• Member Since 11th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hello everyone, I am New to this and I made an account on here to someday upload my own fanfic.

Blog Posts

  • 6 weeks
    News: The Fanfic is not going to happen but Orion, Henchman, and Laetum will still live

    Hey everyone, You've probably read the title of this post and it's because I should tell you guys about this.

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  • 53 weeks
    Dialog practice for my Fanfic. Criticism is welcome.

    This may be a potential scene in my fanfic but for now its just practice.

    Henchman and Laetum were at sugarcube corner at night helping pinkie pie finish a batch of cupcakes for the school of friendship's one year anniversary. Henchman steps out to take a breath of fresh air until He hears something in the darkness and sees Orion.

    “Hey Henchman.” called Pinkie Pie, “can you grab me some of those sprinkles on the top shelf please?” 

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    0 comments · 103 views
  • 54 weeks
    Just a minor Note:

    I'm not sure if you're all aware but My Fic, A Boy witch in Equestria, Will be taking place in G4 rather than G5.

    Because I personally think G5 isn't that good. besides it is what I originally was going with and i only wanted to use G5 because it was new and had a lot of room.

    This is just something I felt like getting off my chest.

    0 comments · 68 views
  • 54 weeks
    Some sketches of my characters for my Fanfic

    These are sketches of my three main characters for my fic.

    Some sketches of orion and an example of how big he would be compared to a pony.

    A headshot of Henchman, Orion's Ogre Minion. He's only six feet tall (one foot than Orion) because he's a runt.

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    2 comments · 95 views
  • 94 weeks
    Please Review my dialogue practice that I have

    This is for the Fanfic That I am Writing and I was practicing Writing Dialogue.

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    2 comments · 156 views

News: The Fanfic is not going to happen but Orion, Henchman, and Laetum will still live · 8:58pm June 10th

Hey everyone, You've probably read the title of this post and it's because I should tell you guys about this.

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Report Witch_Master · 23 views ·
Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Exactly. You just need to keep sharpening it.

Sharpen it. am I right?

Let's say it's like a sword. Aside from polishing the blade, what do you need to do to keep it battle worthy?

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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