
Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results

Is anyone out there? · 1:15am Nov 27th, 2019

I have many ideas for stories I can write, but only recently have I created a working system to be able to write them all...:fluttershysad:

With the end of Gen. 4, is there anyone still here who will read our tales of adventure, love, and heroism ( know...tales of normal pony life)?...

*shakes head* Wha?! Oh right, the blog post.

You may have noticed the new avatar! It's a picture a good friend of mine made for me at my request.

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The End Of Generation 4 My Little Pony · 7:06pm Mar 16th, 2019

So....I’ve had about a week to process that this is the final season of the fourth generation of My Little Pony and I have to admit that I am a little sad to see it go.

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The End of an Era · 1:46am Oct 13th, 2019

Well, Generation 4 of MLP has officially ended and I am currently sitting here typing this up with tears in my eyes.

I came into G4 very late in the game, thinking that I would never watch such a goofy show as this. But....after watching the very first Equestria Girls movie, I started watching the past episodes and I found my love for the show.

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New Story Idea - What would YOU like to see? · 5:30pm Sep 16th, 2023

Hello. I was workshopping the idea for a new story, and I wanted your thoughts on it. I know that throughout Generation 5, especially relating back to Generation 4, is a little bit of a sore spot for the community. So I was wondering how this would pan out.

The idea is this:

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Report Cxcd · 219 views · #Generation 5 #Generation 4

10 Years · 8:01pm Oct 10th, 2020

Wow. It's hard to believe that the show is really a full decade old. And I wasn't even there for half of it.

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In regards to the series finale · 3:47pm Mar 30th, 2019

(I know that I'm late to the party but I'm still going to speak my mind on it.)

Bronies, Pegasisters, Writers, and Artists, lend me your ears!

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SOON. · 8:23pm Apr 8th, 2017

Stay Tuned to this Fanfic that I'm helping to co-write. After a long hiatus from us (college, work, etc...), prepare for BIG things to be happening in the near future... :pinkiegasp:

Stay Tuned!


Just a minor Note: · 5:14pm Jul 8th, 2023

I'm not sure if you're all aware but My Fic, A Boy witch in Equestria, Will be taking place in G4 rather than G5.

Because I personally think G5 isn't that good. besides it is what I originally was going with and i only wanted to use G5 because it was new and had a lot of room.

This is just something I felt like getting off my chest.


The End of a Generation · 3:21am Oct 13th, 2019

And with that, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, after nine long years, has finally ended.

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The End of G4. The Start of G5. · 4:23am Oct 12th, 2019

Why does it feel like it was only yesterday, when it was actually 7 or 8 years ago, when I first joined the herd?

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End of February Blog Post · 11:57pm Feb 28th, 2019


Bye, G4. Bye, Twilight... · 1:54am Oct 13th, 2019


I just finished watching the finale.

The two-parter I enjoyed greatly. It isn't my favourite two-part finale (they still goes to Season 4). But oh boy that epilogue...

The ships that it implied or outright CONFIRMED TO HIGH HEAVENS. The future version of Equestria and all those characters we've gotten to love for nine years. Or, if you're me, five years. I jumped on a little later than some, to my regret. But holy shit that epilogue had a lot to take in.

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My greatest apprehensions for the new My Little Pony movie & generation. · 5:27am Sep 25th, 2021

Today MLP Generation 5 has been made available on Netflix, and on Saturday I’ll be seeing it with my friends in the Milwaukee Bronies. I’ve had an uneasy feeling about it, and finally putting much of that into words was helpful. It was certainly interesting, and I’d like to share it with other people. I’ve done so with only a few, but I want to put this out there before anyone thinks my opinion is contaminated by either seeing the movie, or something getting spoiled. Tomorrow I may be relieved,

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Officially Announced: Season 9 will be the last Season of Friendship Is Magic · 11:48am Feb 17th, 2019

This isn't a surprise, not really. Even for those of us who, like myself, avoided looking at any leaks ourselves, it was near-impossible to avoid the rumours from those leaks. But, it's still a lot different to see it officially stated up there in black-and-white from an official, indisputable source.

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Start a Petition to Try to Convince Hasbro to Keep Generation 4 Alive · 4:04am Apr 4th, 2018


The Current Status and Future of my Generation 5 Analyses · 7:58pm Sep 5th, 2021

The announcement that all of Generation 5, not just the Movie that will start it but also the Generation 5 Show, will be animated in full CGI had me, albeit subconsciously, question whether I still want to analyze Generation 5 and all the news about it as deeply as I said I will before the announcement on February 25th. Even my optimistic words in

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Two Years until the Equestrian Exodus: What we should do now and how we can go on from here · 2:30am Apr 12th, 2018

I bet everyone of you has heard about the bad news we got in December. I am very late with this, but I want to share my thoughts about it here, talk about how the future will look for us in sight of this and what are the best things for us to do in this situation.
It is a long read, but an important one, so I ask you to please stick around and read until the end.

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Sunrise is here. · 11:07pm Jan 20th, 2023

I think that has been long enough. As of now, I have four followers less. Four followers who support Mixmaster226's harassment campaign called Save MLP. One of them went out with as much dignity as he could, as the only one who unfollowed me voluntarily after I sent him the link to the first blog entry related to the matter in a private message two days ago. Two of them have

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Bad Guy Falls in Poop (TCA Style) · 11:10pm Nov 20th, 2023

This video was another little something that I was inspired to create quite a while ago.

After seeing some "Bad Guy Falls in Poop" crossover videos, I couldn't help but want to make one of my own. The villain that falls into poop is Mario Zucchini, a character from the 2020 "Animal Crackers" movie who was also a henchman of the film's main antagonist: Horatio P. Huntington. Mario himself was voiced by the late Gilbert Gottfried.

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The Meaning Behind Season 8's New Opening Animation · 1:01am Jul 20th, 2018

Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results