• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 360 Views, 6 Comments

The Life of Platinum - Acespadez1134

This is a back story of one of Platinum Sword. He is A unicorn with interesting abilities and interesting luck.

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Chapter 5

Everything started swirling around Lance making him feel sick, “Captain!” Nova grabbed Lance by the shoulders and started shaking him, “Captain we need to hurry”

Lance blinked as his senses started to come back, “PLATINUM!” he yelled as he snapped back to reality he heard the QUEEN screaming frantically, “THE CHILDREN! HONEY PLEASE!” Lance looked up to see the King running up the stairs. Lance looked back to the hole and noticed the Zebra walking away, “STOP!” The zebra glanced back at him and smiled, then turned and walked away.

Nova started to check on ponies that where too close to the first explosion. He dropped down to a mare who is holding her hoof crying because it is badly burnt. He gave Lance a hard look, “Captain you need to go and check on Platinum and Celestia,” he smiled back down at the mare and started to try and make her comfortable.

Lance nodded to Nova, “thanks Nov..”

Nova looked up at him angry, “LANCE, GET THAT FLANK MOVING SOLDIER!”

Lance took a step back turned and took off up the stairs past the Queen, “Lance Please,” she cried as he continued to run past her and up to the hallway. Lance stopped at the top of the stairs were the King is sitting staring down the hallway his face holding a look of disbelief, “Lance…..I…..its not…”

Lance looked down the hall and his heart stopped as he noticed the door to Celestia’s room is sitting on the other side of the hall and there is blast marks coming out from inside the door and small fires still burned on the wooden door frame, “No…” he slowly walked to the door every step his heart felt like it’s about to drop out of his chest. He stood next to the door frame when the Queen climbed the stairs and when she seen the destruction she falls to the ground in tears. The King wrapped her in a hug trying to suppress tears himself. Lance looked down at the floor, his vision becoming blurry with tears. He sat down and closed his eyes tightly when a small sound made his eyes snap open. He looked into the room and noticed that the crib is perfectly intact. A small flame of hope light up inside his heart. He took a small step into the room when a movement inside the crib caused him to stop. Platinum placed his hooves on the edge of the crib and looked at Lance. Lance just about fell over till Celestia propped herself up next to Platinum smiling. Lance can’t hold himself up and he called back his voice cracking, “their ok, The children are ok!”

The Queen is the first to look into the room and when she sees the two children she ran over to them scooping them both up holding them close to her face and sinking down to the floor crying. The King and Nova hurry in behind her. The King hurried over to the Queen and wrapped her in a hug not stopping himself from crying as he nuzzled into Celestia’s mane. Lance walked over to them and grabbed Platinum from the Queen and held him close, “how… How did they miss?”

Nova started to look around the room, “I don’t think they missed,” he continued until he came to the window. He looked up at the broken curtain and fallowed it down to the floor, “Lance... LANCE!!!”

Lance handed Platinum back to the Queen as he stood back up. The fear in his heart building back up, “what’s wrong Nova?” He walked over next to Nova who looked at him sadly then looked down at the fallen curtain. Lance fallowed his gaze to a very familiar silver dress and the flank of a pony that made Lance’s heart shatter. He slowly walked over and pulled the curtain off Crystal's head, he bent down and lifted it up. He put a hoof up to her eyes and closed them putting her in the forever sleep.

Nova walked over next to the King, “she came up here to be with the children. She must have slipped by you two in hopes of trying to get them away safely.”

The King stood up and walked slowly over to Lance who softly laid Crystal's head down and stood up, “Lance? I’m sorry. I wish I…” Lance turned around his heart broken expression replaced with one full of murderous intent, “Lance?” The king took a step back.

Lance turned and ran to the window using his magic to blast it open. He jumped off the balcony and slammed a large magically summoned lance into the ground and grinned down it till he reached the ground. When he landed on the ground continued to run at full speed in the direction the zebra went.

The King looked back at Nova, “we need to go after him now!” Nova nodded. They both jump from the balcony and took off into the air.

The zebra and his group continued to head away from Canterlot. They are crossing a bridge when the Zebra looked to one of his followers, “so she begged you to spare the children in exchange for her life?”

The follower smiled at him, “yeah, I said I would try,” he grinned evilly at his leader, “I’m sure that the spell you gave me made light work of all three of them. The zebra glanced at him, “I told you to leave the filly Princess out of it,” He sounded serious but not concerned.

The follower is just about to respond when a bright light from in front of them caused them to stop. As the light cleared the zebra smiled, “ah, Captain Lance wasn’t it?” Lance has his head down and doesn’t respond at first so the zebra continued, “Did the King tell you to bring us in? Please tell him we can’t see…” Before he can finish his sentence a lance flew through the air and drove it's self through the mouth of one of the dragons piercing out the back of its head and pinning it to a rock face right behind it. The zebra looked back at the dragon watching the blood flow down the rock freely, the dragon didn’t even feel the lance hit him before he was dead. The zebra looked back at Lance his expression a mixture of anger and shock, “who do you think you are dealing with?”

Lance lifted his head up his eyes lusting for blood, his face cold and emotionless. Without even saying a word he summoned two more lances and shot them at his followers. They dodged out of the way but a dragon behind one of them wasn’t so lucky. The lance is buried into its rib cage, the dragon grabbed feebly at the lance to trying and pull it out but Lance smiled wickedly and slowly drove it in further till the fight left inside the dragon dies.

One of the last three dragons decided to take matters into his own claws and dashed forward. He shot a line of black fire at Lance who jumped into the air. The dragon grinned as he jumped to intercept, as he got close to Lance he swung at him with large razor sharp claws. Lance summoned a large lance in front of himself landed on it and jumped off it dodging the dragons attack. Lance’s face gave the dragon a feeling of seeing his final moments flash before his eyes as Lance screamed, “DIE!!” and launched the newly summoned lance at the dragon.

The dragon dodged it smiling wickedly “You need to do better than …” another lance shot up from below the dragon piercing underneath the dragons chin driving itself into its brain killing him instantly. As Lance landed on the bridge a large tail slammed him from his right side sending him flying into the mountains rocky face.

The zebra walked up next to the dragon that hit him, “good work,” he turned around, "finish the job," As the dragon approaches the downed stallion Lance looked into the dragons eyes, and the dragon stopped dead. His every fiber screaming for him to run, but as he turned to run ten more lances fly into the dragon from every angle dropping the dragon to the ground, with a final gurgle of blood coming from its mouth it joins its fellow dragons that have meet an end to the highly seasoned soldier.

The zebra stopped and turned around as Lance stood up, “what are you?” Lance looked at the zebra his eyes pupil less and glowing with a white aura. The zebra looked at him in confusion, “what are you doing?” The zebra turned to the last dragon, “stop him,” a follower tapped him on the shoulder so the zebra glanced at him, “What?!” The follower doesn’t say a word he is looking to the sky and lifted a shaky hoof to the sky causing the zebra to look skyward. The zebra’s expression is instantly filled with a fear he never knew possible for as he continued to look into dark storm clouds a lance the size of the largest tower in Canterlot castle is looming down at them, “stop him... STOP HIM NOW!”

The dragon made one last ditch effort to run at Lance but Lance just smiled at them, “too late,” the dragon stopped and looked up as Lance shot the giant lance at them all.

The dragon smiled up at it, “It may be large but dodging it will be easy,” and he looked back at Lance with a cocky smile.

Lance's eyes said die, but his smile said he already is, “you sure?”

The zebra watched in horror as the large lance shattered apart into lances of every type and size. They fell to the ground like rain hitting the followers and pinning them to the ground easily, one died as one lance is driven through his spine and into the ground. The dragon was a little luckier as he was hit a couple times but not enough to kill him outright. The zebra was not hit at all as he put a spell on his cloak to turn it into a material similar to steel and held it out in front of himself to block them.

When the lances stopped falling the zebra looked up at him smiling, “that all?”

Lance smiled wickedly, “sort of,” he slammed a hoof onto the ground and all of the lances start to glow brightly.

The dragon looked at the 3 of them stuck in him, “what is going on?”

Lance looked at the zebra again with murder in his eyes, “like I said… die,” and with that last word all of the lances glow brighter and exploded all around them.

The King and Nova arrived just in time to see the large explosion. The King looked at it in surprise, “He said he would never use it!”

Nova looked at him in confusion, “what?” The King ignores him and flew down to where the explosion is still burning some of the chard rock around them landing on a larger rock close by. His horn lit up and a light wind blew the smoke away causing Nova to almost miss his landing in surprise, “wha… What The Hell Happened?!” The carnage was incredible as body parts scorch marks and blood littered the ground around them. Nova looked over and pointed to where Lance is slowly walking over to the zebra who is trying to crawl away, “over there!”

The zebra rolled over to look at Lance, “I surrender… I wish to live and because I surrendered by the Kings law you must... GHAAAAAA!” He let out a terrible scream of pain as Lance produced a long slender lance and slowly drove it up under his front left leg, “WHAT… WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I SURENDERED!” He let out another scream as another lance is drove under his right front leg.

The King jumped down and walked up behind Lance, “Lance Please, this has gone on long enough… He has surrendered now stop this.”

Lance never took his eyes off the zebra, “No, I will kill him but… he will learn the then pain of all who he has killed,” He lifted him up with the lances causing him to scream in pain. Lance’s eyes narrowed and his voice became so icy that Nova cowered down in fear, “Starting with my pain,” He started to twist the lances inside the zebra causing him to let out a scream that made Nova cringe.

The King lowered his head and his eyes narrowed, “Lance I am warning up drop him and back away now.”

Lances looked up into the zebras eyes wickedly, “Don’t worry I will defiantly drop him.”

Lance produces another lance; this one looked similar to a drill bit and slowly brings it up to the zebras face so he could see it. The zebra looked at it the color in his face is long gone and his eyes dart from Lance to the drill looking lance in complete terror. Lance smiled and lowered the drill and right before he started to drive it into its intended target something blasted him in the chest throwing him back. Before he can gather his bearings he is levitated into the air, and a dark orb covered his horn dissipating his conjured lances instantly dropping the zebra to the ground. A voice that shook the mountain made Lance snap out of his frenzy, “LANCE!! I TOLD YOU TO STOP THIS AND NOW I WILL STOP YOU MYSELF!!”

Lance looked up and his heart jumped into his throat as the King looked down at Lance, disappointment across his face. The King has became something more his tail and mane flow like a star filled fire. His wings look like the surface of the sun making him look far more fierce than normal. His eyes glowed with the same magical aura that Lance had in his eyes, “LANCE I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!” Lance can’t look at the King now, he couldn't even look at himself at this point. The Captain of the Royal guard trained to suppress his feelings went and lost control of everything he was what he trained for. The King continued, “WHAT WOULD CRYSTAL CARE HAVE SAID TO THIS?” Lance already knew she would be deeply ashamed of him right now, “THIS IS A FINE EXAMPLE TO SET FOR PLATINUM,”

The King stopped quickly as he felt that last comment is a little harsh however true it is. He set Lance down and landed down in front of him. Lance put his head down in shame as tears started to fall from his eyes. The King placed a hoof on his shoulder, “Lance. This is the first time in… well ever that you have refused an order of mine,” he sat down, “Crystal will receive more than a simple funeral for what she did, and Platinum needs you more than ever now,” Lance looked up at the King. The King looked at him his face not holding any emotion, “make no mistake however. You will be punished accordingly.”

Lance stood up, “your right Sir… That’s why I’m resigning.”

The King looked at him in surprise, “No, I didn’t mean...”

Lance stopped him with a sad smile, “I have plenty of savings to take care of Platinum and with me being in the military I won’t be there for him as much as I need to be.”

The King sighed, “fine, you have a good point,” he places a hoof on Lances shoulder again, “so I punish you to being promoted to be my adviser.”

Lance raised and eye brow at the King, “come again? You said punishment not a better position.”

The King stood up and turned around, “you will be stuck giving me advise and not allowed into combat unless you are absolutely needed.”

Lance cocked his head at him, “so I get the same job but a different title?”

The King started to laugh and just as he is about to respond Nova poked his head out from behind the rock he was taking shelter from everything, “um where is the zebra?” Lance and the King looked back to where he was last and notice some drag marks with blood going over the cliff side.

Lance looked at it in disappointment, “I could hope all I want but I know that didn’t kill him.”

The King frowned at it, “you’re probably right," He turned to Lance, “But let’s go for now we need to get you to Platinum my friend.”

When they arrived at the castle the Queen is sitting in her room with both of the children curled up in her wings. Lance walked in his head held low, but as he is heard by Platinum he poked his head over the Queen’s wing and fumbled out of her embrace and ran over to Lance. Lance dropped down and scooped Platinum up and nuzzled into him, “I’m home buddy,” The Queen looked up at the King as he entered and walked over to him holding Celestia. The King nuzzled her softly and she giggled up at him.

Platinum looked happily at Lance, “Tia!”

Lance looked up at the King and Queen, “Tia?”

The Queen smiled at him sadly, “Crystal called her that only once and he hasn’t stopped calling her that,” She nuzzled Celestia, “not that we mind I think its sweet.”

The King looked at Lance, “I have an idea for Crystal Cares funeral that I wish to discuss with you Lance”

Lance nodded at him and looked down at Platinum, “stay and protect the Queen and Tia ok buddy.”

Platinum smiled up at him and trotted over to the queen who picked him up and smiled at Lance, “take your time you two. Don’t worry Lance I will keep an eye on him for as long as you need.”

Lance bowed to her, “thank you your Majesty,” with a small nod to the King they left the Queen and walked off to the throne room to discuss the upcoming funeral.

Comments ( 4 )


3144119 glad you liked it XD

Really good story so far.

3189018 thank you. more to come at some point

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