• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 360 Views, 6 Comments

The Life of Platinum - Acespadez1134

This is a back story of one of Platinum Sword. He is A unicorn with interesting abilities and interesting luck.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Nova walked happily down the corridor glancing at himself every once in a while in the reflection of the armor of different passing guards till he final reached the room he was walking to. He looked in and watched a little as Lance examined himself in a large mirror at the formal military uniform he was fitted in. Nova walked in and leans against the door frame and crosses his hooves, “you have to admit, they could be worse.”

Lance, without taking his eyes off the mirror, acknowledged Nova dripping with sarcasm, “I told the King that we needed formal wear so we could look good if we ever wanted to look good for enemies,” Nova snorted as he tried to hide the laugh that over came him.

“Aw come on Cap, is it really that bad?” Nova said after recovering from the surprise humor from Lance.

“Ummmm,” Lance continued to look at himself a little while, but after a few minutes his expression becomes bored, “yes, yes they are…. They are ridicules.”

Nova smiled at him till a voice caused him to look up, “I don’t think they are that bad Captain Lance,” Nova’s eyes snap open and his jaw dropped open as Crystal Care walked by him wearing a silver and light blue dress. Lance looked up at her and is hit with a similar expression as Nova. She looked playfully from Lance to Nova, “what’s wrong you two? Never seen a mare dressed up before?”

Lance face broke into a wide smile, “Not one as beautiful as you,” Crystal blushed a deep red. Lance walked over to the door, bowed his head and extends a hoof out, “Shale we?”

She walked over to him with a smile on her face and bowed low, “my Captain, I would be honored,” she walked up next to him they look at each other affectionately and walk off down the hall.

Nova is still leaning against the door frame, his expression still unchanged, watched them walk away, “I… it’s…..no fair. How does he always get… HEY WAIT FOR ME!” he almost falls as he jumped from the door and took off down the hall after them.

Crystal and Lance laugh as Nova caught up with them right before they get to the ball room doors. The doors are large and white and two unicorns standing guard in front of them. They glance at the Captain and smile at him, “Sir! Looking good,” the other one gives a dog whistle, and they both start snickering.

Lance just walked up next to them smiling, “what’s that you two? You don’t need replacements tonight? Well the King will be surprised but pleased because he hates having ponies, who are enjoying a fun party, to leave to pull guard duty,” the guards stop instantly and just stare at Lance in surprise.

As Lance started to light up his own horn to open the doors one of the guards walked up in front of him, “Allow me Sir” he smiled nervously as Lance, Crystal, and Nova walk by, “I…I hope you have a nice evening,” the other one walked up also smiling nervously, “and we hope are little joke put you in good spirits hehe.”

Nova smiled back at them, “see you in the morning boys,” their expressions dropped and Nova trotted up next to Lance, “I’ll send them replacements in a couple hours,” he smiled evilly, “I think a few hours of tortcher will suffice.”

Lance looked at him smiling, “don’t make it too obvious that we were kidding to them,” Nova nodded and then trotted off when his name is called by a group of mares. Lance watched him leave with a raised eyebrow, "and now I know what he does in his spare time."

Crystal suppressed a giggle, “more like 'who' he does.”

Lance gave a weak smile, “I really didn’t need that mental image,” Crystal laughed at Lance as they approached the King who is standing at the top of a set of stairs waiting for them. When they are close enough Lance and Crystal both bow low as Lance spoke in a formal tone, “Your…”

The King give Lance an, I dare you look, before leaning towards him, “Your?!”

Lance smiled up at him, “…Highness”

The King dropped his head and sighed, “Can I win just once?”

Lance raises an eye brow at him, “If you are referring to are chess games? I couldn’t lose to you if I fell asleep. If you are talking in general? Then... no.”

The king looked up at him pouting, “Your so mean,” then he turned to Crystal, “Do you see the stuff that this so called Captain puts me through?”

Crystal smiled at him, “I have know idea what you are talking about my Lord.”

Lance shoved his hoof into his mouth to stop himself from laughing as the King just looked at her in stunned, “So much for respecting the crown.”

After a few seconds Lance calmed down and looked up at the King, “where is the Queen?” then it hit him and he turned to Crystal, “where is Platinum for that matter?”

The King held up a hoof, “relax Lance, Platinum is asleep up stairs with Celestia. The Queen is just finishing tucking them in,” He turned around and looked up the stairs that were behind him, “if you want we can go say goodnight?”

Lance fallowed the King as he started to walk away, “yes I think I would”

They walked up another flight of stairs till they reached a hallway. As they are walking Crystal is looking around excitedly at everything, “wow it’s so beautiful in here.”

A voice caught her attention, “thank you for the compliment dear,” She looked down the hall and noticed the Queen has just stepped out of a room. She is dressed in a white gown that seemed to make her glow.

Crystal looked up at her, “you are so beautiful your highness,” she struggled to find the right words as she lowered her head, “I wish I could look as beautiful as you.”

The Queen walked over to her lifted Crystals head with a hoof making her look into her face as she smiled softly at her. “you are far more beautiful than I dear,” Crystal started to object before the Queen cut her off, “That stallion you came with is a very good friend of mine and he himself told me long ago that he would find a mare who was even prettier than me,” Lance blushes a deep red and looked up at a tapestry hanging overhead.

Crystal also blushed walked over next to Lance gave him a small kiss on the cheek and nuzzled up under his chin. “thank you your Majesty,” then quietly so only Lance could hear, “Thank you” Lance smiled and nuzzled her back in response.

The Queen smiled at them, “Lance I assume you want to say goodnight to Platinum?”

Lance looked at her, “Is he awake still?”

The Queen shook her head, “No he and Celestia fell righto sleep after my husband brought him up here,” she walked over to the King and kissed him on the cheek and glanced back at Lance, “you should say goodnight anyhow,” with a final glance at the King, “I’ll be down stairs waiting,” with another kiss she turned an walked down the hall.

Lance quietly walked in to the room. It was a large room with a large window looking out over the East Mountains allowing the rising sun to be the first think to be seen in the morning. Large velvet curtains are currently draped over it mostly covering the large window. Against the far wall a beautifully decorated crib sat like a pear amongst the red velvet . Lance made his way over to the crib and looked down inside, Platinum is curled up next to a little white filly with a pink mane and tail. Lance can see that like her parents she is an alicorn but he can’t help but smile at how cute she is being so small. He leaned over and gave Platinum a kiss on the top of his head and then kissed Celestia on her cheek she shifted around a bit but Platinum just took a deep breath and continued to sleep on. Crystal walked up next to Lance and looked down at them with a soft grin, she leaned over kissed them herself turned to Lance and they quietly walk out of the room.

Once out the Lance looked up the King, “Are you not going to say goodnight?”

The King gave him a small laugh, “I got that while they were awake,” he extends a hoof out, “Shale we?” When they reach the ball room the King turned to Crystal, “would you please allow me to steal your date for a few minutes Ma’am?” He bowed low, “I promise I will return him unharmed….for the most part.”

Crystal lifted her head up to Lance and kissed him on the cheek and made him look her in the eye, “Don’t take too long. It would be a shame to not get a dance in before heading home.”

Lance smiled at her, “You get first and last dance.”

“And all other in between,” they all look back as Nova came walking up next to them with a smirk on his face holding a wine glass in a wine.

Lance rolled his eyes at him, “Already Nova?”

Nova glared at him, “What we had to go through in the past couple of weeks and you want to judge me for drinking early? I’m surprised you don’t have one yet,” he drained the liquid in the glass.

The King rolled his eyes and turned to Lance, “I have had the opportunity to have a talk with are larger friend,” Nova is about to make a grab for another glass till he heard the King and stopped himself and walked over to stand next to Lance, “I told him that we would have a quick chat tonight fallow me,” Lance and Nova fallowed the King outside and down to a beautiful garden where Edge is curled up waiting for them to arrive. When he noticed them he stood up and politely bowed to the King as he approached, “Edge would you please tell the Captain the same thing you told me yesterday?”

The dragon looked at Lance, “this may sound a little farfetched Captain, but the one who was mostly responsible for the attack was not a dragon but a zebra,” Lance looked up at Edge in confusion but allowed him to continue, “the magic I witnessed him using was not that of a unicorn and right before I was left for dead he lowered his bewitched hood to reveal his face. I have not seen many of them because they are from a far distant land, but I know what a zebra is.”

Lance took a step forward, “you mentioned a different magic. Enlighten me.”

The dragon put a claw up to his chin thinking of how to describe it then looked back at him, “It looked like a fire made of shadows.”

Nova raised and eye brow to the King and Lance, “Isn’t that an oxymoron? I mean a fire made out of shadow?”

The King looked at the ground hard, “I’m not so sure Lieutenant. Zebras have very powerful magic of their own that we know nothing about.”

Lance turned to face them both, “and if we don’t know what we are up against it may cause trouble for us later.”

Edge sighed, “It seems to be causing trouble now.”

The King looked up at him, “true enough. Thank you Edge please stay as long as you need to. You will always be welcome in my kingdom.”

The powerful gold dragon stood up, “I thank you for your kindness your Highness, but I need to be underway the rest of the clan must need to know what is going on,” he jumped into the air and turned to face them, “you have shown me a kindness I have not come to expect from your species. If you require any help please seek me out and I will do what I can,” With that he turned and flew away.

Nova watched him go, “I can see so many possibilities from having a dragon owe us favors.”

Lance walked by him, “coming from the pony who questioned why I wanted to help him.”

Nova watched the King and Lance turn and walk away, “hey no fair I was so on board to helping him out,” The King and Lance laughed as Nova caught up with them.

Two dark figures walked out from behind a statue,“Yes it is up in the room with velvet curtains currently asleep.”

Back at the ball as soon as the King and Lance enter Crystal trotted up to Lance stood on her hind legs grabbed one of his front legs and pulled at him playfully, “come on Lance, Don’t’ make me beg,” Lance looked at the King who smiled at him and nodded. Lance let himself be dragged to the dance floor. Lance and Crystal get to a clear spot and turn to each other. They don’t see the King give the small group on the stage a small nod. They all nod back and the lights dim and a slow song started to play. Lance and Crystal look up at the light at the same time then slowly into each others eyes.

Crystal blushed when their eyes meet, and Lance spook softly to her, “I figured he have something like this pl…” Crystal places a hoof up to his lips and smiled softly at him. He smiled back and they move in close. She placed her head on the side of his neck and he wrapped his head around and rests it on the back of her neck. With each breath he took he can smell her mane which has a sweet smell of strawberries, 'Did she know that strawberries are my favorite?' he thought to himself. As the song played on every other pony in the room seemed to have diapered, it felt like they were the only ones on the floor. With each step they held each other tighter.

Nova was leaning next to a pillar with another drink watching them dance. He holds the glass up, “Cheers Cap.”

The King watched them slowly spin in place smiling while the Queen leaned on him watching them as well, “I never thought I would get to return the favor,” he said as he gave his wife a tender look. The Queen smiled up at him then slowly pressed her lips against his.

Lance and Crystal stop spinning and look into each others eyes again, their faces both red as they just continue to stare at each other. Slowly they start to move closer closing their eyes as they move inch by inch. Lance brushed her lips with his own when a small explosion rocked the ball room. Crystal fell to her knees and Lance leaned down next to her and just as he is about to ask her if she is ok a small piece of glass lands next to him. He quickly shot a glance up just in time to see a chandelier break free of its chain and fall towards them. Lance scooped up Crystal and dove out of the way.as it came crashing down next to them. Lance stood up and looked around.

A low laugh filled the air and as a clear hoof sounded against the black marble floor the smoke dissipated instantly revealing a figure with a cloak of black fire. The only thing that can be seen on him is his glowing green eyes. Similar figures walking up next to him and from outside the giant hole they made Lance could see large dragon like figures similar to their cloaks looking in from outside, but he can tell that the dragons have glowing red eyes. The first figure looked around till he spotted the King who is looking at him standing in front of the Queen his chest out and his expression hard.

The figure smiled at him and bowed low, “your Majesty I am deeply sorry for the intrusion but I come seeking something,” he said with a heavy accent.

Lance leaned down next to Crystal, “get to safety now!” she nodded her face filled with terror as she stood up and moved away. Lance walked up in the middle of the floor and glared at the guest, “what do you want?”

The figure turned his attention to him, “ah just the stallion I wanted to talk to.”

Even with the hard accent Lance can feel the sarcasm dripping off his words. Lance narrowed his eyes angrily, “what would a Zebra want with Canterlot? Isn’t the town you butchered enough?”

The figure’s eyes widened. He dropped his head and pulled the hood of the cloak back revealing a mostly black face with white stripes and green evil eyes. He grinned as he looked back at Lance, “so I take it Edge survived the encounter then? I guess we have to make another stop after this one my friends,” he looked back out the hole and the dragons growling and bare their fangs. He snap his head around, “but that’s not why I am here.”

This time the King spoke up, “why are you here?”

The Zebra glanced up at him, “this Stallion has something of mine and I would like it back.”

Lance looked at him confused, “what would I have of yours and why would I want it?”

The Zebra started to pace, “you see in order for the spell to work properly I need to finish the job of ending the lives of every pony in the town we were in,” Lance’s eyes went wide as terror raised in his chest, “you took something from the town that we need to bring back or do away with.”

Lance's eyes narrow dangerously, “I will not let you hurt a hair on his…..”

Another cloaked figure ran up next to the zebra and whispered something to him. The Zebra smiled at Lance, “never mind,” and another explosion shook the ceiling.

Lance looked up as fear started spreading up from the bottom of his heart and across his face, “PLATINUM?!”

Author's Note:

Ok sorry I lied there will be one more chapter before the Story really takes off. I have many ideas for what is to come if you have any suggestions or tips please let me know.

I have a friend working on the editing so soon the fixed versions will be up.

Thanks for being so patient with me.