• Member Since 24th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen January 3rd

Here for the Gold Skies

"Perhaps the real treasure was this adventure. It made us grow and allowed us to make amends for our past mistakes...No ,I want my fucking gold now"

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Blog Posts

  • 34 weeks
    Idea for a Christmas movie

    I had this idea while I was numbing my brain with Christmas movies like: A prince from a kingdom with a stupid name comes to New York and falls in love with the girl who runs a Hot Dog stand or one or two pastry shops are at war to see who sells the most biscuits drier than Nefertiti's tomb but who falls in love but my favorite is those where the not nice Capitalist loses the project of his fucking life because “NUH- HUH, Christmas love is stronger than money.

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  • 36 weeks
    1 : French song I sing while I shower

    Hey it's you French Boi Here For The Gold Skies and thank to my friend Dark Wrex I decided to show you some of my Shower Mix.


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  • 41 weeks
    History competition for Halloween.

    The little pony's favorite holiday is of course Halloween, they can dress up, stay up late at night, degrade the houses of those who don't give candy but above all...Eat as much junk as possible without worrying about having their parents on their backs.

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  • 41 weeks
    Scary thought of the day: 7

    Scary thought of the day: 7

    - Why in the depths of the sea and one of the calmest places in the world?
    - What would happen if all the stars in the sky went out?
    - Does death have a taste?

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  • 42 weeks
    Terrifying thoughts of the day: 6

    -Do we know when we close our eyes for the last time?
    -Some plants can smell like others. Can they smell us?
    -Do we know the effect of space on human skin?

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Idea for a Christmas movie · 1:59pm Nov 30th, 2023

I had this idea while I was numbing my brain with Christmas movies like: A prince from a kingdom with a stupid name comes to New York and falls in love with the girl who runs a Hot Dog stand or one or two pastry shops are at war to see who sells the most biscuits drier than Nefertiti's tomb but who falls in love but my favorite is those where the not nice Capitalist loses the project of his fucking life because “NUH- HUH, Christmas love is stronger than money.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Hey, I decided to share the music I like on a blog, I hope you like it

You too... I thought you'd follow me

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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