• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Training (10)


"Oof." I let out a puff of air as I fell to the ground, Gilda putting her claw to my throat.

"Alright, I give. You really are good at this."

"That's what now? Sixteen to three?" She smirked as she let me up.

"Seventeen to five actually."

"I thought you said you were good at this?" She mocked me. "I mean, you're a dude, so you have more muscle, and you said you had to fight before you got here. What happened?"

"Well, for starters, I used to walk on two legs. It's this body. I could weave around my enemies before because I was a lot more graceful, dance classes. Yeah, I know, they're lame, laugh it up. This body is stronger, can fly, and has claws but it's a lot more.... bulky. That and I have to go on all fours, which means often times my claws aren't free, and going on my hind legs is no good because I'll have them cut out from under me, and make myself a bigger target for ranged attacks. I have no hand to hand experience with this form, and no quadrupeds from my world have martial arts for me to watch. That does however mean that if we come up against some kind of ninja Diamond Dog, they won't stand a chance because I've seen it all already. It's like I was born and raised to fight the mutts."

"And that's why we're doing this." She said as she pinned me for the 18th time.


After she had beaten me 30 or so times, we took a break to eat. I drew the clams from the bucket, filled the pot with water from a nearby river that fed into the ocean, and had Gilda start the fire on the beach. I had taught her how to find and use flint, which she swore once we got back to the Dominion that she was going to show everybody. Also, as a side note, only ponies, sheep, cows, and donkeys say everypony. Griffins, Diamond Dogs, and dragons that aren't raised by recluse unicorns say everybody or everyone. This made adjusting a lot easier, and no pony would question my word selection.

"You know, these claws are beyond useful. It's like having razor sharp little knives that are good for everything from combat to cooking." I commented as I sliced some of the vegetables. Adding the clam meat to the cream based broth first to let it cook thoroughly, followed by potatoes for richness, and finally chives for flavour. I let it simmer for a couple minutes before pulling out some bowls and spoons that we had gotten in Manehatten, since they were cheap.

"Alright, dig in!" I ate heartily, while Gilda picked at it, not actually eating.

"Come on, we had em in a bucket overnight so there's no sand or salt, and it won't be chewy because they're cooked. It's really good!"

Finally, Gilda took a real mouthful this time, and her eyes went wide in shock at the taste. It was good to say the least. Better than raw venison by any measure. She threw her silverware into her backpack, and gulped the chowder down, eating straight from the bowl.

"This is fantastic! Where'd you learn to make this?" She demanded.

"Library. Not this one, one back home. I was planning on surviving in the wild, so I needed to know how to cook, and had been on vacation a couple times to the southern beaches. My parents didn't want me to come along and ruin their holiday, but they were afraid I'd burn the house down. No concern if I'D be okay."

"Well, when we finish our round trip, it looks like I'll have a couple new tricks to show everyone. It may not be flawless, but this will certainly help with the starvation problem. I mean, there were so many of these things, we only had to dig for a minute to get enough!" She exclaimed.

"That's because they were unknown up till now. They multiplied like mad without anyone digging them up. Also means that our army will never march on an empty stomach. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Stalliongrad is a day away by air with all this gear. Now that our bellies are full, let's get a move on."

I had become a much better flyer in that time. Gilda, being faster, normally flew in front, letting me watch how she flew, as well as get a glimpse of her rear end now and then.

'Damnit Griffin! Get a hold of yourself. Now is not the time to be thinking about that!'

Still, I was getting better, and could carry more weight. I started hauling more of the gear as I wanted to build up muscle, and flying faster at that. About half a day to Stalliongrad, I spotted a peculiar sight. The super speedy cider squeezy, with Flim and Flam riding it. Something didn't look quite right though, it didn't look the same as I remembered it. I motioned to Gilda that I wanted to take a closer look. We flew down, pushing the clouds down with us to use as cover.

'Man, being able to move clouds is awesome. Too bad we can't sleep up there, because our gear isn't enchanted to stay up with us.'

"Look at that brother. That caravan was loaded with goods."

"You're right dear brother, who woulda thought that the bust we had in Ponyville would be the start of our good fortune!"

"You are correct dear brother, with the super speedy cider squeezy's speed, we were able to hit that group of merchant carts and make off with the goods lickity split!"

"I wonder if we'll get bounties after this? Flim and Flam, the famous bandit brothers! Sounds catchy huh?"

"Indeed it does! Why, pretty soon we'll be known all over Equestria! Respected and feared!"

"Hey Gilda, looks like those two had a deal bust in Ponyville and have turned to crime."

"So? What's it to you?" She asked, annoyed.

"Well, I'm giving you the call on this one. We can either leave em be, barter with them although they sound like con artists, or kick their asses and take their ride. Scratch that last one, looks like it's powered by their combined magic, and they said they don't have bounties. If we take em down, then they'll twist it and make us the criminals, pinning the blame on us for robbing those merchants. So, do we trade in stolen goods, or do we pass?"

"We got everything we need, I don't like ponies, and those guys are just as likely to try and rob us. Pass." She said, not wanting to put up with more 'Pierres', especially given the annoying way they spoke.

"I'm inclined to agree. They wouldn't do for combat experience anyway. If they need to work together to move that thing, they're probably not too powerful. Let's give them a little surprise instead."

"What do you have in mind?" She asked. I whispered in her ear, and she got a devilish smirk.

Pushing my cloud down at the pair of con artists, it clung to the ground, making a dense fog.

"Brother, I can't see anything because of this fog, where did it come from?"

"No idea brother, let's get out of here!"

"I can't see the road brother, I don't know where to go!

Suddenly, the fog was gone, as Gilda emptied her rain cloud on the pair, drenching them. They looked absolutely miserable. They looked to the sky and in the distance saw a pair of bird like creatures, and could have sworn they heard laughter.

"Well, that was fun, what now?" Gilda asked.

"Well, now I know that rather than just scum, there's actual crime here in Equestria too. Probably not too much though. Given that this is a utopia, there aren't going to be many who would risk getting kicked out of it."

"What about you?" She inquired.

"Well, becoming a wanted criminal would definitely make things more difficult, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure at some point we're gonna HAVE to commit crimes, like with these books. I couldn't buy them, and renting them meant staying in town a very long time to read through it all. Neither option would work, so I broke the rules. I'll probably get off easy. I only took like six books, and I have a feeling Twilight won't miss them, or can at least easily replace. This way, I get the books we need, and we don't have to worry about memorization. As for other, more serious law breaking, we'll just make sure we don't get caught won't we? After all, humans are masters of cunning, stealth, and deception."

"So, I'm teaching you martial arts, you feel like teaching me how to use a sword?" Gilda suggested.

"Nah, big sword like this doesn't really suit your style, and smaller ones won't really be effective given our anatomy. It's perfect for a great bumbling oaf like me, but for you, it lacks finesse. You'd probably like a bow better. Attack from afar, precise and unseen. Can't have two heavy hitters. Here, I'll explain the standard combat triangle. You've got up close and personal tanks, meat shields basically. They take hits like nothing, but are left open to precision. Then you have the fast and precise rogues, assassins or rangers. They can get in, deliver a lethal strike, then get out. Brawlers like me have a tough time dealing with them, because we're slower, and they just dart around us."

"Like how Rainbow Dash kicked your ass?" She gave a snide remark.

"Don't remind me. Anyway, the exception is if we're heavily armored, they can't get through the thick skin. No matter how fast you are, if you can't get through the defense, you're screwed. The final point on the combat triangle is specialists. Spell casters, potion users. They are weak and slow, but can have some devastating abilities, like Ddog knockout gas or explosives, or unicorn magic. Area of effect abilities won't do jack against an armored target, they'll just power through it, while dehabilitations, such as acid to eat away armor, or knockout gas, are effective because it's almost a guaranteed hit. Those things won't work on the faster fighters because they'll just dodge, so instead, when facing a fast opponent, specialists should use area of effect or guided attacks. They don't do as much damage, but the low armored rogues can't take that much of a beating anyways, so it's better to get a grazing hit than missing with a strong one."

"So, you rush in and give them the beat down, while I pick them off from afar?" She was starting to understand.

"Yep, but we do have a problem."

"We don't have the specialist. For this to work effectively, we need a third group member." Gilda proclaimed.

"Under normal circumstances, yes, however, I am highly abnormal. A brawler with high intelligence? Very rare. See these books? 'Herbology and Potions for the Budding Alchemist, and Practical Chemistry? Perfect for making our own things. Sleeping gas, smoke bombs, poisons, flash bombs, whatever. Both of us can use them, meaning while I am a melee fighter and you are the ranger, we can both double as specialists. Specialists are the hardest to deal with, because they're unpredictable. If I toss a flash bomb into a group of enemies, while they're disoriented, I can run in and smack em around while you pick them off unseen. If they get too close to you for comfort, and you can't handle them in close quarters, you throw a smoke bomb and escape. It mean's we have to analyse each situation carefully, but I think we're more than capable of doing that."

"You think of everything, don't you?" She asked.

"Just about. Other than those, I got books on the jungle and volcanic waste, because we'll be heading there, as well as one on the ring sea, as we'll be sailing on it, and a book on diamond dogs so I can learn more about how their society functions, what to expect from them, blah blah blah.

"What about these ones on metals and gems?" Gilda inquired.

"Well, once we've got a base of operations set up, some workers, and have resources like gems and metal in our stockpiles, we're going to want to start using it to make better weapons and armor, among other things. Once we've got ourselves going, I'm gonna rush civilization straight to the industrial age. I didn't think I should, because of the pollution, but given the state the dominion and badlands are in anyway, and the fact that magic can be used to clean up, I think we can safely pull it off without risking a climate change. Still, I'm gonna be careful what knowledge I give away. My home went too far with a lot of it's tech, and some things are better left NOT being known."

"Like the power capable of destroying the planet?" She asked.

"Yeah, that is one thing that should never have been made. Luckily, the rest of this world lacks the ingenuity to go nuclear, so I'll be carrying their secrets to my grave. I have no desire to watch the world burn."

Dear Princess Celestia,

When is a door not a door?

Sincerely, Griffin.

When is a door not a door? When it's ajar. Griff goes over his plan for world domination in more detail, explaining why he needed those books, as well as a bit of his morals, and the standard combat triangle.

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