
Viewing 1 - 20 of 58 results

Looking For Pre-Readers And Advice As To Where To Find Them · 4:53pm Jul 18th, 2015

It's been a while so I'm forgetting which groups I should try making a thread on. And that usually I would post a fic all hail-mary style.

But not today.

Today, I'm being AUTHOR AWESOME.

And if anyone else is interested in reading the Totally-Not Silhouette fic, comment or let me know.


Pre/Proof Reader · 6:03am Dec 4th, 2017

Hello all,
Figured i'd pool from the people on here I know (Yes i'm still around, most days in fact) to see if anyone would like to be a test reader for a Fallout Equestria story? Merely PM me or answer here or whatever works.

Report Artemis Tao · 396 views · #pre-reader

Delays, D*@n Delays, and Statistics · 8:13pm Jul 15th, 2021

I am looking for a pre-reader. I am now posting chapters that I have written, proofed, copy-edited, and polished all on my lonesome. Some few bits may be... odd*. :twilightsheepish: You can help!

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Report scifipony · 187 views · #Readers #Pre-readers #help

So, I am writing a fanfic 0_0 · 8:49pm Oct 16th, 2020

Yep. This have never happened before and yet, here we go again.

Name: In the pursuit of the light
Genre: Sci-fi, adventure, drama

I am looking for a pre-reader.


Sunflower Pre-readers Wanted · 2:38pm Apr 5th, 2021

I'm gonna have a rough few days because my dog is sick, but I want to get my Sunflower up on time, so I got the story ready today. If anyone want to pre-read let me know; I'm posting it Thursday afternoon at the latest tho.

The a Blurb for the Blurb

DM me if you're interest.


Need pre-readers for the final chapter of "Pride of the Apples" · 11:39pm Mar 24th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Good news! The last chapter of "Pride of the Apples" is finished, and I would like to put it through some pre-readers before I post it.

The bad news: I'll only take three pre-readers this way, so it's first come, first served.

So, if you've read the whole story so far and want to help out/get a sneak peek at the final chapter, post here, and I'll PM you a link. It's on comment mode, so point out whatever you think is amiss.

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Help! · 3:04pm Dec 22nd, 2015

So, my pre-reader/pseudo-editor has been inactive for a while. I sent them both of my latest chapters, and they haven't responded yet. And, with two chapters done, I'm getting antsy about posting. I was thinking about posting them somewhat rough, but I had a better idea.

Anyone want to be my temporary pre-reader/editor? I've got about 9K words and I want them posted A.S.A.P. Leave a comment if you are interested and available now.

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Report wille179 · 630 views · #editor #pre-reader

You thought that I was dead? · 6:01pm Aug 24th, 2015

Think again.

It's pretty much ready to go, I just need some fresh eyes to take a good long look at this. Grammatical and plot mistakes aside, I'm looking for someone who has a good understanding on how the UN works, specifically the General Assembly. I did quite a bit of researching to try to get it right, but there might still be things that I've gotten wrong or that I've simply missed.

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Next chapter is almost ready. · 2:06am Nov 10th, 2015

Yep, I sent off the next chapter to my pre-reader. No more filler, this chapter is pure, 100% plot. No, get your mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, the morning after I get it back and get the final edits made, I'll post it for you all to enjoy.


Pre Reader/Beta Reader For hire · 4:10pm Aug 30th, 2015

Hey everyone its me and I was wondering if anyone needed a Beta Reader/Pre Reader. If you do just PM me and well talk ok? bye!


A Hearth's Warming Carol · 10:00pm Dec 20th, 2021

In honor of Christmas, I decided to pick back up a project I started a while back, that being an MLP themed Christmas Carol, done to the best of my ability to be as true to Charles Dicken's Original novella while still holding the magic of pony. And yes, I am quite well aware that the show did a version of this story already, but as I am sure you are also aware, the show did a much-condensed version both to save time and keep it, I presume, from "scaring" the target audience.

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Looking for Editor · 2:46pm Mar 7th, 2019

Looking for an editor for a NSFW Clop Gay Story.

It involves Spike and Discord and is a one shot. I am looking for someone who can edit grammar & Punctuation. While also pre-reading to make sure the flow is working well for the story. If you are interested PM Me.


Query to those who still follow/watch me (Regards fanfic) · 5:45am Sep 28th, 2018

I haven't made much further progress on the fanfic I started working on back in march, and wanted to try and get it finished before putting it up. However, as someone on the alternate history site I frequent once said, many writers need feedback to be able to keep themselves motivated to keep writing or working on a project, and I'm no exception (in fact not hearing anything tends to make me not want to write because then I feel no one's reading it, even if I have an option to see views)

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Looking for Editors/Pre-Readers for an Upcoming Mrs. Cake Story · 2:18pm Dec 11th, 2020

Hello, all,

As the title says, I'm looking for editors and/or pre-readers for a new story centered around Mrs. Cake. Briefly speaking, it's about an early aspect of her marriage to Mr. Cake, their uncertain future, and her friendship with a certain Pear Butter. I'm onto my third draft with this one and would appreciate any eyes taking a look.

Here's the title and cover art:

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WIP: Celestia x Thorax - Pre-readers and Editors wanted · 10:43pm Dec 23rd, 2021

Working on my first fic. It is going to be a NSFW piece featuring Celestia and Thorax. I am super hyped to write about this unusual pair.

I am looking for pre-readers and editors, shoot me a message if you're available.
My goal is to learn and improve.



Bronycon Panels · 5:17pm Oct 31st, 2015

So, as you may recall, I was on a couple panels at the always amazing Bronycon this past summer. The videos have just gone up so head below the cut to see me discuss Equestria Daily with folks and explain why Editors, Pre-Readers and Reviewers are important.

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New story · 11:33am Apr 30th, 2016

Hello everyone,

I have begun working on a new Displaced story based around Borderlands 1, 2 and the pre-sequel and am in need of both prereaders in the future and editor to help with writing it, you will all be credited for any work you do.

If anybody is interested please drop me a PM or leave a comment and I will see what we can sort out.

Thank you
The Dark Brony


Looking for an Editor · 8:26am Nov 27th, 2015

I'm looking for anybody who would be willing to edit/pre-read one of my stories(Which due to my cleared schedule will(Hopefully) be released later today)

I'm also looking for people who have knowledge into military weapons and tactics.

Thank you to any who answer the call. -Winter Storm(Formerly Shadowbolt Records)


Project ROTH!!! - Call for any interested editors / pre-readers · 10:06am Mar 31st, 2016

I am currently working on a new epic fic that I hope will rock brony fandom. It's all planned and prepared, I'm looking into commissioning cover art, and the pilot chapters are currently being written.

For now, I'll call it Project ROTH to avoid any spoilers...

I'm going to need help - no-one can undertake a project this size alone. If anyone's interesting in editing or pre-reading for me, please let me know and I will get in touch. Let's tackle this together!


Sequel Story Time! · 4:12pm May 6th, 2020

Hello folks! Steel Quill checking in again; I've got a new story on the draft table, and I'm looking for a couple of pre-readers/editors to give it a go over. This one is a sequel to my Mooning Magnus story, this time involving Celestia in things. Yes, my first proper Celestia story!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 58 results