
Viewing 121 - 140 of 222 results

The State of Progress as of the end of September · 12:30am Oct 1st, 2021

I don't usually know what I'm doing, but I do know that by telling you guys what I've done it helps me to remember to do things.

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.

Update: Making Them Fit (WIP Title) went from 0 to 1457 words.

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Gotta Catch Em' All! - Bad Steryotypes! · 6:19am April 30th

This post is for people who have read up to chapter 5 of my Saved!!! story only.
Those who prove they didn't in the comments will be ignored.

When writing chapter 2, I came to a realization that Ponder followed in the footsteps of many bad ocs of fandom:

Tragic backstory
Plot revolves around him (for the most part)

But then I realized that I actually didn't do too bad ( at least according to my beta readers and the vote ratio ) :

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Discord Teaches Philosophy... as a Subsitute Teacher? (For Real this Time) · 12:59am Apr 3rd, 2018

In case you're wondering why I'm posting this again, it's because this was due to bad timing on my part. I guess the reason why hardly anybody commented or gave me suggestions of something that I was serious about might have been the fact that it was posted on April 1st. April Fools day. So to get around this, I'm going to try posting this a second time to see if anyone could give me some good ideas for this continuation.

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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'The Royal Suggestion Box' Released! · 9:09pm Oct 23rd, 2017

Hey all! I just wrote a quick Luna/Celestia comedy fic called The Royal Suggestion Box- and it's out now! Go give it a look!


R34 Poll: Caddy and ??? · 6:00am Sep 20th, 2018

Okay, let's go for take two! A couple of weeks ago, I tried posting a pole for people to cast a vote on who they would like to see depicted with Caddy, my red pegasus OC in a "suggestive" position. Particularly over an office desk, to be precise. I originally posted it on a forum in the group "Clopfics" but it was deleted by a group admin for being for my "personal gain" is how they explained it. He so graciously informed me that such things have to be

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Report Caddy Finz · 455 views · #clop #poll #vote #caddy #finz #suggestive #art #R34 #OC

New Story Finally Up! · 5:04pm Jan 31st, 2017

So as I've been saying for the past few days the new story I've been working on is finally here, and as you all probably know it's very much different from anything I've written before. If you want to check it out you can find it on my page!

Thanks, everyone!:yay:


title for an Alien fic · 5:58pm Aug 19th, 2017

I have a few in mind but want to ask you guys/gals which you prefer?

1. Aliens: Equestrian outbreak
2. The Xeno infestation of Equestria
3. Aliens: the ponymorph crisis
4. Xenomorph Equestria
5. your own suggestion

comment the number if 5 write that also


Happy New Year! 2018 Plans... · 5:59pm Jan 1st, 2018

So, the TwiDash series seems to have been a big success. Thanks to everyone who checked those out!

And now there's like three hundred of you all lurking around my page. Wondering what the game plan for 2018 is? Read on and I'll try to give you an idea!

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The Future of Cuddlefic Contests · 8:02am Dec 27th, 2020

Hello my bois.

I got to thinking- maybe 2021 is a year in which we bring the Cuddlefic Contest back. Here's the real input I want from you guys though- for those of you who participated in the contest or just watched it in years prior, what do you suggest for changes? What should I work on, change about the rules, etc., to make it more fun, more accessible, more cuddly?

Responses welcome in the comments!


Okay I've given it a week! · 1:08am May 11th, 2020

I have two slots left!

Here's the Universes as they stand

Universe 1-
Universe 2- Sailor Moon
Universe 3- Fairy Tail
Universe 4-Revealed in Chapter 5
Universe 5-Naruto
Universe 6- Equestria Girls(Team Chosen)
Universe 7- Dragonball(Team Chosen)
Universe 8- One Piece
Universe 9-
Universe 10-Yugioh(Team Chosen)
Universe 11- My Hero Academia
Universe 12- Revealed in Chapter 5

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Question: Do I begin working on a fic about Clockwork? · 1:46am Apr 27th, 2022


I'm going to bed soon, but before I go, I have a question. Should I write a new story about Clockwork, based on my bio that I published earlier today?

I just don't want to forget updating "Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A Human?!" if I take this new idea up.

Maybe someone wants to co-author? You'd get your oc in the fic, and be a main character, too!

Let me know what you think, and as always, take care and be kind!


"Suggest A Story September" Still Soliciting Suggestions! · 12:14am Sep 2nd, 2023

Alliteration is fun! And so are story suggestions! I've got a nice bunch of them that I intend to start working on this weekend, but there's room for more if any of you lovely and creative readers have something you want to see! Keep 'em coming! :heart:


Halt for now? Or continue? Thoughts? · 3:26pm Dec 30th, 2019

I must admit, I am thinking on ending The Legend Of Nicholas right here, not because I've grown bored with it. There is a lot I still want to tell, a lot I'm sure those who like the story wants to know. Reindeers, how his legend will grow, his magic, his immortality, his interaction with the series and the characters.

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Wither Reading Corner? · 7:20am Jul 2nd, 2022

Apologies for the lack of updates lately in the reading corner series - with my full time new job and my health I haven't had the time nor the energy. so today's work is hijacked written with love by my long suffering much adored editor.

Hidden gem.

The phrase conjures up all kinds of things, doesn't it? Does it make you think of a story in particular? Link it down below as your recommendation!

Write on,


OC suggestion? · 6:13pm 6 days ago

As a writer, I've realized that character creation isn't exactly my strong suit and time consuming as I want to get the character just right. That got me thinking—why not involve my readers in the process? If you've got a character you've created or want to whip one up on the fly, I'd love to hear about it. Whether it's through comments or a private message, send your ideas my way, and let’s see how we can fit your OC into the world of "All Day, Everyday."

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Improved "Cultures" chapter. · 8:59pm Jun 23rd, 2015

After learning of the great support some of my readers gave this story, I felt obligated to improve the story a bit.

I fixed some errors, rearranged some sentences, and changed the ending a bit.

If you have some time and would like to have a quick laugh at this new development, feel free to read the story again, the changes though aren't that huge, just minor details.

For every new reader, enjoy the story with some humor.

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Sunny Flare! My Headcanon and Help With Color Ideas · 3:16pm Apr 12th, 2016

What should be the colour palette for Sunny Flare's persona? Its identity is Radharani btw. Also, which may help, here's my current Sunny Flare headcanon, built from my own thoughts and reading fics from here and beyond.


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Your OC Here!...... Maybe? · 4:19pm Aug 19th, 2017

I received an odd comment on chapter 27 of Hero Souls: Awakening. It consisted of nothing more than a Character Sheet for what I can only assume is an OC that this person wanted in my story. I'm not against adding the OCs of other authors, but there has to be an orderly process to this, or I'll get swamped in requests. I have little enough motivation to write as it is. So, here's the deal!

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Kind of need some feedback · 8:45pm May 1st, 2018

I have come asking for some feedback and hopefully you all will be willing to answer. First I had originally intended for the cover art for the story to be, this:

However, after some thought I am actually considering doing something else for the cover art, now what I'm going to show you is an uncolored version of the final product, but I thought I might ask you for your feedback on it.

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Call All Shippers! Suggestions Needed For New Story! · 1:38am Jun 1st, 2020

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Yes, you've read that right! Starting today, I'm beginning to piece together a new book for the Discord Teaches Philosophy series. I'm starting to layout new lessons in a field of subject that recently I felt should be addressed. Something that has been a hot topic in the fandom but rarely examined through the eyes of philosophy/psychology. And what is this new subject that I'm going to tackle with our favorite Draconiquus?


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Viewing 121 - 140 of 222 results