
This story is a sequel to Entrenchment

The 38th Company brought many strange and novel things to Equestria.
Technology beyond Canterlot's wildest fantasies. Horrors beyond its bloodiest nightmares.
War, strife, blight, and the dominion of monstrous gods long hidden from the eyes of Equestria's innocent populace.

But the planet known as Centaur III knew the touch of dark magics and evil cults long before the Iron Warriors took their first step upon its soil and constructed their blasphemous idols.
The plot to plunge the world into darkness left many wounds and ancient grudges to fester.
The story of the thestrals, the bat-winged soldiers of the Lunar Guard, is one of misery, bitterness, and betrayal. Their history is little more than desperate quests for power and anticlimactic failures, all mere footnotes now as the survivors quietly return to service under their humbled, purified Princess.

Alas, some scars do not heal.
You reap what you sow.

(Dark humor warning; limited grimdark themes)
(Cover art by MagicStarFriends)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 4 - Emerald Dawn

An MLP/Warhammer 40K crossover, part 5.

With their plan established and put into motion, the 38th Company begins the long and unwieldy task of planetary defense, fueling the arcane energies that may yet unsteady the Empyrean and spare their fleet from an enemy without number or mercy. The inhabitants of Centaur III and even the abandoned aggressors help where they are able, but as their foes grow in number and destruction spreads across the planet, the war for the Centaur system has become a bloody race against time.
All the while, the grim culture of the Chaos marauders continues to mingle with the enlightened benevolence of their equine allies. Tempers fray and allegiances blur. But the die has been cast: Equestria and the Company will survive together, or be snuffed out together.
And even should they succeed, what future awaits these unlikeliest of friends?
For there is no peace among the stars. Only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


(Cover art by Ahrimatt)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This series is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)

Chapters (15)

A Gellar Field malfunction casts 800 Pre-Heresy Word Bearers into the immaterium just after the Fall of Monarchia.
When they return 10,000 years later, they are forever changed.
Gone are the fanatical worshipers of the Emperor, for in their place stand not the heralds of Chaos, but the Heretics of Harmony.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to From Dust

Twilight Sparkle is many things, but above all else, she is a friend. Her most recent acquaintance is, however, a most unusual sort.

Never before has Equestria played host to a traitor space marine of the Adeptus Astartes.

As an armor-bound soul with a body burned to naught but ash and dust, how will this former being of war fit into the love and harmony of the pony domains?

Surprisingly well, all things considered.

A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 2 - Ferrous Dominus

An MLP/Warhammer 40K crossover, part 3.

The formal negotiations between Equestria and the Iron Warriors have failed. Yet peace and even cooperation between the harmonious ponies and the corrupted militants blooms in the dark corners of Canterlot and the open streets of Ferrous Dominus. The Elements of Harmony are safe, trade flourishes, and cautious meetings grow into lasting friendships as an unsteady calm descends upon both forces.
Even the Tau threat seems to have mysteriously vanished as the Iron Warriors refuse to assault their hideouts and risk springing the traps of the Fire Caste.
But the Tau have not vanished. The Lamman Sept of the Tau Empire, the Fire Caste's hidden dagger, have come to grips with the slumbering giant looming over their doorstep and have moved forward into the final phases of their plan. Fleets ply the void, hunters stalk the orchards, and in the depths of the badlands a strange device is rapidly assembled for purposes unknown.
The Tau alone know that time is running out, and more than just the fate of Centaur III hangs in the balance.


(Dark humor warning; minor grimdark)
(Cover art by Ahrimatt)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This series is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)

Chapters (12)

Trazyn and Orikan found themselves stranded in Equestria. Wanting to learn more about that place's hidden history, Trazyn sought Celestia for a talk.

Going to the appropriately named Boring Fields, south of Canterlot, Celestia will discover a slither of the horrors of a foreign - and thankfully separated - universe.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forged Anew

Twilight has earned the trust and loyalty of both Hesperos, a former Rubricae of the Thousand Sons, and Te'kan of the Salamanders. In the idyllic realm of Equestria, the need for such mighty warriors is nonexistant. However, outside Equestria's borders are lands wild and dangerous. Worse, the galaxy the astartes call home has not forgotten them. Together they face the final fate planned for them deep within the maelstrom of the warp.

A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Entrenchment

Boarding actions are often frantic, desperate assaults. Men are launched directly into the greatest bastions of the enemy while guns that can level city blocks roar around them. Boarding soldiers are swarmed in minutes by all manner of defenses and opponents, trying to wreak what havoc they can within a vessel's belly before they're overwhelmed and extinguished. Incoming fire from their own ships continue to pound away at their target the entire time. Depressurization, incineration, and rad-flensing are all common ends to the life of the boarding trooper, and as often as not their death comes as a result of their own sabotage.

Pity these courageous souls who take their weapons to the hearts of giants.

(Dark humor warning; grimdark themes)
(Cover art by EZTP)
(Featured on 8/4/2019!)

Chapters (3)

Failure. Arctic Wolf. Hero. Precursor.

As a young colt, Hoarfrost never could have imagined he would be anything but the first of these four things, being branded as the runt of his village, failing the memory of his ancestors, even failing in getting his Cutie Mark at the normal age. Fate however has a way of changing your perspective on events, and little stones can soon become landslides, the consequences of the smallest actions having the furthest reaching repercussions.
As an Arctic Wolf, it is his duty to help safeguard the growing empire of Equestria from all threats, be they Diamond Dogs, Minotaur's or anything else that threatens his kin. All threats must fall before the Arctic Wolves. No exceptions

This story is a side story to The God Empress of Ponykind by iowaforever. Go check it out, or I doubt this will make sense, plus the fact it's just awesome in general.
Cover art was originally done by DarkHestur but was edited slightly by me. The original can be found here: CoalHeart
If you're going to dislike it, please leave a comment to tell me why. I can only be as good as your feedback allows.

Popular Stories List: 28/3/14

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 5 - Suffer Not the Alien to Live

An Age of Iron story.

Months have passed since the destruction of the Ork Space Hulk and the end of the war against the Waaagh that threatened to swallow the Centaur system and all its inhabitants.
The Iron Warriors' 38th Company is the absolute military power on the planet, and the survivors of the Lamman Sept and the ponies of Equestria stand with this mighty army of Chaos as they claim Centaur III as their own. Although the other nations of their world may not fully recognize the Company's dominance, it is no matter; the Iron Warriors make plans to return their cargo to the Eye of Terror and return to their eternal trade of piracy. The planet is secure, and can be shrouded by Warp storms at their whim. The natives are divided, weak, and anyway occupied fighting off the scattered Ork warbands. The military supremacy of Chaos is unchallenged, and bolstered by Equestria's reluctant, but hard-earned support.
As Ferrous Dominus expands its operations and the fleet performs its long-suffered duty, it seems nothing can stop the Iron Warriors and their equine allies. The denizens of this conflicted world start to hope that at last peace - if not a distinctly unstable and militaristic peace - has come, and they might start constructing a new, better future from the ruins of war.
But hope... is the first step on the road to disappointment.

(Dark humor warning; limited grimdark themes)
(Cover art by EZTP)
(Featured on 9/19/2015)

Chapters (19)