'We Are Experiencing Magical Difficulties,' Please Stand By.'" She looked at the two changelings. "Uh, yeah. Way to entrance, guys."

Pratchett sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's been like this all day."

"We actually took this Ponyville assignment to get away from the thing," said Sounder. "Seriously, it's annoying. Little cute, I guess. But annoying."

The picture of Chrysalis in the ball returned, and the queen cleared her throat. "Ahh, yes. There. Ahem. As I was saying. If you think I'm such a pushover, Twilight-"

"That wasn't me!" Twilight yelled in exasperation. "I didn't say anything about-"

"-then how about it? No grand schemes this time, no beating around the bush." The picture zoomed in close to her muzzle. "Come at me."

"That does it." Patricia stepped directly in front of the ball, hands on hips. "Yeah, 'Chrysalis,' is it? Hi, nice to meet you. Actually, I'm the one assigned to retrieve that ugly little bundle of joy you've got there. So if you could, like, just handle her with care, and not hurt her, that'd be awesome, thanks."

"Hurt her?" Chrysalis laughed. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of such a thing. This 'ugly little bundle of joy,' as you call it, is my ticket to ruling Equestria! Though I was wondering when someone would come to claim her. You are the mother, then?"

Patricia just barely avoided choking. "W-well, no, but-"

"Good," said Chrysalis with a toothy grin. "Then you clearly have no problem with me caring for her."

"Are you kidding?" Patricia stamped one foot. "Of course I do!"

"Oh, please." A voice from the back of the room spoke up at last. Fluttershy took a slow march towards the crystal ball, wearing a scowl that refused to leave. "You come in here, and you run your muzzle about how you hold a candle to any of us, and act like you have the capacity to 'care' about something, about anything, when all you ever do is try and trample everypony who isn't you underhoof?"

"Uh, Fluttershy... dear..." Rarity whispered, willing a fan into existence and using it on her friend.

But Fluttershy would not be stopped. "You don't know what it means to care for others! And there's no way you'll beat Twilight now that she's a princess! So why don't you just know your place, quit your yapping, give up now, and save us all some time?"

The entire room stood in stunned silence.

"Whoa! Fluttershy!" Rainbow finally said after a half-minute. "Never change. Except when you do. That was awesome!"

"No, that was dangerous," whispered Applejack from the side.

"Pratchett! Sounder!" Chrysalis could be seen shaking where she stood. "Bring the ball closer."

The two changelings walked towards Fluttershy.

"Closer. I want to make sure this gets into little Fluttershy's head crystal clear."

The changelings followed orders. Meanwhile, Fluttershy had snapped out of her trance of bravery and cowered before them. Chrysalis paid this no mind as she bored her gaze into Fluttershy's eyes.

"You. Don't. Know. Me."

Fluttershy squeaked and ran behind Rainbow Dash, who simply sighed.

She then turned her head to Twilight. "And ahh, yes, 'Princess Twilight.' I heard of your coronation. You're just like the other three, now, I suppose -- except it doesn't look like much has changed from where I'm standing. Still a bookworm who isn't ruling anything. Having a good time playing royalty?"

Twilight scowled for a split second before forcing a poker face. "Chrysalis, we want the child. That's all."

"Then I'm afraid you'll just have to come and get her. I haven't gone anywhere -- and with this source of limitless unconditional love at my disposal, I won't need to for a while. Please, at your leisure."

"Consider us there, then," Twilight replied.

"Good! See you when you get here. Oh, and just so you know, this crystal ball will self-destruct in thirty seconds, with a magical burst powerful enough to take out a building! Oooh, I hope we're in your library, Twilight!" Chrysalis clapped her hooves together. "Please say we are!"

"We are," said Pratchett. "Wait! We're still here!"

"You're still... you idiots!" said Chrysalis. "You were supposed to carry the ball in and then get the Tartarus out of there. That was the plan. Do you not ever listen to my plans when they're explained?"

"We did listen!" Sounder said. "We just... we made other plans to get the ball here and it pushed the first plan out of our minds!"

"And you kept having us move it around anyway!" said Pratchett. "Just save us, pleeeease!"

Chrysalis buried her head in her hooves. "Why must I do everything myself?"

Pratchett and Sounder poofed away. The ball dropped to the ground. Instantly Twilight tried to levitate it, and ended up grunting and straining for her troubles. "It's... it's got something on it that's warding my magic!" she said, then pulling at the ball. "And it's too heavy!"

"One side, then," said Gendarmor, rushing to the ball and scooping it up with ease. "Fifteen seconds, Patricia."

"Got it!"

The two robots ran out the door found an open clearing, whereupon Gendarmor hurled the ball high into the sky.

"Aaaaaaaaaand... fire!" Patricia yelled, taking out her pistol and joining Gendarmor in pelting it with lasers and missiles. The explosion lit up Ponyville like a lightning storm temporarily, with nearly as much thunder in accompaniment.

Applejack sighed. "Well, I'd say that solves the mystery of exactly where the baby ended up."


"Mighty Rescue Mares!"

A Mighty Switch Force! x My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fanfiction

Incident 02: Whoa, I'm In Equestria

by Bookish Delight, 2012-2013

All characters and referred properties belong to Hasbro and WayForward Technologies.


Dear Princess Twilight,

I am writing to you on behalf of my sister, who is currently taking her yearly Solar Sabbatical and will be unavailable for the next three weeks. Prior to her departure, she arranged for all of Spike's deliveries to be forwarded to me.

(I can only imagine she had the best of reasons for not notifying me of this beforehoof. I was actually in the shower when your letter arrived. Your dragon's flames are quite... resilient.)

In any case, I thank you for informing me of the situation. After holding a magiconference call with Princess Cadance, the two of us have decided to leave this to your own devices. Feel free to consider this a test of how well you handle your... promotion. I have full faith in your abilities, as do my sister and your sister-in-law.

Welcome to the club.

Sincerely yours,
Princess Luna


Twilight rolled her eyes and plopped the letter down on the table in front of her. "'Faith?' Sheesh, more like a hazing," she said with a sigh. "Thanks, Spike."

"Sure," said the little dragon next to her. "So... no learning about friendship for three weeks?"

"Right now I'm not sure I could if I wanted to."

Twilight turned to her five friends, Patricia and Gendarmor, who had all reconvened in the library after some hours. In that time, Patricia had learned that hay was not a good idea when trying to recharge one's batteries, even if her systems were set up to process a small amount of energy from organic material. Grass hadn't gone much better. Eventually she'd settled on oatmeal. If only that had been offered first. She'd only minutes ago managed to stop feeling splinters everywhere.

"Well, it's officially up to us," said Twilight. "Last time we did this, it was a days-long trip through perilous forests."

"I keep telling you, Genma and I are perfectly fine doing this ourselves," said Patricia. "We've got jet boosters and everything."

"Sorry, but no can do, Officer. This involves Equestrian matters as well. Now, Pinkie, are you absolutely sure you can do that thing you keep saying you can do?"

"You mean the thing I keep saying I can do but you don't ever really believe me when I say I can do it?"

Twilight nodded with a cocksure grin. "Yep. That one."

Pinkie beamed back. "Uh-huh!"

"Good! Tomorrow, Patty and I will meet you here... and then, it's on."

Using her internal aural profiles, Patricia analyzed the tone of Twilight's voice, and came back with telltale values. She kept silent, but she cast a glance out of the corner of her eye and saw her pony friends with concerned looks on her faces. Perhaps they'd processed things too with their... uh... magic and whatnot. Patricia decided to refocus on the matter at hand.

"Fine. But this is a search and rescue mission first and foremost, and one that should involve as little of the native populace as possible. Besides, if it weren't for me, this... well, none of this would have happened. Anyway, I've linked Genma's optics to mine. When I activate that link, everything I see, he'll be able to see, and also project to the rest of you. It's not a crystal ball or anything, but it works well enough for us."

"Perfect. That will let us know if we need backup," said Twilight. "Guess there's just two things left to do tonight, then."

"What're those?" asked Patricia.

"First, I eat some gourmet hay. And then..." she said, staring straight at Patricia, "...then I get to work."


Golden Oaks Library, Rear Entrance
(Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Approach Within 100 Feet)

Planet Land had been beautiful once.

Well, it was still sort of beautiful now, in its own way. The endless buildings, clean and shiny. The monorails which reflected the sunlight. Metal and chrome, colorful and gleaming.

But she'd seen the history vids. If there was one thing Patricia wished she could have been around for... it was trees. Trees like the ones Equestria had in spades.

Because, among other things, they made excellent practice platforms.

She leapt from branch from branch, from tree to tree. Devoid of her Siren Helmet, her brown hair whipped in the breeze as she moved. Her heads-up display brought up bullseye targets which didn't truly exist, but that she could still see.

Search and Rescue, Patty. It's a search and rescue.

She shot at them with her pistol on non-discharging practice mode; one by one, they hit and blinked out of her own personal existence. Twenty targets later, the simulation was over.

Nothing wrong with being prepared for everything, though.

Her score read 73.

She lolled her head back. That was seven points less than last time. Either her systems were already showing signs of stress...

...or maybe I really am just getting worse at this. Gosh, I hope not.

She jumped down from a tree and leant against its trunk, catching her breath. Just as she fully recovered, she saw two ground-level doors open, and Twilight step up from the staircase below.

"Oh, hey, there you are," said Patricia, smiling at Twilight. "For a while there I almost thought you'd run down completely. Not that I would have blamed you." She cast a glance at the doors. "Where does that go, anyway?"

"Basement workshop," answered Twilight. "I have it around for when I do really intense magic experiments and either don't want anypony to know..."

"...or don't want the town blowing up?"

Twilight winced. "Yeah. Been there?"

"Only on the receiving end. The scientist girl who designed me... really ambitious. Prone to cackle at times."

Twilight fought a blush. "I've been there too." A beat. "I was going to ask if you had a family, actually. Your inventor, huh?"

"Actually I don't see her that much. I never thought about the whole "family" thing. I mean, there's me, Gen... and, uh... well, five 'sisters' who are a total handful."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You have sisters? Were they all built too?"

It was now Patricia's turn to cringe. "Uh, no, all human. Adopted sisters, you could say. They used to be criminals, 'till I brought them in and helped turn 'em. Now they're just crazy. Honestly, your Pinkie Pie's pretty much all of them rolled up into one pony." She paused. "Yikes, I realized what I just said. I hope your town's insured."

Twilight winked. "In triplicate. Anyway, I've been studying your equipment." She held up Patricia's Siren Helmet. "Thanks for letting me, by the way."

No problem." Patricia ran a hand through her hair. "It gets hot in that thing."

Twilight stifled a giggle. "I noticed. A cleaning spell was the first thing I cast."

"L-look, you try fighting crime in hazardous areas filled with fires and monsters spike pits and see how nice you come out 'smellin! Don't know why the designers gave me sweat glands anyway."

Twilight stopped holding back, and laughed. "It's okay, Patty, I was just kidding. But seriously, I examined the switching mechanism in your helmet. Looks like it sends a signal somewhere -- I'm guessing it's your police headquarters -- and asks it to disable or enable some of your city's roads. Am I warm?

"Bubble bath," said Patricia. "Yeah, roads, machinery, bunches of stuff. So what'd you do?"

"Well, while I was down there, I zapped over a mare I know in the next town by the name of Gearloose, after asking if she and I could maybe put our heads together." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Sadly she's way better at science than figures of speech. Once our headaches were past, we thought about what to do with this thing. You said you're nanotech, right?"

"Yeah." Patricia nodded. "Mostly."

"Well, we've temporarily enchanted your helmet. Whenever you activate your switching mechanism, the magic takes over and works with that tech to reconfigure your frame to equine design standards."

"Equine desi-..." Patricia froze and gaped. "You don't mean-"

Twilight smiled. "Let's say you'll be able to blend in here a little better." She gave Patricia the helmet. "Of course the only one who can, uh, test this, is you."

"Hmmm." Patricia gave the helmet a pensive stare, then placed it on her head. It smelled like soap. Just as well.

She concentrated -- the neural link worked the same as usual. The siren atop her head sounded and flashed, and just like always, the world stopped for a split-second. She briefly remembered finding it disorienting for a while when she first started using the apparatus, but over time she found that it actually helped navigation, so she requested it remain a feature.

"Huh," she said, not catching sight of Twilight's giddy grin just yet... nor the fact that their faces were now level to each other. "Well, I don't feel different or anything." She reached for her helmet. "Maybe something went wro-"

She fell forward, onto her face.


After much fidgeting, Patricia managed push herself back up to a standing position, and looked at herself. The first thing she noticed was that "standing" now involved four legs. "What the..."

Legs. And hooves. She tried to wiggle her fingers. She ended up curling a hoof instead.

"Hooooooly candlesticks. Full diagnostic. Yesterday."

Her heads-up display beeped once as it started, then a minute later beeped again when they were through. "Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. My diagnostics are detecting flight apparatus..." Patricia took stock of the wings on either side of her body and gave them a tentative flap. She rose -- and managed to hover via constant fluttering.

"Twilight," Patricia said in an excited, breathy voice, "what did you do to me and why am I not overcome with the urge to make you pay for it?"

"Well, it's hard to make a magical being when you've got technology to work with, so unicorn was out. Still, I thought you'd want some sort of tactical advantage. So I set the enchantment to reconfigure you into a pegasus. Are you... okay with that?"

Patricia didn't answer Twilight's question. She was too busy letting out boisterous squeals as her systems adjusted to the wings, configuring them for optimum flight capability. She was in the middle of saying as much out loud-

-when she crashed into a tree, and fell down the length of it. She landed hard on the ground, on her back.

Twilight walked over and stared down at her, holding in her laughter again. "'Optimum,' huh?"

"Optimum... within acceptable parameters..." Patricia uttered with swirling eyes, then got back up on her hooves. "Okay. This is good. Extra maneuverability is always good." A small compartment on the right side of her pony body opened up, and she took out her pistol. After a few seconds of fumbling, she dropped it. "Bit of a pain to use my gun with this, though."

"Hmm, wow, I didn't think of that," said Twilight. "We... don't have those sorts of weapons in Equestria."

"Kind of jealous. Don't worry, I've got an alternate arsenal that I think will do the trick." Her compartment opened back up, and she put the gun back inside. "Bang-up job, Princess. They usually don't make 'em as smart as you. Well, okay, smart's the wrong word. More like... geeky."

Twilight blushed. "Thanks." She found a nearby log and sat, looking up at the stars. It still seemed like just yesterday that using a balloon was her only option for getting close to them. "You know, one of the biggest things I was afraid of when I became a princess was that I wouldn't have time for this sort of thing anymore."

Patricia nodded. "You told me this royalty thing just happened to you, right?"

Twilight nodded. "And it was just so sudden. One minute I'm Princess Celestia's understudy, the next I'm sharing her title. I didn't know what to do. And there certainly weren't any how-to books on the subject. I was afraid I wouldn't measure up to the title, or the task. But worst of all, I..." she trailed off.

Patricia changed back into her humanoid form, and sat next to Twilight. "Hey. I just ran a check with my proximity sensors. It's just us for a mile. And even if you tell me some crazy secret, I'm going to be off-world soon anyway. So fire away. If you're comfortable with it, that is."

Twilight giggled. "No, it's nothing that sensitive." She sighed. "I was afraid being a princess would change who I am. When I look at our other Princesses... Celestia, Luna, Cadance... they're larger than life, Patty. About as tall as your humanoid form, sparkly, masters of their special talents, commanding of universal forces, experienced in ruling over hundreds of thousands of ponies... I'm anything but those things. I thought..." Twilight giggled. "No, it's too silly."

"Thought what?"

"Really, it's silly now. But for so long I thought being a princess meant you were... I don't know. Perfect. Sort of learned that wasn't the case the hard way, though. When I got my wings, it turned out I didn't instantly know everything there was about how to rule a kingdom. And then there was the coronation."

"Coronation, huh? What happened there?"

Twilight's giggles persisted. "Once I was crowned, I spread my wings, and started flying."

Patricia cocked her head. "...aaaaaand?"

"And then I, uh..." Twilight blushed again. "...found out I couldn't stop. The sky was lovely, but if I hadn't eventually flown by the Wonderbolts Academy and been plucked back down by Spitfire, I'd probably have flown around the world five times by now!" Twilight laughed. "Or collapsed trying."

Patricia scoffed. "Hey, at least you didn't crash like me."

"I kind of wish I had! I was sore for days! But yes, at least for the time being, it seems all I have to do is be myself."

"Always good advice," said Patricia. "And hey, you just helped establish a first contact for your planet. Not bad for an imperfect newbie princess."

"Sure, now all I need is my own domain. Maybe I can be ruling Princess of Ponyville. Tiniest queendom in Equestria." Twilight chuckled.

Patricia did as well before exhaling. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about imperfection." She folded her hands, looking at the ground. "Truth be told, the reason I'm here is just because of another one of my screw-ups. All this advanced tech I'm made of and I'm hardly the best on the force. I make tons of mistakes and I've heard talk more than once of replacing my emotional circuits so I'm a bit more.. obedient."

Twilight's eyebrows raised. "Obedient?"

"Yeah. Hey, I'm a bot. Totally can be done." Patricia sighed. "I really want to see this mission successful, though. I mean sure, it's part my fault she's here in the first place, but... ugh! That baby's loud and dumb and ugly and she gives me no end to grief. All of them do. So why do I care so much about the little snarker? Like, I don't even care anymore if the Chief has my head. I just want to see it safe."

Twilight smiled, her namesake sparkle in her eyes. "I suppose being made a girl robot doesn't help matters."

"What do you mean by that?"

Twilight took Patricia's hand in her hooves. "What I mean is, it's no wonder you care about preserving a life so much. It's... just wired into us, you know? Most of us are set up to create it someday. I'm wondering if maybe your designer knew more than she let on."

"Huh." Patricia looked at Twilight's hooves, then up at her. "I never thought about it like that. Can't argue against it, though."

"And if you're really worried about your mission that much... when this is over, I'll be happy to send you back with a report on your exemplary behavior in the line of duty. Provided we're successful, of course."

Patricia gasped. "Seriously?"

Twilight gave a confident nod. "Seriously."

"Thanks so much!" Patricia said, giving Twilight's hooves a squeeze. "Heh... wow. Royalty are supposed to be wise, right? Think you'll do just fine, Princess." She stood up. "Okay, I think I'm ready." Let's conserve our charges, then go get 'em tomorrow?"

Twilight giggled. "We call it 'sleep,' but I couldn't agree more."


Changeling Castle
Queen Chrysalis's Throne Room
(Housekeeper Wanted: Apply Within)

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall..."

"She still at it?" asked Pratchett.

"Still at it," said Sounder. "That silly speech and everything. I don't know where she got it from. And it's a standing mirror. There's no 'wall' anywhere near it!"

Chrysalis turned to face her lieutenants. "Now, now, you two. Tomorrow's a very big day, and I have to decide exactly which outfit I'm going to wear. It has to suit the occasion perfectly."

With a burst of magic, Chrysalis's form shifted from her normal changeling queen self to that of a white alicorn wearing golden jewelry, and looked at her reflection in the mirror before her. "No, no. Far too... pompous an appearance." She shifted to navy blue. "Gah, too moody. Not five seconds and I already feel like moping about how nopony understands me."

She changed to pink -- and the second she saw herself, she roared, barely managing to stop herself from reflexively shattering the mirror with one hoof. "That little... huh. I guess I'm still not completely over that weekend. Shrink's going to have a field day."

She reverted back to her normal self. "I suppose I'm just going to have to go with my original choice. Pratchett, Sounder, watch me, would you? I'd like to know if what you're about to see is any improvement."

Chrysalis concentrated, and a bright green light enveloped her. As the light pulsed up and down, the holes in her limbs filled themselves, and green fur grew over her frame. In the space of three minutes, her black, scaly form became a green and blemishless pony body which shone in the moonlight.

Chrysalis tossed her head, and a sparkling mane, made of green and black streaks which reached to floor length, revealed itself with a tail to match. She spread green wings, at the same time as a perfectly conical green horn replaced the normally jagged one atop her head.

Pratchett could only gape. Sounder's eyes were instantly replaced with hearts. Both stood on their back hooves and applauded. The applause was soon joined by over a hundred more changelings, who had wandered over during the transformation.

"Thank you, thank you," said Chrysalis. "You've been a most wonderful audience. From this night forward you may address me by the title I once held, which was unjustly taken away from me! You may address me... as Princess Chrysalis." She held up a hoof. "To the glory of the changeling hive, and the destruction of our enemies!"

The other changelings roared in approving response.

Princess Chrysalis turned back to her mirror, uttering one final sentence to her reflection.

"Surprise, surprise, Sparkle. It seems like everyone's getting their wings these days."

Comments ( 15 )

I'm liking how this story's rolling out. It's a shame this one isn't as successful as some of your other fanfictions.

To be blunt, despite having played both Switch Force games, I never really got into the story. This fic is making me want to actually figure out the what's and why's and how's of the Switch Force universe.

Oh, by the by, since this IS a WayForward property, PLEASE tell me there's a Shantae reference somewhere!


I'm as surprised as you, really. Maybe if I put Patty in SPARTAN armor or made her an open-world gangbanger. You think anyone would notice the difference? :pinkiehappy:

Nah, seriously, though -- in my heart of hearts I sort of knew this was going to have Wonderful 101-levels of reception on release. This is a suuuuper-obscure crossover, and a late one besides. I don't begrudge the more known and better-timed crossover fics one bit.

It's how WayForward actually kind of works, really. The things it works on that are more in the public eye (Contra, Double Dragon, DuckTales, Batman) get them their accolades and followers, but as far as their original works go? Success is a fraction of and you really have to love what you're doing to finish working on something you already know will have a cult (devoted, but tiny) audience at best.

And I love working with Patty and Gen here (and WF as a studio in general), so my goal is mainly to make sure that the fellow WF fans who stumble upon this really end up loving it, because it's mainly for us. (Meanwhile I'll keep doing the bread-and-butter fluff-fics and shipfics!) So thanks for letting me know it's at least on the way to that. :twilightsmile:

Honestly, MSF doesn't have much publicly known story to speak of at all. You could contain it in two paragraphs, so a lot of my time was spent devising probable scenarios and character aspects around those two paragraphs! See if you can spot the things I completely made up! Hint: It's a lot. As for references, there's already a pretty blatant one to another WF game running around in the currently published text! Keeping mum on any upcomings, though. :raritywink:

As one of those few Wayforward cultists, I'm SO following this.


Awesome! Welcome to the party! :pinkiehappy:

(And heck, if you know any more, toss 'em over!)

3365807 I'm certainly enjoying your take on Patty in this story. Sort of a cross between Megaman and Lina Inverse. :pinkiehappy:

Chrysalis, Pratchett and Sounder are turning into wonderful renditions of old 80s cartoon villains, too. And Twilight is the most adorkable princess EVER. I just love how much fun is infused into this piece all around. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and given how Fluttershy acted toward Chrysalis, I'm rubbing my palms together with glee and schadenfreude at the prospect of seeing her once she finds out that Patty kicked a baby out of orbit. :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

3373162 3373217

...I can't believe I missed this. Like I was never even told you said this. Gosh I'm sorry FIMFIC NOTIFICATIONS WHAT DO I EVEN TURN YOU ON FOR HUH

Anyway, give the man a prize, because "Megaman+Lina" was the exact combination I had in my mind while I was writing this! Part of me wants to feel bad for being so transparent but heck, at least it means I'm pulling it off well enough! :rainbowlaugh: You're spot-on about the changeling crew, too, and I refuse to not let Twi ever be adorkable, wings be damned.

Thanks for the review! Oh and the baby-kicking will be addressed. Won't say how, though. :raritywink:

3390294 Don't feel bad! I occasionally have moments of freakish insight. I make up for it karmically by being derptacularly oblivious in other areas. :derpytongue2:

Y'know, I always wanted to see a story involving a space cop crashing in Equestria for some reason. And the fact that it's Mighty Switch Force is double the fun. :pinkiehappy:


Space cops are the best cops.

Because they're from space.

Loved Pratchett and Sounder's banter; these two are gonna be the "Bulk and Skull" of this fic, aren't they? :pinkiehappy:

This will be GLORIOUS... I'm already loving this. and it's hilarious. Gendarmor is a great character for a Big guy, polite and intelligent, and Patricia... hooooo boy she looks like a riot!

Wow, I just recently got into this series, I'll check this out. I was not expecting this.

Who would've thought that baby would be so much trouble. Geez. ARE the houligan sister gonna get involved at all?

:pinkiegasp: best story EVER!
Keep up the good work

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