I gotta admit, I loved those Canterlot ponies, Specially Sassy Saddles, Minuette/Colgate, Cayenne Pepper, Citrus Blush, and Moonlight Raven.
I gotta admit, I loved those Canterlot ponies, Specially Sassy Saddles, Minuette/Colgate, Cayenne Pepper, Citrus Blush, and Moonlight Raven.
Hey folks...
There has been a fresh eruption of angry words over the Turnabout Storm novelization, and RavenRegios has apparently been bearing the brunt of it. She says she got kicked off another story site along with all her stories for defending the work, and the latest exchanges in the comments section of Turnabout Storm itself has her very upset.
Only thing is, this version is Genderbent (that way I can ship Sci-Twi with him), and I can't find any decent Genderbent Raven artwork anywhere... maybe I'll just go without.
I’ve been wondering, do some of you guys understand the references and jokes I make about Elsword’s in game systems. Like awakening and weapon enchantments being a money pit. Luna getting a new weapon and moon skills.
Hell even the joke about Raven wondering where Ain is because in game the he literally pops into the story in the beginning, it’s pretty funny.
Leave a comment down below if you want.
For posterity: http://i.imgur.com/J0Lv6c9.png
This can end at any point with another downvote or two—probably before the end of the day. But regardless, I'm incredibly honored and happy! Thanks to everyone who gave it a thumbs-up and spread it around!
EDIT: Well, it was nice while it lasted. It got a third downvote and was knocked to #51. But I'm proud to have made it to #1 at all!
Okay, here's my new OTP… Ravenlestia.
Raven is shown in several episodes as Celestia's assistant (though occasionally as Mayor Mare's assistant) and she's totally adorable, especially dressed up for Nightmare Night! (And yeah, she's randomly become an earth pony in this picture.)
Hey, folks. As most of you know, Raven (Chrome) Regios was the original author of the Turnabout Storm novelization, as she was very active on Fimfiction a few years ago, writing a slew of crossover MLP works. But then life happened, including school, job and marriage, and now she and her husband have a family to support.
IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS... STAY OFF THIS BLOG!!! or at least watch the vid THEN read the blog below.
Ding-Dong, the bitch is dead
Which lil' bitch?
the Twilight bitch
Ding-Dong, the Twilight Bitch is dead!
So, not only did I PREDICT something like this could happen with my Starfleet Chapter "WIN, LOSE, OR DIE!"
First and foremost: I’M GOING TO EVERFREE 2019! More on that in a little bit.
You all know what my family and I are going through and while I will have the obligatory donation reminder, that’s not what this blog is about.
This is about celebrating the cool stuff. About new stories. About the coming con. About stuff going on in my life that isn’t all AGGGHHHHHHH PANIC PANIC FLAIL EMERGENCY.
I...normally don't do these kinds of things. I usually think they're not something worth my time. As in, at all. I know many others have made blogs responding to this individual in the past, but I feel like it's time I addressed this. Also, spoilers for the latest Death battle, so here it is if you haven't seen it.
Woohoo, I get my Chromebook back tomorrow! However, seeing how that time is not yet come, have some reviews:
Zeno's Paradox by VitalSpark
The Paradox of the Ravens by Vital Spark
Hello everyone!
It's been quite a while since I posted a blog, and I'm sure most of you have been wondering what's been happening. Well, I'm going to be telling you.
New Schedule for Noire
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
(I guess.)
Y'all, I did it! After 3 years, I finally wrote a fic with majority downvotes. Problem is this time I wasn't really trying to get all the hate. MAGA hordes have descended to sink my latest work that may be about their god. If you'd be so kind as to visit my fic and give the little green thumb a push, I'd appreciate it. Peace out!
Check out this hilarious YTP my friend Toby from the college I'm attending made of my audio reading of The Raven. I feel truly honored to be the source material for such a project.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7RCRdEYQjo
Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)
Hidden Wonderful World of Pinkie Episodes by Robipony
Okay, so I submitted this story yesterday as a birthday present for somebody, but it's failed moderation.
I'll submit it again after I've written chapter two, but I'm not quite sure when that will be. In the mean time, if you like humanized lesbian clop, and fancy a preview of the story, here it is:
Before I do... For people who have a chance to learn a lesson; this is how I rate and study characters. (How they behave, what they're like, what I will or will not approve of, and most important, how I wish to TREAT THEM and how I need to ALTER THEM for my own stories)
This is concerning ScrewAttack's Death Battle series, and the matchup between the Teen Titans' Raven vs. FiM's very own Twilight Sparkle set to air late this month.