
Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results

What The Frick... · 4:41am Nov 23rd, 2017 I gotta do to hit the featured box? My three most recent stories have hit the Popular Stories list. So shouldn't that be enough to gain a spot on the top of the front page? I mean sure being on the side bar is great and all but if I can land three fics in a week plus gain over ten followers in that same time frame shouldn't that mean something to whoever or whatever chooses the featured stories? :rainbowhuh:

Report pabrony83 · 390 views · #Frustrated

sigh... · 3:01am Sep 30th, 2016

Its frustrating when you have thousands of words of text written but nothing is complete enough to post. You want to prove to your audience that yes, you are making progress, if slowly, but you cant give them anything more than; "Yes, I'm working on stuff."

Report Tsunogami · 367 views · #frustration

Here we Go Again... · 9:05pm Aug 17th, 2015


It's also on my desktop computer...


Frustration · 1:33am Aug 1st, 2020

Since Monday;

-I've tested twice. Once Monday, once today. Monday test was supposed to have results in 3-5 days. Today's test is supposed to take 24-48 hours. Anyway you slice it, I'm likely stuck in this hotel room for the rest of the weekend... or if I can't scrounge the money together, sleeping in my car. So that's fun.

-I've shown no symptoms, so I was made to come into work... where I was forced to stay for at least two hours overtime each day. Also fun.

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Report Jade Ring · 320 views · #Frustration

Well this sucks... · 12:12am Aug 24th, 2015

I had written down in a journal the layout for Power Rangers Harmonic Force, and I can't find the journal right now. Chapter Three is nearly done and it will be posted by the end of the month at the latest. I will update when I find it.

Report Jmaster99 · 248 views · #Frustrated.

Frustrated · 4:31am May 27th, 2017

When you decide to reread some fanfiction in your favorites only to find out it's not there anymore because the author probably deleted it. :fluttercry:

Report Banshee · 326 views · #Deletion #Frustration

Frustrated venting and opening up a little. · 3:39pm Jun 9th, 2016

So I pre-ordered a game guys, :twilightsheepish: Yeah, I pre-ordered the new Attack on Titan: The Wings of Freedom game (which came out in Japan in February) for the Xbox one. I'll be getting it in August which is awesome. I only heard about the game a few days ago. :rainbowlaugh: I'd show ya'll a picture of the cover but with the Colossal Titan appearing flayed and the stream of magma looking like blood erupting form its mouth I fear the mods will crush me unless they knew what it was.

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Hi yes i am alive · 7:16pm Oct 6th, 2021

but barely so, got a sinus infection and now i feel like crap, i have a choir concert tomorrow and ughhhh i don't wanna be sick anymoreeee


Frustration · 5:37am Feb 1st, 2018

To any who might be able to read this I have been attempting, admittedly off and on, to post my content and have had trouble having it published. Maybe it's me, I'm not really the best with computers and having had luck on other sites have mostly overlooked Fim as a resource. That being said I feel that if I want to have my work read and commented on more frequently I need to make a more conscious effort to work in an area where more will be willing to do so. When I last attempted to repost one

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Report foxkidd91 · 283 views · #writer #Frustration

I hate work.. · 2:26pm Jan 29th, 2020

Urgh, sorry guys... :applecry:

Well, I don't have to be sorry about anything, but I have wanted to write a lot more than I have done these days. :pinkiesick:

I have had a busy week so far, my work is trying to cheat me and and my coworkers for extra pay when we work overtime.. And now I have discovered they have might been cheating me out of cut of my paycheck! I hope that is not the case, but, bucking hell... Going to my union on Monday to hopefully clear it all up. :facehoof:

Report DanishDash · 217 views · #Tired #frustrated

Writer's block · 8:11am Apr 15th, 2016

What I think writing my latest fic is going to be like:

What it's actually like:


That Moment · 9:43pm Dec 24th, 2017

I wonder if a fellow Fimfic writer had this happen to them. I was trying to update one of my stories, but then something happened. As I was writing it out and I was almost done, my computer glitched out on me. When it came back on, the websites I was on, including fimfic, restored themselves. Unfortunately, I didn't save the chapter. So whatever I had already written, it all got deleted and I have to start all over again. It really sucks and is disheartening to even try to write all that up

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Meh... · 5:53pm Feb 7th, 2019

How come I still haven't continued the Project Ghost? Beats me. What exactly is keeping me from continuing? I have no idea. I'd like to write so many stories, but it's just not happening.

To be honest, I don't even know how my stories are going to end and I think that's a huge part of the problem. I mean, I have the start and I can see the final ending, but how to actually get there? I don't like planning, because I never follow the said plan anyway.

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FrustrATIONNN- · 1:42am Aug 23rd, 2021

So, a little backstory here.
My dad tends to lose everything that isn't his. If he takes it from us, within 24 hours it's missing without a trace.

Well, guess what?
My dad took my SCHOOL-ISSUED CHROMEBOOK for a couple days and now it's freaking missing. And even worse I NEED it for school stiffs tomorrow which is frickin great! AGHHHH



Update, we found it, it was hiding a little, it fell down between a narrow spot that was buried so haha yay


Banging My Head Against the Keyboard · 2:22am Apr 9th, 2016

Inspiration is a fickle thing. Sometimes I go through a day knowing the exact words I want to put down in a given story, eagerly typing away when I get the chance. Those are the good days.

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I'm Incredibly Bored · 9:32pm Mar 6th, 2018

I remember a time where I was never bored. I could be content for hours upon hours in a room alone with nothing to do. I've always had a really busy mind, with too many things going on to explore them all. I did a lot of worldbuilding, I wrote 200 pages worth of fantasy novel, and was always Roleplaying with my best friend within worlds we created ourselves.

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Update #2 - Hiatus Already? · 3:25am Nov 11th, 2015

Hello my subjects.

I have found it rather hard to write a story regarding the Friendship is Magic universe. That doesn't mean I won't stop trying, it's just that I need a while to re-collect my thoughts. Since tomorrow is Veterans Day, (No school), I will have time to get into a story writing mood. But I'm guaranteeing nothing.


King Hatred~


Something's been bothering me lately · 3:19pm Nov 18th, 2022

Hey, guys. Mr. J here.

I have been feeling a little down as of late due to some...well, things that have been annoying me and I want to vent my frustrations with you guys.

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I am so frustrated! · 12:09pm Dec 16th, 2019

I submitted my first story last Saturday night, I waited, I log on today and it says it didnĀ“t pass for something INSIGNIFICANT!!!! Just because of something minor, My story was rejected! I just resubmitted it. I was already feeling terrible and that just makes me really mad! Anyone else ever had that problem or is it just me?


Finally... · 9:19pm Jan 14th, 2019

Finally I have my computer back in working order. First blog post of the year with a fixed up computer. I bet everyone is wondering what happened. So for the past few months I've been without computer and if you see any posts from me those came from my phone.

Yup I've been on my phone the entire time since about... last April maybe. So nearly ten months without one. Regardless I'm finally back up to full speed with a computer.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results