The correct way to grammar (Bronycon panel videos!) · 2:01am Nov 2nd, 2015
So as I vaguely alluded in a previous post, I was fortunate enough to be a panelist for this year's Bronycon writer track. The lovely staffers there were kind enough to record videos of all of the panels and upload them to Youtube. For your viewing pleasure, here is Prof. Plum, Pascoite, Burraku_Pansa, Themaskedferret, and myself discussing the ways and means of editors, prereaders, and reviewers. It was a really fun and engaging panel which ran very smoothly. Even though the turnout was understandably low, we were in the largest of the panel rooms, and we got some really nice feedback all around. Plus, you can watch me make like a good half-dozen gaffes in a little under an hour.
Also be sure to check out the rest of the writer panels. In addition to the aforementioned, we had the likes of Alexstrazsa, ABagOVicodin, Applejinx, Aquaman, Bad Horse, bookplayer, Capn_Chryssalid, CyborgSamurai, GaPJaxie, GaryOak, Golden Vision, Jake The Army Guy, Pen Stroke, scoots2, Silver Quill, Skywriter, Sunchaser, totallynotabrony, and Wanderer D all contributing toward a wonderful offering of topics. Definitely give these guys and gals some love for all the terrific work they did here, and if you missed their panel, go give it a look-see. ^^
The proofreader is the life for me, been a proofreader for nearly 10 years now, started on Fanfiction. net and yes i record every story i pre-read and proof read and i am nudging about 6,000 stories ranging from everything on Fanfiction, but mostly one shots. Plus in my time i have seen many weird fics, too many.