• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

The Life of Platinum - Acespadez1134

This is a back story of one of Platinum Sword. He is A unicorn with interesting abilities and interesting luck.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It didn’t take long for every pony to get ready to go. Everypony had something they were in charge of and officers were in charge of making sure that everything was packed right and that some pony could carry it. Lieutenant Nova was good at making sure every pony was pulling their loads, so Captain Lance has to make sure Nova is pulling his. “Lieutenant Nova! I do believe that we need more bodies to pull medical carts or funeral carts.”

Nova smiled at him, “Good thing you managed to talk the dragon into helping us out then.”

Crystal Care walked up next to Nova, “that may be true Nova; he is helping with the medical tents,” Nova watched her walk by and stand next to Captain Lance, “There is still a few funeral carts that need to be attended too.”

Nova narrowed his eyes at her and smiled wickedly, “Well then I guess you need to find one and hook up to it then huh?”

Crystal smiled back, “sorry LT but Captain Lance is having me carry Platinum and everything to take care of him along the way.”

Lance walked over to a rather large cart, “Come on Lieutenant even I am getting my flank hooked up to a cart. That means you are too,” He glanced at Nova as two other ponies hooked him up to it.

Nova looked at the cart in surprise, “You are dragging that cart all the way to Canterlot Sir?”

Lance looked back at it, “No, I am dragging two carts, this cart and one of the funeral carts,” Just as Lance said that the ponies who helped him hook up to the first cart hooked up a black and gold trimmed carriage to the larger cart.

Lance took a step back, “Um Sir I don’t think this is a good idea?”

Lance glanced over to Nova, “we don’t have the pony power to spare,” Crystal walked up next to Lance carrying a couple of saddle bags with an energetic foal walking in front of her smiling up to Lance. Lance smiled back at him then looked back up to Nova, “we need every pony on this one Back Lash”

Nova sighed in defeat, “fine I’ll take up the rear with a couple funeral carts,” he turned and started to walk away but glanced back to see Crystal and Lance laughing at Platinum who just sneezed and fell to his plot, “how did you manage to get a father that tough kid?”

Lance looked back after a few minutes, “ALL RIGHT EVERY PONY, LETS ROLL!” Lance started to pull the two carts with minimal effort. The rest of the caravan fallowed suite.

Crystal Care took advantage of her light load with Platinum and brought water to every pony. As she is happily delivering to everyone she noticed the large gold dragon easily dragging four carts behind him. Her expression hardened as she walked over to the dragon she glanced up at him and asked him rather harshly, “Are you thirsty?”

Edge looked down at her in surprise, “no, but thank you,” he continued to watch her as she just glared at him, “is something wrong?”

She never dropped her glare, “I still can’t figure out why Lance didn’t have you finished off while he had the chance,” She jerked her away from him, “why did he save a DRAGON of all things.”

Edge raised an eyebrow at her curiously, “I take it you are Crystal Care then?” She whipped her head around in surprise, “Lance told me what you have lost in our many talks,” she tightened her jaw and looked away again. Edge's attitude became sad, “I asked Lance if it would be alright if I could apologize to you and the little one you are carrying.”

Crystals Expression softened a bit as she looked up at Edge's face. Edge is not looking at her anymore but just looking down at the ground in front of him, “why didn’t Lance ever tell me about it?”

Edge glanced at her, “he thought that right now with you losing your family so soon, he thought that you might hate me and not give me the chance to try.”

She thought to herself for a moment and figured that Lance was right, “and why should I even give you a chance?” Her voice slowly rising, “I lost my mother and father, my little brother,” tears started to fall to the ground from her eyes, “my brother was going to be turning ten this year,” she shut her eyes tightly and she yelled at the dragon now, “AND NOW BECAUSE OF YOU DAMN DRAGONS HE… He…” she couldn't even finish the thought as it was far too painful. Platinum leaned up against her, she pulled Platinum in a tight hug sobbing softly.

Edge bent down close to her, “know from the bottom of my heart that I am sorry that I couldn’t save them,” Crystal opened her eyes and looked at Edge with a teary sad look, “I did everything in my power to stop by brothers from doing that horrible act.” tears start to form in the dragons eyes “I couldn’t do anything but watch as they held me down.”

Crystal put a hoof on the Dragons arm and spoke to him softer now that she knew the dragon was in pain as well, “why did you try and save them?”

Edge looks down at her softly then turned his gaze up as it hardened, “they were promised power beyond anything they have ever seen by… by something that refused to show itself to us,” Crystal’s expression changed to shock but let Edge continue, “he told us that we needed to slaughter the ponies of your town to get it,” he dropped his gaze again, “I told them innocent lives were not worth any kind of power but they all disagreed and when I tried to stop them I was attacked and held in place to watch as they slaughtered them all.”

Crystal glanced at Platinum and spoke to Edge softly, “I think it is me who need to apologize to you,” Edge looked at her confused, “after what happened I found myself hating dragons. Not just you and the one who were responsible, but all dragons,” she smiled up Edge fresh tears sliding down her cheeks again, “Lance told me what you did but I refuse to believe it thinking all dragons are just murderous brutes,” she can’t hold her head up as tears flow steadily to the ground, “I… I’m sorry that..”

Edge reached down and picked up the little pony and using a large claw, with a delicacy that you might see a doctor during surgery, wipes a tear off her cheek, “how about we leave it at this then,” he smiled at her, “I am sorry for the pain you had to go through with losing your family.”

Crystal wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him, “I am sorry that I didn’t realize you have lost as much as me and for thinking that you and all other dragons are the same,” Edge set her down Platinum looked up at her, his head cocked to the side, as she looks down at him, “I’m alright sweetheart”

Edge smiled at her, “I think you might want to be off, there are a few ponies who might be very thirsty.” she nodded up at him levitated Platinum onto her back and walked off to the next pony, “thank you for making me wait Captain.”

Edge looked down to his left as Lance smiled up at him, “you are welcome my friend.”

After a couple of days the reach the small outpost outside of Canterlot. Lance gave the signal that all the ponies with gear can move out and get rid of it. A couple ponies walked over and took the carts off Lance, one pony brought the large cart off one way. The other pony brought the other cart to a staging area were other ponies are bringing the many funeral carts now.

Lance looked back at them, “I want them cleaned up and dressed up for a proper funeral,” Crystal walked up next to Lance and he looked back at her as she nudged her head up under his chin, “they deserve a proper funeral and I don’t care what the King says I will see them have one.”

Lance had a shiver run up his spine as a voice caught his ears, “but I approve Captain,” Lance spun around to see a large black Alicorn with flowing mane and tail that resembles a flowing cluster of stars. His eyes were calm and kind looking, his cutie mark looked like a swirling galaxy, “trust me Captain I have the best designers waiting to get these ponies looking there best for their final goodbyes.”

Lance and Crystal bowed deeply as Lance spoke up, “I apologize for assuming you wouldn’t already be ready your…”

The King reached the Captain and picked him up to a standing position, “I swear if you say your Majesty you will be joining them.”

Lance smiled back, “I was going to say your Excellency.”

The King laughed at him, “No fair cheating Captain.”

Lance laughed back at him, “Likewise Sir, besides I couldn’t let you get rid of me now anyhow.”

The king looked at him curiously, “Oh?” He looked around at Crystal Care who still has her eyes to the ground. The King gave Lance a very clear smirk, “About time my friend,” he walked over to Crystal placeed a hoof under her chin making her look into his face, “What is your name dear?”

Crystal blushed a deep red, “um it’s Cry…Crystal Care your Majesty”

The King smiled at her, “It’s nice to see my good friend with such a pretty mare,” she blushes a deeper red, “Now I have a rule to share with you,” he leaned close to her, “Don’t call me your Majesty,” he gave her a quick smile and goes to turn away till another pony caught his eye, “Who is this Lance?” as he levitates Platinum up in front of his face receiving a giggle from him.

Lance smiled up at him, “This is Platinum Sword. My son”

The King gave Lance a look of surprise then turned to Crystal and back to Lance, “Wha… I… Wait what?”

Lance laughed a little, “adopted son Sir.”

The King relaxed a bit, “Oh…don’t do that to me Lance. I was just about to jump down your throat for not telling me you had a son.”

Lance took Platinum from the King and gave him a sad look, “He is the only one who survived the attack on the town Sir.”

The King’s expression changed instantly, “You mean...” the King looked at the funeral carts that where still lining up, “I am putting a whole town to rest?” The King dropped his gaze for a few moments then looked back up to Lance, “Lance I know you traveled a long way my friend, but can I ask you to make sure every pony knows the funeral will be tomorrow evening at sunset. I will tell the Queen of the grave news,” Lance nodded as the King turned to Crystal, “You may not think so but I am well aware of what your name was and I am aware you have lost your family,” The King bowed deeply to her, “please except my apologies for not being able to do anything,” all Crystal can do is put a hoof up to her mouth to stop herself from crying. The King stood up straight nodded to Lance and took off into the air. Lance walked over to Crystal and wrapped her in a hug as she buried her face into his neck. Platinum squeezed between them and wrapped his front hooves around her front leg.

The next day every pony in Canterlot and the Pony outpost are standing dressed nicely in a large field lined with sliver coffins. The King just sat back down after giving a small speech feeling a little useless from not being able to do more. The Queen a beautiful white Alicorn with clear blue eyes and a tail and mane that as it flowed as if in a constantly in a breeze shined with a different color with every movement. Her cutie mark is a small ring with wings giving off a ray of light, put her head on the King’s shoulder which he leaned his head against her head. She wrapped a wing around him knowing that he could use any support he get.

Lance is standing close to the coffins in his best military uniform with Nova to his right and Crystal to his left. He glanced to his left and grabbed Crystals hoof squeezing it letting her know that he was there for her, and she sobbed softly. She walked up next to him and he pulled her in to a comforting hug. Platinum stood in front of Lance wearing a small version of Lance’s uniform looked up at them sadly till something caught his attention. He spun around and looked around eagerly. Lance looked down at him, “what’s wrong buddy?” Platinum looked up at him the back to the coffins and took off down the rows of coffins, “Platinum?!”

The King noticed Lance running through the coffins and watched him curiously, “What is he doing?” Then he noticed Nova and Crystal care fallowing behind him. The King wanting to know what is going on told the Queen that he will be right back with a small kiss on her cheek and took off into the air.

Lance fallows closely behind Platinum who is zigzagging through the coffins, “Platinum what are you doing?” When Lance turned a corner Platinum stood on his hind legs trying to get up into a coffin, “Platinum what?” When Lance looked up he noticed who is in the coffin, still waiting to be closed and lowered into the ground he stopped and his heart just about dropped out of his chest. Platinum is trying to get into the coffin with his mother.

Nova and Crystal reached them as Lance curious to what Platinum wanted levitated him to the edge of the coffin, “Lance that’s…” Nova said with obvious emotion in his shaky voice.

Platinum carefully made his way up to the side of his mother’s head and looked at her with wounder. Lance couldn't deny how beautiful she looked in a robin egg blue dress with the right amount of makeup to bring out her beauty more and her hair done up he never denied that she would have had no problem finding a special somepony. She had her front hooves crossed across her chest holding a small bouquet of pink flowers. Lance then looked up at Platinum again as Platinum slightly nudged her head and looked at her as is trying to wake her up. After a couple of seconds the little foal leaned closer to her head and curled up next to her head in a small ball. If Lance’s heart didn’t drop before it just did now. Lance could feel the tears stinging his eyes. He turned his head a little and notices Crystal had her hooves up to her mouth as she watched crying softly to herself, and Nova is completely turned around but Lance can tell he was crying as well as his shivers were a dead giveaway.

The King standing on a cloud over head has a hoof over his eyes as tears fall to the cloud. Lance pulling himself back together looked back at Platinum, “come on Platinum,” Platinum looked up at Lance stood up with a quick look at his mother and a small kiss on her cheek he jumped down out of the coffin and walked over to Crystal who scooped him up and cried into the foal. Lance stared at her for a second before he uses his magic to pull off a medal on his uniform, one that he received a long time ago for his bravery in battle, he then laid it over her heart and quietly told her, “I promise that I will look after and take care of him for you, so don’t worry,” He felt a small touch on his back and glanced around to see Platinum looking up at him. He picked him up and pulled him into a hug, “I promise I will be there for you,” a couple tears fell from his eyes, “I promise”

Author's Note:

One more Chapter before the Story starts to fallow Platinum. Things will be getting more intense when He takes over.