
Viewing 161 - 180 of 544 results

Feels Story Coming Soon! · 10:38pm Oct 12th, 2015

Heyo all! I just wanted to give you folks a head start in knowing of my upcoming story,

Stress Relief

It's just another feel good story, this time with some Twixie sprinkled all over it, making it a sweet and delicate meal. If you liked "Some Soup Would Be Nice..." You'll like this, I guarantee it!


I guess my feelings dont matter then · 8:53am May 27th, 2016

Yay ... another day at school, another excuse to cry.
So ... I suppose you want a LONG blog after about a million short ones.
So here we go. My day today

2 AM:
I'm pretty sure someone in the house is trying to kill me, I woke up this morning with my earphones tied around my neck as If I was being strangled. And yet I have no recollection of listening to music the night before. Got up, drank water, realised what time it was and sanely fired up my laptop.

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Oh And I Finally Christmasized my Profile Picture · 12:05pm Dec 25th, 2015

You know, 'cause nothing says Christmas like a Jewish guy riding an Equidae. Wait that's Easter. Eat your heart out, The Descendent!



Hope · 3:54am Oct 7th, 2017

As a Spike fan, I have always had the hope to be a member of this site, or just to fellow Spike fans and bronies in general, as someone people would recognize as someone who contributes to the fandom, and for the name SpikeyD, as stupid as it kinda sounds, to mean something to the community. I want to be a name, that when people get a message from, or get a comment on their story and giving them props, that inspires them to do more, to be proud of their work, to not feel

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Something stupid and random, plus some thoughts · 12:03am May 10th, 2017

Reimu Hakurei - Twilight Sparkle
Marisa Kirisame - Trixie Lulamoon

Mima - Discord/Gilda
Rinnosuke - Sunburst

Rumia - Applebloom
Daiyousei - Sweetie Belle
Cirno - Scootaloo
Hong Meiling - Applejack
Patchouli Knowledge - Moondancer
Sakuya Izayoi - Rarity
Remelia Scarlet - Adagio Dazzle
Flandre Scarlet - Sonata Dusk

Youmu Konpaku - Coco Pommel
Yuyuko Saigyouji - Luna/Nightmare Moon
Ran Yakumo - Shining Armor
Yukari Yakumo - Celestia

Suika Ibuki - Spike

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Sick Musings, or "My Favorite Me" · 6:05pm Aug 19th, 2017

Looks like I caught the crud. This has been a weekend of useless sniffling, but Sweetie Belle has been so kind as to demonstrate how I typically waste such time.

Ah Star Trek. You make the pain go away. Engage!

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New chapter is up! · 6:25pm Oct 3rd, 2017

Go check it out, and give me feedback! LOOOTS of FEEDBACK!


The Bronycon Bookstore Question · 1:34am Feb 27th, 2019

The Bronycon Bookstore, for those of you unawares, is a project by Aquaman to buy a vendor booth at the last Bronycon so fandom writers can print and sell their work. It is also something I really, really, would really like to participate in. In fact, I've kicked around the idea for years of printing a collection of my stories to hand out as a gift at cons if nothing else.

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"Human After All" - One More Final (I need you.) · 10:05pm Jul 23rd, 2018


Joy and Pain · 9:57pm Mar 8th, 2017

Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn't know if you wanted to smile and laugh or just cry, scream and shout instead?
Well, I'm feeling that right now, and a whole lot actually,
But what do you even call that state of feeling/mind?


The Internet's Biggest Hypocrite · 8:32pm Jul 29th, 2015

So earlier today I submitted a story, and it failed moderation. I won't share any particular details, but it was a crossover between MLP and a certain video game, and I was pretty much plagiarising the entire game in less than 2000 words. I had a sneaking suspicion this would happen, but I submitted the story anyway. Thanks for the warning, sneaking suspicion. At this point, I would like to thank the user Spacecowboy for rejecting my story. It was a giant pile of horse turd, it only took

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Report epicn00b · 224 views · #oh #god #i #feel #like #a #failure #right #now

I'm So Excited! · 7:20am Apr 16th, 2020

You guys, my birthday wish is coming true!

For those of you who don't know (or are just coming across this blog by chance), I've been wanting to use my 25th birthday this year to make a difference by inducing lactation so that I can donate my milk to babies in need. Since COVID has hit, I figure the milk banks have been hit pretty hard. Well, I am pleased to let you guys know that today I was able to buy the items necessary to do that! I'm so excited!

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A sort of good update! (About Purple Tears's rewrite!) · 9:47pm Sep 11th, 2018

Hi'a guys!! I've been working on the rewrite of Purple Tears and I'm happy to say I've gotten to chapter 6!! I haven't written anything in 6 yet, but still! I'm there! So I decided I might start posting chapters, but maybe once a month or something. That would give me plenty of time to go at my own pace. I'll probably release it around a time when I can also work on it, so around December? I know it's a long time, but school's been hard and life kind of... Doesn't like me right now. At all.

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Analyzing Creatures of Love - Reformed Changeling Lore & Headcanon with NavelColt! · 5:24pm Oct 20th, 2019

Artwork by the very talented Justasuta

Do you think my English teacher will let me use pony character analysis as a replacement for Shakespeare?

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I'm sorry it's been two months :( · 10:01am May 26th, 2020

A lot has happened in two months, and even though I thought I would have more time to write during lockdown/quarantine, it's actually been the opposite, and because of that, I have fallen out of routine. I still have quite a bit going on, but I plan to write a bit two days a week (more if I'm lucky), so I can some chapter out for you guys. Thank you for reading, commenting and supporting and story/stories.


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state of the Super · 5:40am Mar 12th, 2023

Friends sorry I've dropped off the face of the Earth my phone died and I've been going through a rough mental health time but I love you also much please don't give up on me please reach out if you want to chat I believe in you and love you all so much be good to yourselves and drink water

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Strain · 8:01pm Dec 11th, 2016


Chapter Update 1/24/16 · 11:43pm Jan 24th, 2016

Holy Crap guys!

It's been three months since I've updated this story. Wtf am I doing!?!

Finishing chapter nine is now a priority! It's gonna be somewhat shorter than what you're use to seeing due to it being an introduction to a new arc for the story, so don't kill me T___T

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Scientific ponies · 1:21pm Sep 14th, 2013

After completing Rainbooms and Rationality - my exploration of the scientific method as applied to My Little Pony, I decided to rewatch that classic episode Feeling Pinkie Keen, and revisit the controversy it generated. This one is the first episode which shows Twilight Sparkle as a 'scientific' pony – not just a nerdy bibliophile who teaches herself to run races by reading textbooks – but, in her own words,

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[4chan] DnD Tales: Ohgie Honorary Dwarf · 10:28pm Mar 18th, 2018

Viewing 161 - 180 of 544 results