• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

The Life of Platinum - Acespadez1134

This is a back story of one of Platinum Sword. He is A unicorn with interesting abilities and interesting luck.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Sir!” a well armored unicorn trotted up to another unicorn, who despite having less than half the armor the first was wearing, gave off a presence he is in charge and that he earned it. He wore a breast plate of silver with gold trim. His trimmed green mane and tail swayed lightly in the wind. He brought up a hoof to rub the tears from his eyes as the smoke from the destruction was biting at them. A white cloak that covered a golden lance cutie mark on his flank flapped softly against his body. He looked up at the unicorn standing there saluting him waiting for permission to speak.

After a couple of seconds he saluted the soldier, “Report”

“Sir as far as we can tell, the dragons didn’t spare anypony.”

An earth pony walked up next to the soldier and also saluted, “Captain Lance, you may want to see this sir.”

'See this?' He wasn’t sure he wanted to see anymore. In a small town with a little over a hundred ponies in it, not one survivor has been found yet, with the body count is still rising his attitude continued to drop. Still he knew he had to go and see what it was.

“Lead on then Private,” Lance ordered in a toneless voice.

The unicorn giving his report looked at the Captain with a look of confusion, “uh sir my report?”

“Find the LT and give it to him,” he told the soldier as he walked away. The unicorn saluted him then looked around not sure were to begin his new search.

After what seemed like forever walking through destroyed and still burning remains of houses, and watching soldiers carry out victims of the attack wrapped in what used to be white sheets but now are stained either black, or red, and sometimes both, the earth pony lead Captain Lance to a small gorge.

The earth pony stopped next to the edge and waited for the Captain to approach, “Look Sir,” he pointed to the bottom of the gorge where the Captain is easily able to make out the large golden body of a dragon.

Just as the Captain is about to give an order to the earth pony, a red Pegasus landed next to the Captain, “Sir I just received the full report and…and…” the pegasus looked down the gorge at the dragon, “Well at least they were able to bring one down”

The captain rolled his eyes, “tell me why I promoted you to Lieutenant again?”

The Lieutenant smirked at the Captain, “My devilish good looks and charismatic personality.”

“It obviously wasn’t for your brains Lieutenant Nova,” The Lieutenant was about to argue before the Captain continued, “I want the medical team down there treating the dragons wounds,” He looked at the Lieutenant, “Now!”

Lieutenant Nova turned to the earth pony and gave him the order to assemble the medical team then turned to the Captain, “OK question one is…”

“yes,” the Lance said before the Lieutenant could finish his thought, “the dragon is wounded but even I can hear it breathing from here, and before you ask we both know that no pony survived and this dragon was not taken out by a small village of peaceful ponies,” Nova looked at the dragon and after a few minutes the Captain continued, “the wounds are too large and deep for even most of our best spell casters to pull off.”

Nova looked back up at the Captain, “What are you saying Lance? That he was killed by dragons?”

Lance slammed his hoof onto the ground, “we may be friends Lieutenant but we are in uniform and you will address me as your superior officer.”

Nova waved it off, “Whatever, Why would a dragon be taken out by his own kind?”

Lance looked down at the dragon, “That is something I hope the king and I will hope to get out of him.”

Nova smiled, “Do you really think the King will come…” Nova's face darkened from the realization, “You want to bring that thing back with us?”

Lance turned around and started to walk away, “I do believe that that this dragon was trying to defend this village.”

Nova looked at the dragon with suspicion, “And what if your wrong?”

“The king will be able to carry out the dragons sentence himself,” he walked into the middle of town.

Nova caught up with the Lance, “The Kings orders were to eliminate any hostiles”

“Does that dragon look hostile to you LT?” Lance asked with a sideways glance at him

“If I said not yet would…” a loud bang came from a building caught their attention.

Lance's horn lit up with a light green glow and a large lance took shape as he moved closer to the building. Nova fallowed with his wings out revealing blades on the both of them, “Cap?”

“Wait here,” Lance whispered as they reached the door, “If it’s something to hard for me to handle get the troops,” Nova nodded and crouched down ready to spring into the air and a moment’s notice. Lance walked into a small store. Off to one side of the store it looked as if the store was still up and running right now. The other side turned the seasoned warrior’s stomach as blood and mangled body parts were spread everywhere. A small noise caught his attention which he was glad for since he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the carnage on his own. He slowly walked over to shelf that was knocked over and lifted the shelf with his lance and almost dropped it in surprise as he noticed a pony underneath it. He flipped the shelf off her but his hopes are quickly dashed to pieces as the mare was only ripped almost in half, but somehow she was still alive. “LIEUTENANT! GET YOUR FLANK IN HERE NOW!” he picked up the mares head as softly as he could. She looked at up at him as tears where running down her face. She moved her mouth as if to say something but only a gurgling sound and some blood come out. Lance tried to quiet her but she grabbed his hoof and looked at him with eyes that told him to please understand. She then pointed a weak and trembling hoof to a small over turned counter. Lance was confused at first but as he looked into her eyes tears start to fall. As he continued to look at her he could almost hear in his head a plead for help.

“Captain I heard you yell and..” Nova gags at the sight as the Captain gently places her head down and walked over to the counter, “Captain?” Nova looked at him as he walked over to the mare and lifted her head. His first though was she would have been very beautiful but the more he looked at her all he could say was, “no, you still are beautiful,” the mare smiled softly at him and coughed up a bit of blood and turned her head to the Lance who was standing next to the counter now.

Lance looked at the counter and considered for a second that this might be a waste of time till a small sound came from under it. He froze and glanced back at the mare who moved her mouth as if trying to say something again. Lance could tell without her using up anymore strength that she was begging him to continue. He looked back at the counter and lifted the counter up using magic with little effort, and when it was clear his heart dropped as on the floor wrapped in a small thin blanket was a foal. Lance walked over and gently picked it up and held it close to him. It was shivering slightly and didn’t do anything except a small whine as he picked it up, it was in bad shape and he knew it. He looked back at the mare who still wore a look of pleading then he he looked at the foal then back to her and nodded. Her expression softened as she was finally able to enter her eternal sleep.

Nova wiped a tear away from her eye as he set her head gently on the floor pulled of his cloak and covered her body with it, “Captain what are you going to do now?”

Lance took off his own cloak tied the foal to himself making a sling for the foal to be supported in, “You’re in charge Lieutenant I want a detailed search now and I want the dead prepared for proper services.”

Nova saluted, “What about you are that foal?”

"I will be taking him back to the camp he needs medical attention now,” Lance wrapped the foal in a magical aura to keep the foal from bouncing around. Report back to me when the dragon is read for transportation. He then took off in a full sprint heading out of the town. The main camp was about an hour away but with his proper training and discipline he reached it in about twenty minutes ignoring soldiers saluting him as he headed to the medical tent.

Inside the medical tent two doctors and three nurses were all sitting and waiting for the scouting party to bring in wounded civilians. They all jumped as the captain entered the tent and saluted him he took a second to catch his breath. He took a second and peaked at the foal who didn't look like he was disturbed in the run, “I need you to look at him and make sure he is going to be OK.”

A pink colored nurse walked over to the captain and took the foal from him gently, “Oh my, he is a little mail nourished,” One of the doctor walked over to the foal and opened his eyes and using a small light illuminating from the tip of his horn looked into them, but as he looked into the eyes of the foal the doctor’s snapped his head back in surprise, “Wow now that in rare.”

Lance, thanked the nurse as she gave him a flask of water, looked up, “What is?”

The doctor looked at Lance smiling, “normally a foals or fillies eyes are many colors, a unicorns eye color determines the color of his or her magic aura,” He looked back down at the foal and smiled softly but has a small hint of sadness in his eyes, “This little unicorn has silver eyes, which mean he might have trouble with magic. We don't understand why yet but...”

The other doctor frowned, “does his mother know of his condition?” He shot a look at Lance who turned around not wanting to make any eye contact. The doctor swallowed hard, “Lance? Where is this foal’s mother? Where are the other survivors?”

Lance dropped his head, “I personally brought you all the survivors in that town,” The doctor examining the foal looked up at him in surprise. The other doctor, eyes wide, leaned up against a table for support. The nurse who gave Lance a drink fell to the ground, “no! please tell me it’s not true,” the other nurse walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

“She had family in the town sir,” she said sadly.

Lance bowed his head down, “I’m sorry to hear that, if you need to you may take the rest of the day off,” he looked up at the nurse hugging her, “You as well please keep an eye on her”

The nurse comforting the other looked up at the Lance with admiration “Thank you sir,” as she lifted the now crying nurse up and out of the tent.

The doctor checking on the foal looked at Lance sadly, “What of the foal?” He looked back at the foal as the nurse helping him ran a hoof through the foals mane as a tear fell from her eye to the bed, “He will be alright Lance but…”

“I will take care of him,” Lance said with sternness in his voice that told them there will be no arguments, “I’m not sure if it’s because I feel sorry for him or if it’s because I am a war orphan myself, but I let his mother know before she finally passed on that I would take care of him.”

The nurse looked at the Lance, “Sir. What is his name?”

Lance looked at the little foal who looked back at him with those silver eyes and smiled up at him weakly, “He is a strong one, those eyes seem more precious than simple silver… Platinum… Platinum Sword.”