• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

The Life of Platinum - Acespadez1134

This is a back story of one of Platinum Sword. He is A unicorn with interesting abilities and interesting luck.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Lance found himself walking through a dense forest not sure where he is or where he’s going at the moment. After a few moments of walking he entered a small clearing with something in the middle of the clearing sitting there with its back to him.

Lance stopped noticing who it is that is sitting there, “Platinum? What are you doing here buddy?”

Platinum turned his head and looked up at Lance who just raised an eyebrow at him. Platinum blinked a couple of times then turned back to what he was staring at. Lance glanced up at it as well and noticed a sign which said, 'What Will You Choose?'

Lance walked over to the sign reading it over in his head, “what will you choose? What is it talking about?” He tried to direct the question at Platinum who just looked at Lance with curiosity before standing up and walking past Lance turning around and sitting down in front of the sign and looked at Lance, “What’s going on Platinum?”

Platinum glanced to his left a path then lit up with a bright white light. Lance looked down the path and noticed a unicorn that looked very familiar. Lance quickly glanced at Platinum who just looked back at him, Lance turned back at the unicorn. The unicorn looked back at Lance sadly then turned down the path slowly and walked down it without a second glance.

Lance looked back at Platinum, “what was that?” Platinum turned to his right and another path lit up. Lance walked over to the path slowly as this path instead of a bright white light this glowed with a dark blue and purple glow. As Lance looked down the path it felt wrong, like something is telling him to stay away. He peered down the path he noticed again some pony standing down the path. The figure turned around and Lance took a step back as an Alicorn with silver eyes that glow with a dark violet aura glared at him, “Platinum?” Lance said in a weak voice as he continued to step backwards slowly. The Alicorn Platinum smiled at him wickedly and turned down the path and walked away from him.

Lance turned to the little Platinum who is sitting next to the sign still looking up at Lance, “I... I am going to be choosing what is going to be happening to you?”

A voice from behind Lance made him jump in surprise, “No these are just two possible outcomes that may be in store from him,” Lance spun around and is taken back as he watched himself slowly make his way around him stood in front the young Platinum who smiled innocently up at him.

Lance continued to watch the other when it hit him, “This is a dream isn’t it?”

The dream Lance smiled, “Took you long enough Captain,” he bent down so that Platinum could grab a hold of his muzzle with both of his front legs. He then lifted Platinum off the ground and Platinum climbed on top of his head and slid down his back. He stood up but only briefly as he curled up into a ball in the middle of Lance's back.

Lance watched this as a little bit of warmth rose up inside him. As Platinum finished making himself comfortable on the dream Lance the Lance that was watching looked at him curiously, “He means a lot to you huh Captain?”

The dream Lance shook his head, “I am no Captain,” He turned around slowly and showed the other Lance that half of his face was gone, “but yes, this little foal will turn out to be more that you could hope for,” despite the shock Lance received from seeing himself with only half a face, his expression lightened up as he looked back at Platinum. The dream Lance smiled at him, “you will have to make a choice but for now,” his voice changed, “Hey you going to wake up or not?”

Lance opened his eyes to see the face of Nova smiling at him, “Morning Sleeping Beauty”

Lance sat up rubbing his eyes trying to keep the memory of his dream fresh but it just continued to slip away. Lance grumbled at Nova slightly annoyed, “great there goes my great day”

“Ah come on Lance I even brought you a cup of coffee,” Nova smiled as he held a still steaming cup out to him. He leaned against a small table littered with random trinkets.

Lance stood up from his cot and walked over to a small bucket with water in it and a small mirror hanging above it. He used his magic to levitate a small orb of water out of the bucket. He tipped his head back and dropped the water over his head. The cold water sent a shiver down his spine but it dis the trick of giving him a quick wake up call. He then rubbed the water out of his face with a small towel before speaking to Nova again, “first how many times do I have to tell you Lieutenant Nova? While in uniform you must speak to me with proper respect.”

Nova smiled at him, “Well I do believe the day is still early so it will be many times before we go to sleep,” He took a sip of the coffee and Lance levitated the cup out of his grip and placed it on a small table next to him.

Lance sighed slightly, “What do you have for me then?” He said will little emotion as he started to tighten straps on his his breast plate.

Nova walked up next to the Lance, “Well the dragon you wanted brought back to health is well enough that he wishes to speak with you, and you received a letter from the king,” He held out the letter to Lance who finished clipping his cloak on and took the letter and read it.

Lance sighed again, “If it isn’t you It’s him,” He folded up the letter and set it on the table, “He wants to hold a party for the birth of his daughter.”

Nova smiled at the Lance, “and let me guess it’s a formal party dates required?”

“I swear you two will be the death of me or at least a massive embarrassment that I may never recover from,” Lance breathed and he exited the tent

Nova fallowed him out, “Ah come on Cap. is finding a date for you really that bad.”

Lance started walking away from him, “Did the dragon say anything else before requesting to see me?”

Nova frowned at him for changing the subject, “Except a couple of thank you’s and apologizes…. not really…um Cap the dragon is in the other direction,” as he noticed which way they are going.

Lance glanced at him, “I am aware of that Lieutenant. I want to see Platinum before I get too busy today."

Nova smiled at him, “Right sorry first thing first”

They reach the medical tent and walk in. The doctors saluted them as the walked in and two of the nurses fallowed the doctors lead by saluting the two officers. One of the doctors spoke up, “here to see Platinum Sir?”

Lance looked around hopefully, “Yes where is he?”

One of the nurses looked up at him with a large smile, “Oh nurse Crystal Care wanted to take him for a walk today”

Nova smiled behind the captain, “yeah the little guy has become somewhat of a ray of light for the camp.. I guess you could call him the camp mascot.”

Lance sighed lightly, “It’s a blessing that he bounced back like he did after what he has been through”

The others in the room all looked a little sad because of the past few days of dragging corpses out of the ruins and laying them out to try and identify them. The only ones who have been identified were Crystal Cares family.

Lance looked up after a moment of silence, “It’s nice to see Crystal Care has found something to bring a smile back to her face.”

The other nurse smiled softly, “yes the poor dear spends all day with Platinum Sword. I think she has taken a real shine to him.”

Nova mumbled to himself, “Platinum’s not the only one she has taken a shine too.”

Lance shot a glance back at him, “You say something?”

Nova cleared his throat, “I was thinking since he isn’t here right now let’s go speak with that dragon and come back.”

Lance nodded and turned to the doctors, “Tell Crystal Care I will be around later to see him”

The doctor’s nodded and start talking about the upcoming funeral the king wants to do for the town.

Lance and Nova leave and start walking in the direction of the dragon. Nova looked at Lance, “So about your date problems?”

Lance rolled his eyes, “There is a time and place for everything, and now is not the time nor the place”

Nova grinned as he got ready for a fun fight with this topic till Lance stopped, “What’s wrong Captain?” He fallowed Lance's stare and he smiled wide up at Lance as he noticed a light pink unicorn with a blue and purple mane walking in their direction smiling at a small foal that is levitating in front of her giggling and smiling back, “Oh,” Nova continued to smile as he spun around to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

Crystal Care walked up in front of Lance, “Oh Captain,” she saluted, “I guess you wanted to see Platinum huh?” She levitated the little foal up to Lance who smiled as Platinum opened his front hooves out wanting to be picked up by Lance.

Lance using his own magic grabbed the foal out of the air and brought him up to his face and Platinum wrapped his front hooves around Lances muzzle smiling and giggling excitedly, “It’s fine Crystal I’m just glad you and him are becoming such good friends, especially since I can’t be around to see him right now all the time.”

Crystal Care frowned at him, “Don’t beat yourself up Lan.. um Captain, You will make a terrific father you just have a hectic job right now.”

Lance levitated Platinum back to her and she used her own magic to take him back. Lance looked at her with a soft smile, “Be that as I may, it’s still nice that you too have such a good bond”

She looked at Lance with as concern spread across her face, “What’s wrong Captain?”

Lance looked into her violet eyes and felt a little heat building up in his cheeks, “it's um... nothing I have a couple things to do today so if you want you can keep an eye on him a little longer I will come by and see him when I am done.”

She looked at Platinum with a smile as her cheeks became a bright red color, “Why don’t I just bring him by your tent I wanted to talk to you about something anyhow?”

Lance cheeks flushed a bright red, “Um sure if it won’t be a problem for you.”

She smiled at him still red, “no not at all. Just don’t take too long Captain,” she walked by Lance smiling and cooing at Platinum.

Lance watched her as she walked away for a few moments till the Nova cleared his throat. Lance looked at the Nova who is holding a watch, “Wow Cap I don’t think you blinked for 3 full minutes.” Lance rolls his eyes again and continued his walk, "aw come on Lance your head was bobbing from side to side with her..."

Lance spun on him anger in his eyes as he glared at Nova, "shut up now Nova or so help me..." He spun back around and continued to walk. Nova decided to let it go for now.

They walked in silence till they reached the dragon he is far too large for any tents so they have him taking shelter in a large barn. As they approached the dragon lifted his head off the ground letting the sun glisten off his golden scales, “I assume you are the one in charge of everyone here?”

Lance walked up close to the dragon hi expression held no emotion, “Yes I am Captain Lance What may I call you?”

The Dragon bowed slightly, “You may call me Edge Captain, and please let me thank you for sparing my life.”

Lance bowed his head respectfully, “Of course. What kind of Captain would I be if I didn’t help out someone who tried to help defend a defenseless town?”

The dragon looked at him in surprise, “How did you know that I tried to save this town?”

Lance smiled, “I think it would be a little hard for even every pony in this camp to do the same amount of damage to a dragon of your size and power. That tells me you were attacked by another dragon or to be exact several.”

Edge put his head down in shame, “And I have failed to save them”

Lance smiled up at Edge, “Well I managed to find a foal that is doing quite well now”

The dragon glanced at the Lance confused, “I meant my fellow dragons,” but he smiled, “But it is good to hear that a little one survived,” Edge then bent down close to Lance, “What is to become of me?”

Lance didn't flinch, “I would like you to come to Canterlot with me and speak with my king to tell him why a band of dragons decided to attack a defenseless town such as this.”

Edge pulled his head back and raised an eyebrow, “And if I refuse?”

Lance turned on the spot, “Then have a good life sir, I have things that need to be done including getting every dead pony ready for a mass funeral that my King is going do for the ponies of this town,” He stopped and spun on the dragon, “The town your fellow dragons butchered.”

Edge accepted defeat, “very well Captain I am well enough to travel let me know when we are going to head out and I will fallow”

Lance bowed his head respectfully and smiled up at him, “Thank you I will let you know when we are prepared to leave,” he turned and started walking back to the camp.

Nova walked up next to Lance a little worried, “I can’t believe you just talked down to a dragon!”

Lance looked at Nova in surprise, “where have you been?”

Nova looked away, “I had to…. talk to some of the….guards around him and….make sure he wasn’t dangerous.”

Lance smirked at Nova, “Please tell me how dangerous a Dragon the size of a three story barn with scales harder than magic infused steel with claws that can slice a pony into 4 even slices before he realizes he is dead and a fire breath that could melt a hole through a mountain? I am very interested to hear about this.”

Nova looked at Lance with a mixture of annoyance and hurt, “I do believe you are being sarcastic sir and if that is the case I think you should work on it more.”

Lance smiled in victory, “I have no idea what you are talking about LT. I think you should go lay down you don’t look so well.”

Nova frowned at him, “I’ll take that as an order,” he laughed, “see were your sarcasm got you?” As he called out to Lance who is still walking away from him.

Lance still smiling yelled back, “It got rid of you didn’t it?” Nova stood like he won the argument till he deflated and looked around lost for a moment. He turned and walked away trying to figure out how he lost. Lance feeling victorious walked to his tent, as he entered he almost walked into Crystal Care who shrieked a little, “Crystal I thought you were coming by later?”

Crystal Care had her hoof up to her chest and is breathing heavily, “I was but instead I didn’t have anything to do so I decided to come by and wait for you,” She looked at Platinum who is asleep on Lances cot, “After he fell asleep I got bored and started to straighten up a little in here.”

Lance looked around his tent and his jaw dropped as he never has seen his tent look this nice, “Wow Crystal this is a nice change.” He walked around her and looked down at Platinum he smiled down at him and ran a hoof through his mane making him move around a bit but not waking up, “You said you wanted to talk to me about something?” as he glanced back at her.

She crossed her front legs nervously, “um I wanted to ask you if you weren’t doing anything after we returned if …..you would like to get a bite to eat together?”

Lance glanced at the mirror hanging close by and noticed his face is very red, “um actually I do have plans when we get back and..”

Her face turned bright red, “I know I accidentally read the letter from the king about the party,” she turned her head away, “if I had known that you had a special some pony I wouldn’t have tried to…”

Lance looked at her confused, “What makes you think I have a special some pony?”

She turned her head to look at him, “I assumed so because of the way the king saying you had better bring your date this time.”

Lance face hoofed, “I am not the greatest at asking some pony out to a formal party. The last time I did ….. wait are you asking me out Crystal Care?” fully realizing what is going on.

Crystal turned around her face a very bright red and smiling softly, “I mean… I have come to love Platinum Sir, and to be honest I have started having feelings for you since you brought him into the medical tent,” She took a couple steps closer to Lance who took a step back, “The more I see what kind of stallion you are and what kind of stallion you will be around Platinum the more I am attracted to you,” Lance backed into the wall of the tent and Crystal moved up closer till she was inches from his face. Lance put a hoof up to stop her from getting closer. Her eyes snapped open wide “I uh…” she pulled her head back in surprise, “I don’t know what came over me Captain I...” She takes a few steps back then turned around and started to run, “I’m sorry.”

Lance teleported in front of her before she exited the tent and noticed tears rolling down her face, “Crystal I don’t’ know what just happened to you,” he looks at her with his face stern and his voice hard which made her cower down and slowly back away, “I am a Captain of the Royal guards,” he started to walk toward her and now she backed into the wall of the tent tears still falling from her eyes, “I put my life in danger constantly.,” When he got a few steps away she closed her eyes and then his voice softened, “Could you really deal with that in your life?”

her eyes snapped opened as she looked up into his face noticing his face is now sad, “What?”

He continued to look at her for a few moments then looked to Platinum, “I will be honest and say I have been having feelings for you as well, but…” He looked down at his hooves, “But I don’t want you to be hurt by me getting hurt or worse di…..”

She cut him sort by pressing her lips against his, and after a couple of seconds she pulled away and looked him in the eye, “I would be hurt if I ever lost you before our time Lance, but if I never get that chance how can i really say how I would feel.”

With that Lance couldn't help but smile, “I am a hoof full just so you know?”

Crystal smiled back, “Is that a challenge Sir?” she said with a smirking.

He then straightened up, “Well then I guess I have no choice,” he bends down slightly, “Would you like to accompany me to the Royal party?”

She put a hoof gently up to the side of his face, “Sir! Yes sir,” As she pulled him closer and gave him a proper kiss.

After a few minutes they separated and she walked to the entrance of the tent and opened the flap letting the sunlight in. Lance walked over to Platinum, who is now awake and judging by his flank sticking out from under the blankets has been awake for a little while now, “Well how long have you been awake Mr.?”

Platinum pulled his head out looked up at Lance then to Crystal then back to Lance smiling. He spread his front legs apart smiling, “Da da”

Lance froze and looked up at Crystal who just smiled at him and put a hoof up to her mouth. Lance looked back down at Platinum and with a shaky voice asks, “Wha…What did you call me?”

Platinum stood and up grabbed Lance around the neck, “Da da” Lance shook as he put a hoof around Platinum. Platinum looked at Crystal and put a hoof out to her. She looked at him her eyes wide. She slowly walked over to him and put her head close to him, which he does his best to hug her and Lance at the same time.

Lance looked over to her as she closed her eyes as tears slide down her cheeks, “I guess we have our approval,” Lance straightened out and looked at her, “come on then Crystal we need to let everyone know that we are heading out in three days, and they need to be ready to move out in two,” Crystal still not able speak right now picked up Platinum and nodded as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

Outside the tent Nova sat against the wall of the tent smiling, “And she didn’t believe me that he liked her,” He stood up straight, “well I still have to get yelled at a couple more times for calling him by his first name and the day is running out,” He jumped into the air, “And I have to congratulate him as well,” He said with a smile as he took off.

Author's Note:

This is more or less a filler to show people what kind of pony Platinum family is like. A couple more chapter of little Platinum. I am aware that this might not be as good the first chapter but it will get better I promise.

Once again I know my grammar sucks if you have trouble reading let me know and i will get my friend to fix it faster. if you have any other problems with it or any advise please leave comments.