The Cutie Map had assigned a new friendship mission to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The only catch is that this is a very special mission, because it requires them to go to outer space! They get set to spread the magic of friendship to the farthest reaches of the universe!

Collaboration with Tane4041 and me.

Chapters (4)

An argument about science and 'where ponies came from' puts one of Twilight Sparkle's friends in a fishy predicament.

(cover image used by permission, from https://purplesmart.ai/item/067d3841-92e3-424d-ad02-a22306db3798)

Chapters (1)

Ali and Sean had been the best of friends for eight long years, but when a bad car accident takes Ali away from Sean, he wallows in guilt and grief for two years. One fateful day, however, a strange portal opens in Sean's room, taking both Sean and the spirit of Ali to Equestria. Ali is now flesh and bone, and Sean can't believe it. Can they get back home? Will Ali be alive if they go back? They embark on a great quest to find a way to get back, however, meet a few monsters and friends along the way. Will they go home, or is Equestria going to become their home? Will they survive? Will they meet a gruesome end? Will I ever stop asking these questions? Who knows! Find out in this thrilling adventure of two humans in a world of multi-coloured lastel ponies!

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is a powerful sorceress, a guidance counselor par excellence, and one of the best friends a mare can have (according to a survey of her closest friends). And, as one of Ponyville's premier reformed villains, she goes out of her way to help ponies in need.

Sometimes, Starlight's friends wish she were a little less helpful. Or, at least, was more careful about it.

A Comedy entry in Bicylette's "A Thousand Words" contest.

Chapters (1)

To save her family and home, Applejack the Peasant would travel across Equestria through many hardships, even rescue a Princess from a dragon keep.

But now the journey back, that’s what she considered the problem.

After all, escorting Princess Rarity across the country safely would be nothing but a nuisance.

Because of course, A Princess and a Peasant could never get along.

And naturally, A Princess and a Peasant could never fall in love.

…But there’s a first time for everything.

(That’s right. I took the baseline of the story of Shrek 1 and I made it about Rarijack; And it’s glorious)

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Essence of Magic

When the maelstrom of magic remains ever turbulent, will the moon be able to turn the tide?

Chapters (1)

Warning: This story and this description both contain spoilers for the Web Novel: Worm. If you don't want to be spoiled, read Worm first, then come back and read this

The apocalypse had come at the hand of a god-like multidimensional alien entity. Taylor Hebert, a parahuman with power over bugs and bug-like things has her powers altered by a former enemy and subsequently uses morally questionable means to make everyone in existence with superpowers fight this evil deity, eventually defeating him.

This however came with a cost. Her mind was deteriorating as her power was subsuming her. Thus another cape decided it would be a mercy to put a pair of bullets in the back of her skull.

Another entity witnessed all of this. This entity, grateful for Taylor's role in stopping this alien god and thus saving countless worlds and thus countless lives, decides to intervene. It brings Taylor to Equestria turning her into a Changeling Queen in the process.

(Warning, Dark, Death, and/or Tragedy may be added to the list of tags in the future, depending on how things go. Furthermore, the Suicide tag is for the references to suicide in the description and in the first chapter. Suicide and/or self harm will NOT be a major theme in this story.)

(This is a crossover with the web novel called Worm by the author Wildbow. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't, it's a really good story!)

Chapters (17)

A spell cast without knowledge of magic, a book that should never have been touched and a young dragon that never listens to anything. All of this spawned a plague that broke the line between an old man's story and a magical world.

This is the story of fairy tale

Chapters (1)

In The Future This Story May Receive Light Again, But For Now It Will Sleep

As another year passes, a host of characters are pulled from the void. All of them see themselves as heroes in their own right, but soon they will realize that this may not be the case. In this hostile dimension, they will be forced into a tournament where twenty-four will enter, but only one will exit. The stage is set, the world is watching, and everypony is prepared to declare their newest victor. Will they have what it takes to survive in this cruel and twisted world? Is playing their game truly the only way to win, or is escape not as impossible as it seems?

This story is inspired by a Hunger Games OC concept made in 2019 but with some twists to set it apart. The idea was first proposed by a creator called EvyDusk, who's no longer active. The current main ideas in this story and drafts of it are created by me, and they are improved on massively by my co-writer named Emo Rainbow.

Like any other Hunger Games Story, there will be a lot of violence, deaths, and disappointing moments as OCs are cut down and their numbers dwindle, however, for the OCs who were submitted, we'll be trying to make their moments, and this story, as interesting as it could be. Most of the OCs you'll be seeing will be competitors, but there will be some who will be on the sidelines, with other roles surrounding the tournament.

Here are all the OCs by Author:
Blaze Firestarter by Indigo Lightning Strike
"Waxbeak" by SirReal
Silver Chance by foxmaster
Odium by Heroic412227
Kirouac by NicLove
Second Wind by Amereep
Fighter Swan by Emo Rainbow
Ozone Shift by Ekhidna
Firestorm by BradyBunch
Green Scale by red reaper
Jade Dawn by Jade Dawn
Luminous Skies by Luminous Skies
Tarantula "Inkwell" Brush by amf studios
Cobalt Dust by -Bluejay-
Silent Talon by Jman796
Jason Colby by AsuFlick
Golden Gild by Connect-the-Pie
Wet Nurse, Foal-Bearer, Beatrix by Dr Sharaz Jek

This list will be added on as potentially more OCs could join. The time to submit OCs for the competition is over, but you can still submit OCs as non-competitors, such as game masters, trainers, servants, and other roles that could be useful.

If you're going to submit OCs, want to know more about our project, and other questions, please contact either me or my co writer Emo Rainbow

Chapters (4)

This is where I'll be putting all my random ideas and concepts that'll never be made into actual stories.

Will contain one shots or me simply writing down the idea if i'm unable to do that. If you wanna make any of these into a full story (as if) feel free, just credit me for the overall concept.

Chapters (2)