
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

And today · 4:49pm Aug 7th, 2017

Eight years ago-- plus about two hours and change as I'm writing this-- I married the amazing person to whom I still hold true. My life has been made immeasurably better to have my spouse in it; and I can only hope that I have in some way done the same for my spouse. Four years of dating brought on by a contract for my teaching certificate and the simple logistics of life were far too long to wait, but we had to, and I do not regret that that time was still held to my spouse. Only that it

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Report Troublesome Beast · 319 views · #sappy

Happy New Year · 6:00am Jan 1st, 2017

This is it. It is officially the New Year. 2016 was nowhere near in my top favorites, but it was not the worst year either. It was the year I joined FIMfiction, got the puppy who continues to make me smile with every day, and made so many wonderful friends here, who if and when I leave this site, I will never forget. But it was also the year that a lot of...bad things happened. I don't wish to go into detail.

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Quick Question(s): ........ · 5:46am Mar 31st, 2016

What, to you, is Love?

What would you consider "romantic"?

Is there a difference between "making love" and "f#@%ing"?

:ajsleepy: Because I'm bored and pretty much know my own answers, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks. So what's your view on these?


Hands: Why Do you Love Me? · 5:42pm Nov 24th, 2019

One evening at Twilight's library house, Shepherd and Twilight are enjoying a nice, quiet evening of reading. Free of any drama or terror.

Twilight: "Mmm... Shepherd?"

Shepherd: "Yeah?"

Twilight: "... Why do you love me?"

Well, so much for that.

Shepherd: *blinks* "What kind of a question is that?"

Twilight: "It's an important one... To me..."

Shepherd: *sighs* "You're too good at the guilt game, you know that?"

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Thank You! · 1:09pm Apr 17th, 2016

Upon "JKA!"'s completion, I've received super nice messages from all of you guys. Saying I'm a good writer, and that you enjoyed that little story of mine. I've accumulated over 80 followers, and Rarity is Mah Favorite made a group for me.

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Wait... It's over? · 7:48am Oct 13th, 2019


I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me - 2018 in Review · 4:07am Jan 1st, 2019


Happy Bloody Valentine’s Day · 10:06pm Feb 14th, 2018

I’m not going to bore anyone with the day I’m having, but let’s say work has been more stressful than one would have expected and I am VERY angry with my local vision specialist people.

Now, when you make an appointment and are told that it’s for the ‘14th’, do you assume they mean the ‘14th’ as in 3 days from now, or the 14thnext month?

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Hurrhurr i write romances · 9:41pm Dec 16th, 2020

Nah, more like mediocre romcoms. Yeah, definifely mediocre romcoms.

Anyway! The ah, evident two-part Kinda-Heartwarming Moment with Sunset Shimmer is completed! As awkward as it is for me and everybody else.


I'm trying, okay? Sticking outside of my comfort zone is something I like doing.

And I am totally not getting into the idea of writing more of stupid shit like this.

Maybe a little.

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Read It Now Reviews #37 – Let a Smile be Your Umbrella, Change is Good, Gone So Long, Today, I Marry My Best Friend, Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies · 7:10am Jul 7th, 2015

I’m not a huge fan of sweet or sappy stories.

Somehow, today, I stumbled into five of them.

I really need to watch my step, or else I’ll end up looking like the crusaders after one of their misadventures.

Still, even so, I found something to like.

Today’s stories:

Let a Smile be Your Umbrella by Pascoite
Change is Good by ocalhoun
Gone So Long by Skywriter
Today, I Marry My Best Friend by Jade Ring

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2014-2019 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2019

RIP My old laptop. My new one isn't completely set up yet and ready for writing, so I've got the old one up one last time. I typed over a million words on this thing, amassed hundreds of memes, bookmarked too many goddamn things, and fumed at poorly written Netflix drivel on this idiot hunk of plastic. I covered it with far too many stickers, let my cats near it far too many times, and dropped it once or twice. The keyboard is pretty funky too, if I do say so myself because everyone who has

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results