
Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results

Ambergris · 12:40am Oct 14th, 2016

Yes, I'm promoting a story. No, it's not one of my own. It's someone else's. And you ought to read it.

I haven't had a story that's made me reflect not just on the content of the story, but how it applies to my life, in a good while. So reading this one was a most profound experience.
Go check it out here.

Report Jarvy Jared · 297 views · #ambergris #pascoite

Review: Twilight's Final Exam, by: Pascoite · 3:10pm Jul 2nd, 2016


Horizon Reviews: 80 Days Crossovers, Part 2 · 9:09am Sep 16th, 2016

(80 Days Challenge: Original Post * Reviews Part 1 * Reviews Part 2)

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Pause For Effect · 6:17pm Nov 18th, 2018

As it turns out, our family will be traveling over much of the Thanksgiving week. And while I hate to leave people hanging... the truth is that I do, in fact, love a good cliffhanger. :trollestia: My hope is that you’ll feel Book 2 of To Serve In Hell ends with that.

So: updates will take one full week’s break due to the holiday. Look for Book 3 to begin with Chapter 20 on November 26th.

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I am literally the worst at remembering to do these announcements in advance · 4:04pm Aug 5th, 2015


The correct way to grammar (Bronycon panel videos!) · 2:01am Nov 2nd, 2015

So as I vaguely alluded in a previous post, I was fortunate enough to be a panelist for this year's Bronycon writer track. The lovely staffers there were kind enough to record videos of all of the panels and upload them to Youtube. For your viewing pleasure, here is Prof. Plum,

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Pancakes 2.0 is here! · 7:48pm Apr 10th, 2018

because there isn't such a thing as too much breakfast.

Given that I wrote it about a year ago, I won't be surprised if people don't remember this story I wrote. I was happy with it at the time, but i clearly had stuff to learn about writing - as best demonstrated by sending it in to EqD and having it be rejected.

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CCC: cleverpun's Critique Corner #41 — In the Moon’s Platinum Glow · 8:08am Mar 11th, 2020


Convention Vignettes #3 · 12:49am Sep 10th, 2018

NOTE: In the course of meeting so many people over a weekend, some names inevitably slip one's mind, no matter how hard one tries to remember. In such cases, names are replaced by question marks. If any owners of those names are reading this, by all means send me a reminder.

For a similar reason, these are presented out of chronological order.

* * *

Day one. Pascoite is giving out free samples.

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The "Patchwork Problem" · 1:55am Nov 7th, 2016

Writing good fiction is challenging.

Then again, writing fiction is challenging in general... but for even more reasons.

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Three Conversations at BronyCon, pt.1: Part Bird, Part Stone, All Alicorn · 11:37am Sep 17th, 2019

Before I dig in here, I want to apologize for being late with my BronyCon recap. BronyCon was a juggernaut that slammed into some Real Life™ stuff that responded poorly to disruption. I do not regret going, but it caused some fires that needed fighting. Fortunately those are a bit better contained now, allowing me to reflect on it with a clearer mind.

One other warning: there be pics here. Not a ton, but don't taser me if your data plan notices.

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Paul's Monday Reviews XIX · 11:30am Jul 13th, 2015

I suppose now's a good time to mention my Author Scoring thingamajig. I added a guide to my user page, but figured it would be good to explain things here too.

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Read It Later Reviews #42 – Raven, Friend of a Not-So-Different Stripe, Life Amongst the Living, The Contest, Together · 3:56am Mar 15th, 2016

Pardon my dust; it has been a while since I last released a review set.

Hopefully, at least one of these stories will have been worth the wait.

Today’s stories:

Raven by SaintChoc
Friend of a Not-So-Different Stripe by Pascoite
Life Amongst the Living by Kamikakushi
The Contest by Cold in Gardez
Together by Silver Tongue

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Read It Now Reviews #99 – Once More, With Feeling; Coco Beware; I Wouldn’t Call It Chores; The Pony Pull; The Drop of Ambrosia · 9:33pm Nov 7th, 2016

Happy Monday, folks! And what a Monday it is. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the eldritch monstrosities from beyond the stars have been beaten back to the far side of the Moon, with everyone’s memories of their attack erased.

Good times.

Today’s stories:

Once More, With Feeling by Pascoite
Coco Beware by shortskirtsandexplosions
I Wouldn’t Call It Chores by lunarsplash02
The Pony Pull by Admiral Biscuit

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Read It Now Reviews #47 – Daring Do and the Goggles of Shipping, Last Words, Keskiyönnon, To Whom It May Concern, Lost and Never Found · 10:55pm Aug 27th, 2015

I actually had this set done yesterday, but I forgot to post it. As such, you can all expect to get another set of reviews this weekend.

Today’s stories:

Daring Do and the Goggles of Shipping by CoffeeMinion
Last Words by BlazzingInferno
Keskiyönnon by Bradel
To Whom It May Concern by Pascoite
Lost and Never Found by Oroboro

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Paul's Monday Reviews XVII · 8:43pm Jun 22nd, 2015

Today's stories were really interesting to me, for a wide variety of reasons, and most of them scored well. It was a good week for reading on the whole and I hope I get more like them.

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Read It Now Reviews #64 – Why Can’t I Be Your Rara?, In the Dark of the Night, The Trial of Fluttershy Flutters, I Was Nothing, For the Birds · 10:11pm Dec 10th, 2015

I’ve been remiss in doing reviews (and reading ponyfics, for that matter), and I figured I’d change that today. I actually have two sets of these ready – both this, and a Read It Later set that I’ll be posting tomorrow. Hopefully, all of this reading will encourage me to get some more writing done of my own.

Today’s stories:

Why Can’t I Be Your Rara? by Oroboro
In the Dark of the Night by Dragonjek
The Trial of Fluttershy Flutters by Masterweaver

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Read It Now Reviews #37 – Let a Smile be Your Umbrella, Change is Good, Gone So Long, Today, I Marry My Best Friend, Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies · 7:10am Jul 7th, 2015

I’m not a huge fan of sweet or sappy stories.

Somehow, today, I stumbled into five of them.

I really need to watch my step, or else I’ll end up looking like the crusaders after one of their misadventures.

Still, even so, I found something to like.

Today’s stories:

Let a Smile be Your Umbrella by Pascoite
Change is Good by ocalhoun
Gone So Long by Skywriter
Today, I Marry My Best Friend by Jade Ring

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Read It Now Reviews #91 – Cherish, At the Riverside, You Can’t Always Get What You Want, Letters from an Irradiated Princess, The Majestic Tale of a Noble Hunter · 9:34pm Aug 24th, 2016

Sorry about the dearth of posts recently. I told myself that I’d get one of my stories done before I did some other pony stuff, and it turns out I’m really, really good at procrastinating.

On the upside, it did finally force me to actually get my story done! I’ve been sitting on it for far too long – in fact, I started on it before the Season 6 premier, and then managed to procrastinate on it for half a year.

But now it is done, and I am pretty happy with the result.

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Read It Later Reviews #23 – Friendly Correspondence, Wither, To Drown a Butterfly, Happy Hearts Warming, Pinkie Pie’s Glamorous Giggle Gas · 10:00pm Jul 29th, 2015

Between reading and reviewing entries for the latest writeoff, I managed to get another set of stories reviewed for you folks as well, mostly courtesy of the Royal Guard’s queue. I go into a fair bit of detail about prose in the review for To Drown a Butterfly, as well as talk a bit about meter in poetry in my review of Happy Hearts Warming, so there’s a few things which are a bit different in today’s reviews.

Today’s stories:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results