• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen October 25th


I write to my fancy!

  • ERaven
    Anyone who has sought counsel from Princess Celestia has met Raven, her most faithful aide. She has been a veritable second shadow to the princess for as long as the castle staff can remember... longer than they can remember, in fact. Much longer.
    SaintChoc · 6k words  ·  1,596  15 · 17k views

More Blog Posts3

  • 432 weeks
    The Center of Her World — Two versions

    So I wrote a thing about divergent relationships across multiple dimensions, mostly inspired by Fringe.

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    0 comments · 767 views
  • 449 weeks
    Raven is the #1 ranked fic on FimFiction!

    For posterity: http://i.imgur.com/J0Lv6c9.png

    This can end at any point with another downvote or two—probably before the end of the day. But regardless, I'm incredibly honored and happy! Thanks to everyone who gave it a thumbs-up and spread it around!

    EDIT: Well, it was nice while it lasted. It got a third downvote and was knocked to #51. But I'm proud to have made it to #1 at all!

    3 comments · 1,011 views
  • 457 weeks
    Continuity Outlining!

    All of my dirty stories (so far) fit into one continuity. I figured maybe the best way to make that clear in the various descriptions of said dirty stories was to include one link to here in each! This will be my hub outlining the Friendship Orgy continuity.

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    2 comments · 6,358 views

Raven is the #1 ranked fic on FimFiction! · 5:59pm Mar 24th, 2016

For posterity: http://i.imgur.com/J0Lv6c9.png

This can end at any point with another downvote or two—probably before the end of the day. But regardless, I'm incredibly honored and happy! Thanks to everyone who gave it a thumbs-up and spread it around!

EDIT: Well, it was nice while it lasted. It got a third downvote and was knocked to #51. But I'm proud to have made it to #1 at all!

Report SaintChoc · 1,011 views · Story: Raven · #Raven #rankings #top
Comments ( 3 )

It is a rather well-written and unique story. You've earned it. :twilightsmile:

I'm here because I just read the story. Casually getting your top-ten spot, I see. I'm trying my best not to be jealous over here, so don't mind me :rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness though, congratulations!

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