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also · 11:34pm May 4th, 2019

im almost done with Family Tree chapter 18, and fair warning, a big chunk of it is Lottie talking about her past.

so if teen drama ain't your thing, sorry but after the long wait for a new chapter, teen angst is what you're gettin

but im off for summer now and summer classes don't start until the beginning of next month, so lots of free time to write more chapters (maybe even more short stories if i really have extra time), but stay tuned.


Some Other Me · 9:59am Aug 1st, 2015

Through the great Trouser Legs of Time, there's an alternate universe where someone never tried to murder me with their fists.

Because I was never punched repeatedly in the head, a minor embuggerance to say the least, nothing set off the chain reaction of bad genetics and faulty wiring that would topple my brain chemistry completely.

I never got PTSD. I never got diagnosed with bipolar mania or narcolepsy. I never suffered a seizure or a psychotic episode.

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Report MrNumbers · 667 views · #ANGST

Life Update · 9:46pm Mar 5th, 2023

Nobody’s asked where I’ve gone or what happened to me yet, so my lack of updating clearly isn’t bothering many people except myself, I guess.

Consider this just a vent post. I don’t really know what I wanna say, just that I kinda wanna say stuff. I do know that I wanna say I’m still in my writer’s block, and apologize for that.

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Report AuroraDawn · 634 views · #Angst #update

Status · 1:04pm Mar 16th, 2016

I should really stop trying to understand how people behave toward me on the Internet.

Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)
The Shipping Boat by Hoopsy

The Smiling Stallion (ongoing) by Robipony

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Two Lost and Lonely Souls Pondering the Metaphysical Implications of a Slow Dance · 7:56pm Nov 19th, 2015

Here together, moving as one:
two lost and lonely souls, just looking for fun.
We all want to believe it lasts forever,
Brighter than the sun, that we're the only ones.
We all want to believe it's getting better.
We're afraid to conceive that it could soon be done.

We're together, in each other's arms.
Dancing to a sad song, it's got a certain charm.
But I have you and you have me, we've got each other.
And that's enough to make it though the night.

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Loneliness is a Friend to Me · 5:47pm May 23rd, 2021

Loneliness is a Friend to Me:

Loneliness has been a longtime friend to me.
It's been my kindest enemy.
Always in reach, residing in each
old memory.
Teaching me empathy.

It's taught me to let go.
It taught me to take "no."
Forced me to be myself,
to need no one's "say so."
Loneliness was always there with the ending day glow.

I get a call to come attend
the outside world and just pretend
like I belong. But, in the end,
I'm not the type to leave a friend.


Book 2? · 3:39am Nov 28th, 2015

I may have mentioned Feeding Problems is the only story I've ever been able to finish in my life. You might get an idea of why, if I tell you that at 191,000 words Bloom Filter has surpassed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in sheer word count, and that's not counting the 46,000 words I haven't published yet, for a current total of 236,892 words, roughly*, which

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Working on a Momlestia story · 5:13pm Aug 28th, 2015


Where Did 10 Years Go? · 5:58am Mar 25th, 2017

Next month will officially mark my 10th year, ten years trying to make some kind of a dent with my writing.

In those last months of my last high school semester, I began writing down a list of stories I wanted to write, characters I wanted to be in them, one of whom ending up my vampire bat, Jimmy Lee Darrell.

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But why? · 1:39pm Apr 19th, 2016

Does that look like the face of an angsty teenager to you? Why would you write about him being abused/taking revenge and treat it as canon?

I'm at work right now, but I'll post some more later.

Report TGM · 727 views · #spike #spike fics #teenage angst #etc

What Is And What Never Should Be · 10:48pm Dec 19th, 2018

This day. This damn day. It should have been amazing. New phone, new watch, totally awesome. Right? WRONG. Because my Uncle is an ASSHAT who enjoys PICKING APART MY TINIEST FLAWS AND POINTING OUT MY MISTAKES AND STICKING HIS NOSE IN MY BUSINESS. And now? An awesome day has been dulled. It should be amazing. It is killing me. I want to explode. I am angry, I am upset. I am smoking too much. I'm just done. So past done. I can't handle this. I need a stronger medication, a million dollars, and

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our xbox controller broke · 5:36am Jul 8th, 2020

no video games for us until we get a new one

sad face

also we are very annoyed about like

putting a lot of effort into our writing and seemingly having almost no one enjoy it

it's like ten stories in a row or something that probably would have done better if we were a complete nobody writing about random gibberish

be honest: are we just legitimately terrible at this? because it feels like we are.

also yes very sad video games blah blah blah whatever. darf is an idiot. the end.


Waiting Really is the Hardest Part · 3:59am Mar 8th, 2018

It's a well-known truth that emotions are often the biggest drive behind the creation of art. I've never heard of someone who made a work with absolutely no emotion behind it. Whether it's a feeling of joviality or depression, there's always an underlying emotion driving a creative work.

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New Story on Monday, August 1st · 2:48am Aug 1st, 2016

Howdy folks.

Wow, last time I actually posted a new story was February. I've been busy as hell writing in the past 6 months, but none of it has made it to you yet. The Sunset Shipping Project has all seven stories completed, but I'm still getting them all polished up to perfection.

In the meantime, I have a new oneshot for you that I recently entered into the "End of an Era" writeoff contest. It didn't do all that well, but I've fixed up what I suspect were most of the major issues.

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Shoot your darlings · 10:22pm Jun 14th, 2016

Warning: Serious waaaangst. TL; DR: Hunting Season is going on hiatus while I try to recover from a near critical brainbreak on it. I will be refocusing on Macromantic, Twilight's Thrones, and some other ideas I have. First projects will be Orange request from Mr. Ghostman and the winner of the 50-follower dealie, which is looking to be AJ-apotheosis.

Be ye-warned, past here is ego-gigolo/self-pity.

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25th Birthday Disaster (Rant) · 2:11am Nov 16th, 2021


Something I realized... · 10:39am Jun 8th, 2015

Okay, so I recently just realized a common factor in pretty much all the good fanfics, and a lot of bad ones...


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A song for the people who treat others like shit · 1:44pm Jan 13th, 2021


It's D-licious, it's D-lightful, it's... D-layed. T_T · 3:13am Jul 3rd, 2017

Yeah, I hate to say it, folks, but the next Iron Horse chapter's gonna be delayed. There are a few reasons why:

  1. Work stuff: Some stressful stuff I don't want to go into, but it has left me in a mildly depressed state.
  2. Health stuff: I had a little scare that put me off my game, but it was a false alarm.

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Sadness isn't Sad; A Short Treatise · 5:46pm Oct 9th, 2017

Of course, it's sad to be sad. Don't get me wrong. What I mean when I say this is; Your protagonist being sad doesn't make a story about sadness, nor should you expect your audience to empathize with that.

Everyone gets sad, obviously. We can relate to a characters' sadness and feel it as our own, when well written. This should serve as a quick guide to common pitfalls and how/why to avoid them.

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