
Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results

The last chapter of my contest entry is now published · 7:53pm May 3rd, 2020

The last chapter of my contest entry is now published.

TThe Ultimate Supreme Administrator
To be a High Administrator, that is my dream.
Bad Dragon · 3.8k words  ·  18  15 · 641 views

The story is now complete.

All that’s left is to wait for the judging to see if this story has what it takes to win the contest. Let me know if the story delivered the punch as it was supposed to.


Soon the end will be here. · 5:02am Nov 1st, 2016

Endless Time, Or Forever End, will be getting it final chapters this month, so I decided to advertise this story once more for the final chapters. Get in while you can, the final chapters will be down with in the month, the only ones that will be outside of this month will be the Epilogue and the Bonus Chapter(Which will give a preview of the sequel and other stories in my universes), which will be posted in the first week of December.

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Update on Scaled Heights · 4:10pm Jul 18th, 2018

Hello, Zephyr Spark here.

My editor finished looking over my last two chapters. I'm going through and revising/editing the chapters accordingly. They're rather long so I can't give an estimated complete date, but I hope to finish within the week. Thanks for your patience. It's going to be really bittersweet to finish this story after working on it for over a year.


Well, guys... All good things have to come to an end · 5:00am Mar 28th, 2019

Just like the final season of MLP, which is set to premiere in less than two weeks, another significant series is about to come to its eventual conclusion.

As of right now, I'm currently working on the final chapter of Chronicles of a Sluttified Spike.

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Work has begun on Pony-Me's final epilogue. · 6:51am Jun 4th, 2019

Though it hasn't been published yet, I now consider the final chapter to be complete. The epilogue serves largely as a collection of "snapshots" into the future beyond the final chapter, and will come complete with the full collection of the story's chapter name subnarrative.

AS always, thank you for reading, and as of the more recent chapters, certainly thanks for waiting so long. Never stop reading. :twilightsmile:


Final Chapter of Thestrals at Midnight up · 8:09am Jan 12th, 2020

As it says above, the last chapter of Thestrals has been posted. I just wanted to thank everyone who's read this or the original story, Thestrals at Twilight, and especially wanted to thank Brony-wan-kenobi once more for commissioning this from me.

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Gracefully's Final Chapter Has Been Posted · 11:37pm Jun 28th, 2020

It's a short and sweet one, wrapping up the story as a whole.

Thank you, everyone, who has ever commented, like, favorited, or otherwise viewed the story. Your support has been incredible, and I am genuinely touched by how positively you've received this story. And, thank you, all my editors and proofreaders; without your wonderful help, this story would not have come to be.

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Pony-Me ends on June 10 @ GMT 6:00 AM. · 6:38am Jun 9th, 2019

Give or take a few minutes, of course. Greenwich Mean Time is the best I can do for a universal timestamp, and GMT 6:00 AM is equivalent to MST (Mountain Time) 12:00 AM, which is typically when I tend to publish.

Thank you to all who've stuck with me for this crazy 1.5-year long journey of a story. And as always, keep reading. :twilightsmile:


Doggy Style at Midnight · 3:48am Jan 1st, 2019

The final chapter of Doggy Style will be posted at midnight!

It has been a long ride. Spent pretty much 4 years on this story. It started as just a one-shot but you all loved it so much I just felt like I needed to make more! And I enjoyed it every step of the way.

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It is almost here... · 6:01pm Jul 31st, 2020

The next and final chapter of Ask Roseate Grimsbane is almost here. The story has been proofread and edited and with a few tweaks here and there it will be presentable this next Tuesday.

TAsk Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch
NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.
Robipony · 106k words  ·  93  3 · 2.4k views

I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement through this project. I hope you will all enjoy this chapter when it comes out. :twilightsmile:


Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Trailer · 2:36pm Jun 8th, 2016

Welp... I'm super hyped now! I was kind of expecting the release date (only because it was on TheGamersJoint's channel). But this? Oh my goodness was it amazing! To those who haven't seen this trailer yet, then you are in for a very big shock.


The end draws near · 5:39pm Jun 15th, 2015

While I may not be able to access the computer 24/7 like I normally could, I do intend on finishing Crest of Hope to the fullest of my abilities. As I speak now, the final chapter is in preparations. Von and the gang will be heading off to war, but whether the Primals will be aiding them or not is up to your imaginations. Celestia has her guard ready as an added defense and Von will be leading the main force off to confront Konan and end it all.

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Book 4 Writing Update! · 10:18pm Jun 4th, 2019

I just published Chapter 99 - The Slog! As I publish, I am writing the final chapter in Book 4. Chapter 132. I have plenty of editing to do, but its on to book 5! That is the final book. I do plan to release a set of Anthology pieces alongside Book 5. As usual, if you want to see something explored in the Anthology, let me know!

Also, I am working on another piece in the Dragon War Series.

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The final chapter of "Pride of the Apples" is up! · 8:16pm Mar 26th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yes, the last chapter is up, and so ends an interesting ride on a different potential side of MLP. I'd like to thank all of you readers for helping it get this far, and to all of you who gave so many likes and commented so warmly and positively. I couldn't have finished it without all of you!

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:


The Final Chapters! · 4:54am Aug 9th, 2019

After what took almost two years, Gems: The Sun Princess is finally done! My friend and I have completed the final chapters to the story and all three are out now!!!

Please for the love of our beloved Princess Celestia, PLEASE READ IT!!! The support would be really appreciated!


Warning, A lot will happen this week. The Story is at the end. · 8:44pm Nov 13th, 2016

This will be the final week to get into Endless Time, Or Forever End. Get in now!!

Click the blog to find out more.

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TLaTU final chapter teaser · 12:57am Mar 24th, 2018

Hey folks--I’m sorry for the delay in getting this teaser out. I know I promised yesterday, but work has been very unpleasant of late, with me in no less than ten hours of meetings over the past two days and really sapping my energy and time to work on this. But better late than never, here it is...

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...And The Affair Has Ended · 11:39pm Aug 19th, 2017

Well guys, Crystal Affair is finally done.

After three years of working on it, off and on, multiple authors, editors and so on... it's complete as of tonight. It was a fun, fantastic journey and helped me meet tons of friends, get a lot of readers and introduced me on a new level to a great friend in Tidal, my primary co-author.

I love you guys and hope you enjoy the ending. :pinkiehappy:

TCrystal Affair
When Shining Armour has an affair with Rarity, Cadance and Spike decide to team up to get some revenge.
FamousLastWords · 30k words  ·  969  89 · 17k views

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Final Trailer · 10:40pm Dec 8th, 2016

Alright. I think I know how fast this thing is going to fly off the shelves. :rainbowlaugh:


How are Chrysalis and Lennox doing? (NSFW) · 1:10pm May 21st, 2020

Some of you might be wondering what happened to them after the final chapter of my story. Well, they're doing really great. They both still live in a service apartment. Lennox has upgraded his voice acting equipment while Chryssi pursued a career as a sex therapist.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results