
Viewing 1 - 20 of 460 results

Bad News... Again... · 2:59pm Sep 10th, 2018


Introductions · 9:42pm Sep 21st, 2015

Hello, I am Jongoji245. I am an avid Don Bluth fan and animation student at Missouri Western State University.

My fan fictions (and fan art) have been posted on Deviantart long before I joined this site, so I would consider the stories here revised drafts based on critique and expectation.


The New Timeline Upcoming Chapter (Trailer Style) · 11:58pm Dec 14th, 2015

Narrator: This New Years on My Little Pony: The New Timeline,

Umbrum (Off Screen): The Element of Magic is my only resistance.

Cut to a few shots of Lightning Dust in an air fight with Rainbow Dash, Hydia, Reeka, Draggle piloting a new version of their boat on a purple substance, The Red Hood slicing out of a bind, and Blackarachnia, now adorned with a wicked horn, leading an attack on Ponyville.

Umbrum (Off Screen): Destroy her!

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2015 and My Plans for this January · 12:01am Jan 3rd, 2016

I would like to say thank you for the warm welcome I have received here, and to say that The Land Before Time crossovers have been my greatest works here so far. I'm pretty surprised also that there haven't been many fictions related to Don Bluth's work, and as an avid Land Before Time Fan, I am very happy that I brought a nostalgia to several of my fellow Bronies. :ajsmug:

So, what are my plans for this January?:trixieshiftleft:

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Equestria Girls New Timeline Now Finished · 6:09pm Jan 24th, 2016

Phew! :applejackconfused: Man that took a lot out of me, but I got it done, and just a week before the end of January. I thank you for taking your time to read it. The Big Night chapter really took a long while since 1) it is one of the most rushed scenes in the original film and 2) the final battle wasn't really that much threatening in the film as well. Since it's now reduxed into the Jongojiverse, I added a little foreshadow for things to come.

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Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle · 1:56pm Jul 18th, 2018


December Update · 12:35pm Dec 2nd, 2015

With December now in place I would want to give you guys a little update. Now that I have a job and with school finals just around the corner, writing stories is going to be a little slow.

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Survived an Entire Campus Blackout · 1:41am Mar 16th, 2016

I was just starting work on the first chapter of the upcoming "Equestria Girls: The War" (Again, work in progress title) this morning when the campus went on a total blackout. When the sun went to the west, for the first time, I saw the campus as being in total darkness. My work was autosaved, so it didn't have to be in vain.


New Timeline Update (And also thoughts appreciated) · 4:36am Dec 10th, 2015

Just added a new chapter on the New Timeline. Wanted to give you guys a heads up.:derpytongue2:

Next chapter can be hinted at with this particular tune

As I continue, I have a few questions to ask.

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Jongojiverse Group now open!!! · 8:04pm Jan 13th, 2016

:pinkiehappy:Just created a folder designated for my fics: Jongojiverse

Its the first group I have made, so feedback regarding any problems navigating would be appreciated. Otherwise, have fun.


A Maximal Crusader Completed! Looking for pre-readers · 7:16pm Feb 27th, 2016

After working on the story for the past two weeks, and missing the original Valentines Day deadline, I finally got the fic "A Maximal Crusader" completed. But as I change my publishing strategy to publish it on Sunday, I am taking my reach out to any one who would like to pre-read the fic, see what you think so far so I can edit it before submitting it.

Anyone interested in pre-reading, I'll PM you the unpublished view password.

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Don Bluth's 81st Birthday · 6:12pm Sep 13th, 2018


Merry Christmas! · 10:55pm Dec 23rd, 2015

Before I forget, and though it is still a couple days early, I would like to say Merry Christmas and a great thanks for the warm welcome I have received in the past few months.

The New Year's chapter of the New Timeline so far has over 5,000 words, and I plan to make it the longest chapter to end this year on a high note.

Since my family and I plan to watch the new Star Wars movie, though I could put this here in light of it.


Should I promote my fics at Equestria Daily? · 3:23pm Mar 20th, 2016

Much as I want to get known, I have a feeling that I would either A) get the praise and views I want or B) utter backlash. As the fics as a whole have been met with mixed reception, I am a little uncertain if signing up an Equestria Daily account would be the right thing. Would anyone recommend it, or not?


Brief check up on "The Rubicon." · 11:55pm Apr 18th, 2016

I managed to complete part one of the "Relic Hunt" section of chapters.

... It was too short. :ajbemused:

So I decided to combine the next two (maybe even P.O.V.) chapters, but sadly, with school work and me trying to find a job, that means that it will take even longer for the combined chapter to be made.

Thank you for staying long enough with me though.


0-0 ratio for "Camping is Just Dazzing?" · 12:25pm Feb 2nd, 2016

Update: Scratch that, it now has 2-0.:twilightsmile:

While it has been waiting approval, the site had gone a little bit buggy. As this Tuesday dawns, the fic currently has over fifty views and has been added to a few favorites, but no like or dislike yet. Granted it is a big one-shot fic, I'm not sure if this is just me, or does everyone else see this as well?


"The Rubicon" becoming a success (And other plans) · 11:21pm Mar 23rd, 2016

So far, my latest story, "Equestria Girls: The Rubicon," now has a five to one rating, and with chapter 2 now published, it is only a matter of time to see the changes. What I start with "Rise of the Maximals" I intend to end big with it. "Vacant Niches" would serve more as an epilogue story after the big finale. Based on this progress, this may take probably over to my birthday. I may take a small break to see how the upcoming "Legend of the Everfree" turns out. Thanks for reading the fic so

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Here's to you, Grandpa! · 9:02pm Aug 22nd, 2018


Review: The Land Before Time 14: Journey of the Brave (also a VS Friendship Games conclusion) · 12:52am Feb 6th, 2016

After waiting a long four months since the release of Friendship Games, I was very much blessed with the opportunity to see the latest entry into The Land Before Time franchise. Was it worth the wait, or is the series really deserving to go back to its grave? Spoilers to Follow.

The Plot

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How the Friendship Games would tie in both the Old and New Timelines · 3:35pm Oct 14th, 2015

Having seen the deleted scenes of the "Friendship Games" on Youtube, here is my opinion.

The Old Timeline's version retains the sub-plot of the Pony Sunset beginning to feel homesick and so the duet version of "What More is Out There," her talk with the Pony Twilight and the Rainbooms, and the Alternate Ending is kept. The New Timeline has the current released version.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 460 results