• Member Since 8th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 7th, 2013

Theater Critic

I'm that one kid that made the infamous fanfic and gets called an asshole because other people are hypocrites.

Comments ( 60 )

what is this i dont even

2821445 i love the fics that are completely random and make no sense whatsoever


Lol, ok.

I'm still waiting on Umachan to dislike this horrible fanfic.

I can comply with that.


It horrible, but I had fun making it. :moustache:

Still waiting on the approval.

It's actually your best fic yet, considering it actually resembles a story. Scarily enough.

Trollfics are supposed to make people laugh.

This didn't make me laugh.

2821904 i'll agree, though the only thing that made me lightly chuckle was the cover art

Ha Ha! Topical!

The whole ABC thing is really getting out of hand though. I'll admit that while this story has it's problems, it's not bad. It's just a lot like Amy's food: dull and tasteless. This seems to be nothing more than an attempt to take something that's popular now and add ponies to it.

This could have been any restaurant that the mane 6 walked into and the story would not have been any different. That being said, it's not a bad story. It's just not a funny or interesting one. My guess is you're trying too hard to either be outrageous in an attempt to get into a war with Umachan. You do realise that he enjoys tearing into you and other authors and that you're just giving him ammunition?

Guys like him aren't worth getting angry at. Just ignore him and eventually he'll go away and find another target.


Thanks for the feedback! :twilightsmile:

I decided to do this because I wanted to try a random fanfic, and I watched the Kitchen Nightmares episode.

No problem. As a wise man once said, "advice is free. What you choose to do with it is up to you".

And this is not really random in that it has a definite structure and linear plot. What you've done is take elements of the Kitchen Nightmares episode and mixed it with ponies. There's no randomness there. You missed an opportunity, several in fact, to be random but you went for the easy thing and didn't try to develop some of these ideas.

For example. The chocolate cake or whatever that Pinkie Pie orders. She gets it but it immediately makes her sick because she recognises it as being commercially made with all the artificial additives and flavours that you get from the mass produced stuff. She then takes over the kitchen and in no time makes a cake from scratch that everypony loves but Amy and Samy hate.

Or Applejack asking for anything that has apples in it and getting more frustrated since there isn't anything apple related and they won't budge on substituting applesauce on her pizza instead of tomato sauce.

And at the end suddenly there's a fire. Yes that's random, but there's no lead up to it.

As I said, it's not bad. But it's not good either. It's just kinda "meh".


Thanks of the feedback. :twilightsmile:

If I get this story featured, I'll make a Wind X Caramel story.


The revoke submission button is gone.

What does that mean?

That either it got rejected and you need to fix something and resubmit or that it has gotten posted. Either way you should have gotten a message


Didnt get a message. Maybe it's sent and it's coming?


It's aprooved. Finally.

Shouldn't there be a crossover tag?

There were a lot of grammatical errors, and it was really random.

Also, pet peeve time; you don't need to cus every other word. Maybe once or twice in a non-clop story, but otherwise, don't overuse it unless needed for something really dramatic. (Anger, death, etc.)


That's what the story is. Random and Cusswords.

LOL. This is funny.


Oh, And you might want to go for a better title.

By the way, is this a trollfic?

While I'm not an expert with errors, I can tell you this: The story seems a bit rushed, and you seem to be doing a lot of "Tell instead of Show" characteristics that a lot of authors fall victim to. While I do see some small grammatical errors, I didn't see that many.

However, I know for a fact that the pacing needs some work on. Do that and you should have a semi-decent story.

I will admit I did laugh a couple of times at the randomness inside the fic.


No. I just PMd Lokimen, asked if he wanted to do a fanfic, and we did it.


Thanks for the feedback


No need to use a second account to praise yourself TheaterCritic :facehoof:


I don't. That's another person entirely


FUCK! Should have changed that!

But it used it be.

Until... I can't explain it.





Here, have a snickers.


You're using the exact same story behind bleh's existence for your own self-praising purposes.

You said you can't explain it because you don't know what to say.

2822873 I fucking love you for this.


Wait, bleh is just a funny-troll verision of you, correct? I never quite got his story,.I just assummed that was it.

But yeah. Theater, don't be a butt and praise yourself.

Once upon a time, in the magical world of earth, there lived a boy and his friend. His friend wanted to write stories on the boy's alt account, so the boy let him on it. Then the friend did the only logical thing, which was to change the password and use the alt account for his own sexual and creepy purposes.

I thought that group died.

Oh well.


Comment posted by Goldy deleted Jul 4th, 2013

That's great! :pinkiehappy:

It almost reached up to troll standards...

...I saw a blog of yours saying you wanted this to get featured, in exchange for writing a gay clopfic with your self-insert.

I was GOING to not comment here, because you are one of the last authors who should EVER spoil the Featured box, and my comment would only boost you. As much as I die inside every time darf writes something, if I saw the name TheaterCritic at the very top of the front page...

But I've NEVER seen a story get up there that entered with more red than green. So my saying that this was a stupid idea as anything but a trollfic from the get-go won't bump it up.

Seriously, you thought someone with your consistent lack of quality and dismissal of any legitimate criticism could ever reach that box?

Also, just an observation: you never admit when you're cornered. I see that here too; the moment someone says something you can't refute, you panic and leave. You know it makes you look better if you admit to being wrong, right?

I lol'd at the sudoku

2823936 You don't remember making that blog? Wow. Do we need to have a talk about sleep-blogging?

And I DARE you legitimately tell me I'm wrong about THIS:

just an observation: you never admit when you're cornered. I see that here too; the moment someone says something you can't refute, you panic and leave. You know it makes you look better if you admit to being wrong, right?


Because poor literacy is cool!

Who made the last part?

2823971 Thanks for proving you didn't read my first comment, jackass.

2824069 No, that was you to yourself.

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