
Viewing 1 - 20 of 262 results

Tonight's Out of Context Quote might be a little NSFW · 1:54am Jan 18th, 2017

"Time to drink cider and play Skyrim, so get your dripping hooha off me. Gah! Not another blood stain, I'm running out of shirts!"


Ok so I think I came up with a horror story · 7:14am Oct 20th, 2016

And you can thank Kudzu for this.. I made a joke on a sequel story of copperquick and miss buttermilk. Said something along the lines of what's it going to be called I cannot believe it's not butter? Hahaha and all that jazz... Then it made me think of something horrible.. are there stories out there about Fabio who did those commercials. If not I think it would be hysterical if there was.. but then again wouldn't that be describing Blue blood? Lol thoughts on this would be great.

Report Callos Sombra · 273 views · #Blue blood

The New Blood, Haitus Ends · 10:28pm Nov 25th, 2022

After months of not publishing anything in any story, The New Blood wasn't the story I expected to come back with, but it's the one I managed to finish. Not that I haven't worked on A 14th Century Friar or Homecoming (I have), but New Blood for whatever reason called me back to the frontline.

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Report Antiquarian · 376 views · #The New Blood

Shy = Fang Banger · 3:17am Nov 16th, 2015

Night's a vampire. And they are OTP. So that makes Fluttershy a fang banger. It also means I watch too much True Blood...

-A Very Tired and Loopy Devs

Report Raidah · 326 views · #True Blood

Dear Stalker · 3:29am Jul 8th, 2016

To that guy or girl that for some reason makes it his or her life goal to follow me around and downvote everything I post or put out...... go see a doctor for your blood pressure. If you have that much pent up rage and undying livid hate you should really see a doctor and get some blood pressure medication before you really hurt yourself. Also, just for you. Make peace with yourself. I have already forgotten almost every person who has wronged me, so I cannot fathom who you are. Is it really

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first post · 3:29am Sep 1st, 2016

ok this my first attempt to blog so lets see what i can do.
first for those who have read of bells and blood:
i have nightmares 2-3 done but still need to be proof read, and will be out as soon as possible.
nightmare 4 is still in the first draft phase, 5-7 haven't been written but i have a general idea of what they are going to be.
my OC:
i put the story for my OC(which you can see on my profile pic) on hold for now and will get back to it once the inspiration gets back into gear.

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Updates · 6:24pm Oct 29th, 2020

Sorry about the lack of updates this past week. I was in the process of moving when I was hospitalized with a bacterial blood infection. I'm not home yet, but I am on two antibiotics and I'm getting plenty of rest.


Where to buy Dragons? · 2:43am Sep 26th, 2016


Mud and Blood Recon Memoriam · 12:02am Aug 24th, 2016

For those who have been paying attention to my MnB Recon series, you will have known that I lost a few under my command. You should also know I like to roleplay while I play that game, act as if the soldiers talk to each other and feel as though i'm the squad leader. It keeps me busy.

Anyways, I made a video in memory of my fallen soldiers.

Get pissy all you want. I enjoy roleplaying in that game.


Another M&B Recon Gameplay · 1:40am Aug 20th, 2016

So, I finally got my game bar working and decided to celebrate by delving into Vietnam's jungles and kill some vietcong. Here are the results of my terrible leadership.


Share a Smile · 2:37pm Sep 10th, 2017

There was something about the way your story looked amongst the other entries in the list. Would “generic” be the word to describe it? It looked somewhat generic. And the story cover that came with it didn’t help either. Regretfully, the story sat in my “Read It Later” for the longest time before I finally decided to open it.

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DnD Game Update for those that care. · 3:34am May 6th, 2017

So a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was starting up a new DnD 3.5 edition game. (And is unrelated to the 5thedition game I am going to be joining.)

I pulled some folks from the Twiluna and Twilestia Disord chats that were interested and off we went for loot and adventure!

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Time to Write · 7:02am Jun 15th, 2017


Stay alive.

Report Fuzzyfurvert · 278 views · #words #words #blood #words

In Which Bradel Is a Total Fanboy · 6:21pm Aug 13th, 2015

Whaaaaat? Four days straight of new content from Bradel?

Take heart, my loyal followers! I might even have a story for you tomorrow! (I hope. The damn thing refuses to sort itself out, though. Let's just say I've got a lot more respect for Cold in Gardez's "Lost Cities" now that I've tried to write something similar myself.)

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Stories I've Helped On — Beetle & Blood · 3:39pm Jun 4th, 2017

Blue Beetle never asked for this. He was a simple car, his owner took care of him and his mechanic made sure he was roadworthy, he was perfectly happy with driving away from monsters, ramming into monsters, and occasionally being driven by monsters. All until some demon decided to play "Will It Smash?" with him and some overly pompous Jaguar and found the answer to be an emphatic yes.

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New cover for "The Symphony of Canterlot" · 12:58am Mar 21st, 2019


So, um, yeah · 4:05am Jun 4th, 2020

Yeaaaaaaah… I know I blog posted like six hours ago, but, um, I just learned that in two days I'll be camping for four days, so... Updates on stories will sadly be delayed by several days :fluttercry:. Bright side, I won't get Covid while I'm out there, so delay isn't by two weeks! :twilightsheepish:


It's a red letter day. · 11:16pm Sep 23rd, 2015

It's a good day and I'm in the mood for awesomeness.
So, two new chapters of The Hungry eyes are up today.
Tomorrow we will have the final two chapters in this story.

Has anyone guessed the identity of The Wolf?
Feel free to place your guesses in the comments.


I need the blood of virgins to summon Satan to kill a bastard, so I'm turning to you for help · 7:13pm May 15th, 2018

Nevercake has another League of Legends commercial on YouTube.

I need blood. I need blood to summon the devil to destroy this horrendous evil little Nazi. And you all shall be the sacrifice.

Now cut yourselves, my children, and offer blood to Satan, so that the world may be cleansed of this wretched little fuck.

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Progress! Sweet, sweet, sexy progress! · 3:48am Sep 25th, 2016

I finally made a huge jump in progress today for my one-shot. Writers Block is hitting me hard and I could barely make any progress, but, after playing some Mud and Blood: Recon, I experienced an event that gave me inspiration! My squad got ambushed by a section of Vietcong and fled. While fleeing, the Squad leader killed about 5 or 6 Vietcong. Later on, the medic was shot by a sniper who was dogging them. Good news is they were able to stabilize the medic and were able to carry him away

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 262 results