• Published 3rd Sep 2013
  • 1,861 Views, 15 Comments

Gray Twilight - MyHobby

Twilight Sparkle and Spike prepare for an exam at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Failure has never been an option.

  • ...

Dare Mighty Things

“I don’t suppose now would be a good time for a break?”

Twilight Sparkle raised her head above the stack of books she was slogging through. Her nose twitched as she took a look at the sun’s position in the sky. “Hmm. Yeah, it’s probably time for lunch.”

Spike the Dragon slid down the ladder, joining his friend on the ground. He bounded ahead of her into the kitchen, where he wrapped a small apron around his torso. He was already gathering ingredients for a couple of sandwiches when Twilight reached the room.

She was carrying a book in her telekinetic grip, reviewing it even as she fixed herself a meal. Spike smirked at her while he sprinkled his bread with gem dust. “If you don’t pay attention, you’re gonna end up reading your sandwich and eating your book.”

Twilight blinked while the comment registered in her preoccupied brain. “Very funny. This stuff is important for me to remember, Spike. I’m not gonna pass the exam unless I study hard.”

“I know,” he replied. “I just don’t want to see you burn yourself out again.” He brought her plate and his to the table, setting them beside each other. “Come on, no reading at the table. Let’s eat!”

She set her book aside slowly, taking in a deep breath before sitting at the table with a smile. Spike sat beside her and patted her shoulder with a claw. “You’ll do fine, Twilight. Let your mind rest a little.”

“A mind at rest tends to stay at rest,” she mumbled as she took a bite. “I’ll make sure that I know the spells forwards and backwards, inside and out, even if it kills me.”

“Don’t even joke about that,” Spike grumbled. He leaned his elbow on the table, twisting his body towards Twilight. “Look, I’ll help you practice after lunch. We’ll get a little exercise, some fresh air, and let you spell-cast out in the open.”

At her nod and smile, Spike tore into his sandwich with the full fervor of a hungry dragon. Twilight giggled as crumbs flew through the air. “Spike, stop!” she yelped. “You’re making a mess!”

His eyes widened at the dusting of bread crumbs covering the table. “Aw, shoot. I’m gonna have to clean this up, too?”

“Later,” Twilight said. “For now, let’s go to the park. We’ve got a workout ahead of us!”

They exited through the door to Twilight’s dormitory, heading into the busy streets of Canterlot. Twilight sent Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns a glance, her pace quickening a beat as she did so. Spike climbed up on her back and gave her side a reassuring pat.

“You’ll do fine,” he said. “Just focus on doing your best.”

“Professor Merlot is tough.” She looked back at him, her eyebrows arched. “My best has to be perfect.”

He turned around and reclined on her back, kicking his foot in the air as she walked on. “It always is.”

“Hey, Spike! Twilight!” A white unicorn mare ran up to them. She was trailed by two other unicorns, who remained a short distance away from Twilight. “What’s up? We were just about to get a milkshake, want to join us?”

Twilight took a few slow steps back from the other pony. “Thanks, Moondancer, but I was just on my way to practice.”

Moondancer tilted her head and smiled. “Ooh, yeah, Professor Merlot’s exam tomorrow? It’s gonna be a tuffy for sure.” She placed a hoof to her lips, her eyes searching the sky in thought. “What do you say to joining us? We can all study together after our break!”

Twilight shook her head a bit harder than she really meant to. “Oh, no, no, no thank you. I’ll be fine!” She turned with a wave and sped off, headed for the park.

Spike mouth “thanks” to Moondancer, who shrugged in response. He lay back, pouting a little at Twilight. “Rude much? She just wants to hang out.”

“I told you, Spike,” Twilight said. “I don’t have time to ‘hang out.’ I’ve gotta work on my schooling.”

“Would one afternoon hurt?” he asked. “You might even make some friends.”

“It would if it was the afternoon before a test!” she snapped. She tensed up, pursing her lips together. “I’m sorry, Spike. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

He rolled over and put a claw on her head. “Let’s get to the park, maybe you can blow off a little steam.”

A few moments later, he disembarked and waddled a few feet away from her. He wiggled his toes in the freshly-trimmed grass and grinned. “Alright, Twilight, the first spell is ‘fire,’ right?”

She nodded and her horn began to glow. A small crowd gathered around, keen on a show. Sparks jumped from her horn as she held on tight, gritting her teeth in concentration. She released the spell with a grunt, sending a fireball flying through the air at Spike.

It hit him square in his scaly chest, knocking him back a few inches. He coughed as smoke billowed around him; the fireball had singed the tips of the grass. “Try to keep it tighter, Twilight! ‘More compact for more impact!’”

She nodded and charged the spell up again. The next time she released it, it bowled the small dragon over while keeping the grass intact. He sat up with a grin. “Good one, Twilight! Water’s next!”

In the next few minutes, Spike was drenched, frozen, and zapped by Twilight’s spells. Both were panting by the end, grinning despite their workout.

“Great going, Twilight,” Spike said. “You’ll ace the test for sure!”

Twilight nodded, but didn’t meet his gaze. She chewed at her mane, idly glancing about the park. “Thanks for your help, Spike. I couldn’t do it without you.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said as he climbed up on her back. “So what’s next? A celebratory stop by Donut Joe’s? A trot across the Canterlot Battlements? Maybe see a movie at the cinema?”

“I was gonna go back to the dorm and study some more.” She trotted back towards the apartments. “I want to make sure I have this right.”

“Oh, for the…” Spike sighed. “Twilight, really, you’ve got this.”

She shrugged. “You can head out if you want, but I’m staying.”

He opened his mouth to protest, but cut himself off when he caught sight of an off-course Frisbee zinging straight for them. “Twilight! Look out!”

She turned her head right at the incoming projectile. A gasp was barely out of her mouth before her horn glowed, shrouding them in a purple balloon of magic. The Frisbee bounced off of the bubble and into the air. It came down and landed neatly in Spike’s claws.

His mouth moved without speaking. He tossed the Frisbee back to the profusely-apologizing colt who had thrown it. The poor guy caught the toy and practically kissed the ground beside Twilight, backing away slowly.

“Wow, Twilight,” Spike said. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

“Shining Armor’s taught me a few advanced spells,” she replied. She turned with a smirk. “‘Reflect’ has been the most useful by far.”

They reached the dorm a short time later, where Twilight once again took up her books. Spike brought her one requested tome, hobbling about as he walked with it beneath his arm.

“So,” he asked, “what other kinds of advanced spells do you know?”

“Just a couple of things,” Twilight said. “I can teleport a little, and I can do a low-level failsafe spell.” She tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Just curious,” he chuckled. “I’m surprised you know anything that isn’t in the curriculum.”

Twilight shook her head, her purple-striped mane dancing back and forth. “Very funny. I’ve been studying magic a whole lot longer than I’ve been in school.”

“Yeah?” Spike sorted a stack of books, making sure they were in alphabetical order. “I guess you would have had to, if you hatched me by accident.”

“I wouldn’t call it ‘by accident,’” Twilight said with a giggle. She nudged him with a hoof, causing him to giggle, too. “I was trying to hatch you, after all.”

Spike’s smile continued to light up his face as he glanced out the window. When he had taken note of the sun’s position, his smile evaporated into concern. “Oops, it’s getting late. I’ve gotta head back to the castle.” He set one final book in its proper place and headed for the door. “See you tomorrow, Twilight! Don’t stay up too late studying!”

“Is there such a thing?” Twilight snickered. “See you tomorrow.”

Spike made his way through the city streets towards the castle, waving to familiar guards and workers as he went. He soon entered the courtroom of Princess Celestia, monarch of Equestria. She sat on the throne with an air of refinement, listening quietly to the day’s final request.

Spike kept to the back of the courtroom, standing next to the royal guard on duty. The guard gave him a nod of acknowledgement, and Spike returned it with a grin. He watched Celestia give the pony speaking to her an answer, one which the pony seemed to be happy with. A noble stepped up beside Celestia and announced that the court was no longer in session.

It was the work of a spare few minutes for the room to become completely empty, save for two occupants. Spike ran up to Celestia and grasped one of her legs in a hug. “Hi, Princess. Did you have a good day?”

“It was quite pleasant,” she replied. Her smile shone down upon him. “Tell me about your day, Spike.”

As Spike spoke, she climbed off of her throne and sat on the floor beside him. She gave him a nuzzle as he explained what spells Twilight was working on, and how they had practiced in the park that day.

“I did what you said,” he continued, “I asked Moondancer to invite Twilight for milkshakes, but she didn’t even consider it.” He placed his chin on his knees, pouting as he sat beside the sovereign of Equestria. “How am I supposed to help her make friends if she won’t even try?”

Celestia sighed a deep sigh. She extended a wing and drew Spike closer with it. “One needs to be a friend to have friends, I’m afraid. I believe… I believe Twilight will make friends eventually. She already has you, after all.”

“Do I really count?” Spike wondered aloud. “I’m more of a”—he waggled his claw—“assistant, younger brother, cousin-ish... kinda guy.”

“Yes, you are all that,” Celestia said. “All that and more, I feel. Don’t undercut your own contributions, Spike. You are special to all of us.”

“Thanks,” he chuckled. He stiffened as a thought occurred to him. “Hey, she graduates in a couple years, right?”

Celestia nodded. “That’s the plan, and she’s doing marvelously so far.”

“So…” Spike fidgeted in place, twiddling his thumbs. “So when she’s done with school, she probably won’t need me anymore, huh? She’ll have her own duties, her own assistants…”

The princess’ mouth frowned, but her eyes held a knowing sparkle. “She very well could, but…” She bent down and nudged his head spikes with her muzzle. “I don’t think either she or you would like that arrangement very much.”

Spike shook his head, keeping silent. Celestia stood and grasped the little dragon, setting him on her back. “Do you know why I named you her assistant in the first place?”

He shook his head as she flew out the window and towards a high tower. “’Cuz we’re friends, I guess.”

“Because you've always worked so well together,” she said. “You are two peas in a pod, two cogs in a great machine. I’d hate to see the two of you separated.” She landed on the balcony and entered the tower’s highest room. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Spike.”

She set him down on his little basket and wrapped him in the blankets. His eyelids started to droop as she spoke. “I’ve seen that you two share a destiny, Spike. There is greatness that can only be reached if you two stick together. When she graduates, I’m going to name you her official royal assistant.”

Spike struggled to stay awake, despite the soft voice of his caretaker and the soft sheets around him. “That sounds… awesome…”

His snores drifted up to Celestia as she exited the room. She turned to the guard beside the door. “Wake him in an hour for supper, please.” She walked on, smiling all the while.

Twilight’s eyes opened as the morning sun fell upon her face. She smacked her lips and wiped away a trail of drool leading down to the book she had been sleeping on. Her eyes widened as she noted the sun’s position in the sky.

“I’m late!” she cried, racing for her book bags. “No, no, no, no, no, no!”

She galloped out of the dorm, nearly bowling over several other students. Spike stood at the castle gate, tapping his foot as he waited. She swept him up while she ran, careening down the road towards the school.

“What’s going on!?” he asked as he held on for dear life. “Why are we so late!?”

“I slept in!” she said. “Or I underslept! Or overslept! Oh, I don’t know! I’m gonna be tardy!”

She ploughed the doors of the school open, skidding on the waxed floor. She crashed onto the wall, using it to correct her course. Her feet pounded and slid, carrying her to the classroom.

She tumbled through the doorway just as the instructor said, “Twilight Sparkle?”

She raised a limp hoof, peeking at him through a disheveled mane. “Here, sir.”

Spike peeled his face off of the floor and set himself upright. “Whoa, let’s not do that again.”

Professor Merlot peered over his glasses. His dark purple tail swished behind him. “You are very lucky today, Miss Sparkle. We are just about to begin the exam.”

She took her seat quickly. Moondancer cast her a glance and mouthed, “Are you okay?”

Twilight nodded, and turned her attention to the head of the class.

“Today’s exam,” Merlot said, “will take the form of a magic duel against me. The spells you have learned will be used to counter the spells I use. Points will be deducted for any spell of mine you cannot counter.” He turned a steady gaze upon the class. “I expect everypony here will do well. I will be disappointed if I find that you have not practiced adequately.”

A colt near the back of the classroom gulped loudly. Twilight desperately brushed at her mane to keep it from sticking out at odd angles. A warm, scaly hand settled on her shoulder. She turned to the smiling face of Spike as he sat in a chair beside her. He gave her a “thumbs up” and winked, prompting a smile on her own face.

“We shall now head to the gym,” Merlot instructed. “Please proceed in an orderly fashion down the hall.”

Spike rode on Twilight’s back as they joined the mob of ponies headed to the gym. Professor Merlot led the way, his ponytail bobby lightly behind his head. Twilight’s eyes slipped to the floor, focusing on her hooves.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered to Spike. “I can’t…” She gasped. “I can’t remember how to make a fireball!”

“Calm down,” Spike said, petting her neck softly. “Just calm down and think. You’ve done it a million times before.”

“Then why can’t I remember?!” She shivered under him, biting her lower lip. “Why can’t I think of it?”

The doors to the gym appeared far too soon. They opened with a glow of Merlot’s horn, and he ushered the students inside. “As I’ve said on previous occasions, there will be ten spells to counter. Who will volunteer to be first?”

Moondancer stepped up. “I’ll go. Wish me luck, guys.”

Merlot and Moondancer took up their positions on opposite sides of a rectangular outline, set at regulation distance. Merlot gave her a nod. “We begin.”

A fireball spewed forth from his horn, rocketing towards his student. She smiled and summoned a spray of water from her’s, extinguishing the flame midflight.

He nodded and followed up with a bolt of electricity. She gasped and danced to the side, letting the lightning strike hit the floor. He shook his head and snorted. “Focus, Moondancer.”

A chill fell around the room as he launched a chunk of ice at her. She countered with a fireball, turning the ice into gas with an audible pop. His next lightning bolt was intercepted by a wall of water, leading the excited protons down into the floor.

“Good,” he said, launching a deluge of water. Moondancer squeaked as it made contact with her. The rectangle they were perched on, and Moondancer herself, glowed with a white aura. The water pounded harmlessly against her, protected as she was by the magical force field.

“That’s two,” he warned. He launched a mist of cold her way, which she intercepted with a small heat wave.

The remainder of her test passed uneventfully, though she was clearly exhausted by the end. Sweat plastered her long mane to her neck and back, but her smile shone brightly. She trotted over to her friends, laughing in relief that it was over.

Twilight stood stock still, only breathing enough to not pass out. Spike rubbed her shoulders, casting glances to the celebrating fillies a few steps away. “It’ll be alright, Twilight. I believe in you.”

“Twilight Sparkle?” Merlot called out. “Will you please step up?”

With a small nudge from Spike, Twilight walked slowly up to the dueling space. She shivered as Professor Merlot charged up his horn. “We begin.”

The fireball that rocketed towards Twilight looked like a missile from a trebuchet. She sat down and bit her lip, holding in a scream. The floor and her body glowed as the fire hit.

Merlot frowned. “Keep your chin up, Miss Sparkle.” He lobbed an ice chunk towards her; it shattered at it crashed into the force field. “Miss Sparkle, are you paying attention?” A tornado of water swirled around her, and Merlot growled. “Sparkle, are you going to take this seriously or not!?”

Lightning struck her as tears poured down her face. “I-I can’t…”

“Twilight!” Spike shouted. “Reflect!”

The shield rose without a second thought, bouncing Merlots water bomb into the air and back towards him. He grunted as it splattered against his force field, knocking his concentration for a loop. He narrowed his eyes at Twilight, sizing up the shield that now protected her.

A fireball bounced harmlessly off of the shield, zipping back to its caster. Merlot watched the ball burst against his chest, his eyebrow raised. His horn glowed, and a chilly sensation rolled up Twilight’s legs. She teleported herself out of the cocoon of ice and glanced nervously around the room.

Merlot pushed his glasses further up his muzzle. He crafted a wall of ice and pushed it towards Twilight. She disappeared in a flash of light, reappearing when the wall had passed.

The professor shut his eyes and concentrated. The air shimmered as heat rose all around Twilight. She gasped as fire surrounded her completely, swirling and waving on every side. She shut her eyes as well, concentrating on her purple-glowing horn. A bubble of magic exploded from her, causing the fire to disappear and the floor to stop glowing.

Moondancer gasped and lowered her head to Spike. “What-what was that?”

“Her ‘failsafe’ spell,” he said. “It shuts down all magic spells nearby.” He grinned as Moondancer’s jaw dropped. “Pretty wicked sweet, huh?”

Merlot waited while the shield spells around the duel arena recharged. He sucked in a large breath and let it out slowly. He squared his hooves and lowered his horn at Twilight, who did her best to match his stance. His horn glowed alongside hers, prepping themselves for their arcane rock-paper-scissors match.

Lightning shot forth from both their horns, meeting in the center of the arena. Manes stood on end and hearts raced as sheer power flew across the room. Twilight faltered for but a moment, her hooves slipping on the wooden floor.

“Go, Twilight!” Spike shouted. “You can do it!”

She righted herself and pressed forward with all of her might. She gritted her teeth and grunted, pouring her every ounce of will into her electrical barrage. The resistance on the other side of the feat of strength lessened, and she took the opportunity to press in one more time.

Merlot flew back, and would have continued across the room had he not been anchored to the dueling arena floor. He slumped to the ground, his expression aghast. Standing to his feet, he shook his head and addressed his students. “Class is dismissed for one half hour. We shall reconvene after that time.”

Twilight sat outside Merlot’s office with Spike beside her. She wiped her face with her foreleg, trying not to cry but failing miserably. Spike rubbed his claw along her back, his eyebrows raised in compassion.

“Oh, gosh,” she said at last. “I really messed up this time.”

“What?” Spike said with a smile. “You kicked his flank! You really showed him what Twilight Sparkle can do!”

“I failed!” she gasped out. “I didn’t use the spells we were supposed to learn. I missed four of his challenges. Four, Spike! Even if I did the assignment, that’s still only six out of ten.” She sniffled. “That’s a ‘D,’ Spike. It’s only one step above failure. And without the assigned spells, there’s no way I didn’t fail.”

“What’s with you?” Spike asked. He slapped a claw over his mouth, wincing at his harsh words. “I mean… Why’s it so important to be absolutely perfect? So you messed up a little this time, but even then you did great!”

“Great isn’t good enough!” Twilight said. “I’m the personal student of Celestia! I’m Canterlot’s magic prodigy! People expect me to do great things!” She sat back and stared at the ceiling. “And… and I want to do great things. I want to help people, to discover new magic, to be the best. I want…”

She turned her head to look at Spike and sighed. He scooted closer to her and hugged her tight. “I want what I do to matter. I want to matter, and be the best, and to help others be their best.” She rested her chin on his head. “How can I do that if I can’t succeed?”

The door cracked open. “Miss Sparkle, will you come in, please?”

With a final reassuring pat from Spike, Twilight trotted into the office. She sat in the offered chair and waited while Merlot seated himself. “Miss Sparkle, you’ve given me quite the dilemma.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” Twilight lowered her head and pursed her lips.

“You only used one spell that was part of the assignment,” he said as if he did not notice her speak. “If you would please display the use of fire, ice, and water magic…”

She raised her head, giving him a quirked eyebrow. He held out a hoof, urging her on.

She sighed and summoned up a ball of fire, which she extinguished with a stream of water. She then froze the water in place. Merlot nodded and scribbled in a notebook.

“Very well.” He placed the book on his desk and crossed his forelegs. “Unfortunately, you missed four of my challenges, and that leaved you with sixty points.” He looked over his glasses at her. “A ‘D,’ Miss Sparkle.”

She nodded and kept her eyes trained on the floor. He tapped a hoof against his desk, and her head rose. “You have enough points in my class to pass, so let this just be a warning to come prepared next time.”

“Yes, sir,” she said. She started to get up, but Merlot stopped her.

“You surprised me, Miss Sparkle.” He sat back in his chair and regarded her bemusedly. “Your raw power far outstrips mine, and you are still learning. I foresee great things in your future.”

Twilight pawed at the seat cushion, trying to shrink herself smaller by sheer force of will. “Even after my failure today?”

A small smile tweaked at the side of Merlot’s mouth. “A wise leader once said, ‘Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...’” Merlot leaned forwards, his glasses sliding down on his muzzle. “‘Than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat’”

Twilight’s brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t…”

“It means don’t let the fear of failure stop you from succeeding,” Professor Merlot said. “Failure is often a large part of success, after all, but only if you learn from it.”

His horn glowed, and the door opened behind her. “Live for what you can be, Miss Sparkle. Live for what you could accomplish.”

As she left the room, Merlot mumbled once more under his breath. “Never stop trying.”

Merlot walked towards the gym at a brisk trot, while Twilight and Spike took a more leisurely pace.

“So,” Spike said, “How’d it go?”

Twilight exhaled through her nose. “Hard to say. I did get a ‘D.’”

“Ouch,” Spike mumbled.

“But I guess it’s not so bad,” Twilight said. “I’m still passing the class, just not with an ‘A.’”

“Cool,” Spike nodded. “Heh. Did Merlot say anything about how you totally trumped him?”

“Not really,” Twilight giggled. “It’s Professor Merlot, after all.”

Spike stood on her back and struck a heroic pose. “Ahurumph! I am Professor Merlot the Unflappable! The following surprise quiz is to be submitted in the form of interpretive dance! Please be sure to include flag semaphore in your answers!”

Twilight’s laughter echoed like the sound of bells down the corridor. As they neared the gym, Spike grabbed her ears and pulled gently back, bringing her eyes to meet his. “Hey, Twilight?”

She smiled up at him. “Yeah, Spike?”

Spike released her ears. “You’re never gonna be a failure to me.”

Twilight rubbed her cheek against his. “Thanks, Spike. You’re the best.”

Author's Note:

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

--Theodore Roosevelt

Inspired in part by The Descendant's writings on Spike and Twilight, which you should totally check out.

Also inspired by Theodore Roosevelt, natch, whose words of wisdom on hard work inspire and terrify me to this day.

Comments ( 15 )

“Today’s exam,” Merlot said, “will take the form of a magic duel against me. The spells you have learned will be used to counter the spells I use. Points will be deducted for any spell of mine you cannot counter.” He turned a steady gaze upon the class. “I expect everypony here will do well. I will be disappointed if I find that you have not practiced adequately.”
A duel with Twilight. O.o
That... Was... AWESOME!!!!!

To be fair, Merlot was using what seemed to be more advanced spells against Twilight that he did with the others.


That... Was... AWESOME!!!!!

I know, right? :pinkiehappy: Thanks!


To be fair, Merlot was using what seemed to be more advanced spells against Twilight that he did with the others.

Yes, but only after she started to use more advanced spells against him.

Very, very perceptive of you. :eeyup:

He should have told her to stop rather than just doing what he did. If his job was to was to judge how well they use them, he should have made them be used.

Man, that really was awesome! I loved the duel, over powered Twilight is awesome!


You know, I've spent all of yesterday and today thinking up ways that his actions could be neither a plot hole, nor unethical. Everything I've considered requires elements that I did not include in the story to even hold water. Yes, in a modern-day classroom setting, he should have just stopped her where she was, considering the purpose of the assignment.

Thank you for your critique. I all too often need someone to tap me on the shoulder and tell me when I'm doing something wrong. It feels like there's always something holding me back from writing good stories...


Thank you! I totally agree about Twilight. :twilightangry2: :twilightsmile:

It doesn't make the story bad, in fact it could add even more substance to it.

He seemed like a hard up and prideful person at first and when Twilight started to throw the more advanced stuff he reacted like she was challenging his authority and tried to to put her in her place, or that's a way to look at it at least. He could have failed her, could have done more as well but he didn't. He got past that pride and not only passed her he also gave her that encouragement, something not required of him. So he seemed to have learned a lesson as well.

TL,DR; Just because a character was a bit of a jerk doesn't make the story bad.


It doesn't make the story bad, in fact it could add even more substance to it.


I'm starting to see the benefits of the whole "death of the author" school of thought. That's awesome.

Unfortunately, I have an honest streak a mile wide. :ajsleepy:

Truth be told, as I was writing Merlot, I imagined his mindset to be more along the lines of curiosity than haughtiness. When he saw Twilight preforming the "advanced" spells, he wanted to test her more thoroughly, though in a completely different way than originally intended. He sought to test her limits.

Needless to say, I prefer your interpretation. Either way, he's probably not the best teacher in the business.

TL,DR; Just because a character was a bit of a jerk doesn't make the story bad.

I've written enough jerks to know that. :pinkiehappy:

But when an author doesn't notice details like this, the end product usually is. :applejackunsure:

I just wanna say thanks for taking the time to discuss this with me, it's very much appreciated.

I enjoyed a lot as well, and thank you very much for actually responding to someone pointing out something they think is wrong, and then admitting that the person was right. It speaks highly of you and you would not believe how refreshing it is to have an actual debate with it.

Anyway, before I sound like to much more of an ass, you're welcome with pointing that out and if you ever want a prereader on standby I would be willing.


Anyway, before I sound like to much more of an ass, you're welcome with pointing that out and if you ever want a prereader on standby I would be willing.

Thank you. I think I'll have to take you up on that sometime. :twilightsmile:

“Great isn’t good enough!” Twilight said. “I’m the personal student of Celestia! I’m Canterlot’s magic protégé! People expect me to do great things!” She sat back and stared at the ceiling. “And… and I want to do great things. I want to help people, to discover new magic, to be the best. I want…”

Not protégé, prodigy.

As in: Twilight is Celestia's protégé or her personal student. Twilight is also a magical prodigy or wunderkind a pony who, at an early age, develops skills at a level far beyond the norm for her age.


Not protégé, prodigy.
As in: Twilight is Celestia's protégé or her personal student. Twilight is also a magical prodigy or wunderkind a pony who, at an early age, develops skills at a level far beyond the norm for her age.

Whoops! :twilightoops:

Thank you very much for pointing out the distinction! I'm glad to know the difference. :pinkiehappy:

Whoops, not sure how I never manged to get around to this. I faved it for reading a while ago, and then lost it down in my unread chapters listing. Glad I found it, though, pre-Ponyville Twilight is a favorite topic of mine these days.

And that was excellent. It really is a good thing that Celestia sent Twilight to Ponyville. Even without the "needed to save the world" funny details, the poor girl really needed some more friends than just Spike.

Great use of the Teddy Roosevelt quote.


Whoops, not sure how I never manged to get around to this. I faved it for reading a while ago, and then lost it down in my unread chapters listing.

Watching. Waiting. Building for the moment to strike!

Glad I found it, though, pre-Ponyville Twilight is a favorite topic of mine these days.

Mine, too. Pre-Summer Sun Celebration is a really neat time overall. Whenever I see a story in that style, I at the least hit "Read later" and actually, you know, read it later.

And that was excellent. It really is a good thing that Celestia sent Twilight to Ponyville. Even without the "needed to save the world" funny details, the poor girl really needed some more friends than just Spike.

Spike's the man, but... he's just one man. Boy. Drake. Whatever. An excellent support, assistance, and all-around buddy. A pony needs a bit more than that at times. For instance, I don't believe i've seen a moment in the series where Spike and Twilight make each other laugh...

Great use of the Teddy Roosevelt quote.

Thanks. I don't know that I really did it justice, but it's the thing that inspired the whole story, so there you go. :twilightblush:

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