Raven is the #1 ranked fic on FimFiction! · 5:59pm Mar 24th, 2016
For posterity: http://i.imgur.com/J0Lv6c9.png
This can end at any point with another downvote or two—probably before the end of the day. But regardless, I'm incredibly honored and happy! Thanks to everyone who gave it a thumbs-up and spread it around!
EDIT: Well, it was nice while it lasted. It got a third downvote and was knocked to #51. But I'm proud to have made it to #1 at all!
It is a rather well-written and unique story. You've earned it.
I'm here because I just read the story. Casually getting your top-ten spot, I see. I'm trying my best not to be jealous over here, so don't mind me
In all seriousness though, congratulations!