
Viewing 1 - 20 of 423 results

Starting to do requests for short stories · 3:53am Sep 5th, 2017

I decided to start doing requests in between my chapters of my stories. I would do almost any, except any with an excessive amount of NSFW. You can pm the request for the stories, but I might decline it if I think I can't do it justice,

Report reader8363 · 451 views · #Requests

What do you want to see? · 8:50pm Nov 5th, 2018

So the Anthology is about exploring other stories that can't be put in the main book. Characters, events, and other things like different angles of perspectives. If you want to see something, I take requests. I want to see what you want to see or explore! That is the fun of the Anthology! And we are halfway though Book 2, so I know you guys have something you want to learn more about. Fire away!

Report Mindrop · 297 views · #Requests

Thinking of taking a request · 3:32pm Aug 9th, 2016

It's been in the back of mind for sometime now and it keeps bugging me.

Now there is no grantee it will be written up but I will give it my best shot, the request can be anything you want, and I will not and nor will I ever ask for money so yep it's all free.

PM or comment below.

Report The Derpy Division · 403 views · #Request

Oh goodness me · 9:05pm Aug 9th, 2018

I must draw more ponies. Please give me things to doodle. I am so bored.

Also I drank like ten energy drinks and that is not a good idea

Report Mutter_Butter · 368 views · #Requests

Requests...? · 7:33pm Jan 12th, 2016

Okay, so basically I am now taking requests/prompts...Because I apparently like using "But I'm writing" as an excuse to not do stuff...

So if you have one let me know and I'll see if I can write it, but fair warning: I tend to lean toward the darker stuff when I write so don't expect five-star fluff.

The only thing I won't write is clop, incest or foalcon... anything else if fine - literally anything else.


Report Quill Copy · 550 views · #Requests

im looking for stories with literal ass kissing · 4:15am Jul 3rd, 2016

exactly as the title says,

Report love_me_some_ass · 409 views · #request

So um... Requests? · 6:53pm Apr 19th, 2017

I am fresh out of new ideas, and I want to get back into writing for this site.

If you comment on this blog post, I will consider your idea. I may reject it, or I might start but never finish it, but I will share what becomes of your idea with you.

Report HypernovaBolts11 · 449 views · #request

Editor/Prereader(s) Wanted for New Story · 6:58am Mar 14th, 2018

I've been working on a new story. I need one or two people to look it over. The outline can be found over here, and I have written a test description for it;

Tidally Locked

[Adventure/Slice of Life][Drama][AU]

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Requesting A Co-Writer And Editor For The Legend Of Twilight: A New Beginning · 10:04pm Jan 3rd, 2023

Hello, fellow Fimfiction Followers and Readers and Writers, 'tis I, Dinoman213, you know the author of THE ALICORN QUEEN and EQUESTRIAN AGE on Fanfiction? I'm sure some of you folks have probably heard of me and might have heard some false stories and stereotypes about me as well...

Anyway, to get to my point, you see, I'm requesting a Co-Writer and Editor for a new story of mine which is based on a video game and I call it...

The Legend Of Twilight: A New Beginning

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Report Dinoman213 · 256 views · #Request

Regarding Story Requests.... · 7:49pm Nov 1st, 2019

To be fair, I'm writing a blog about the terms due to recent events, but that's why this blog is going to highlight what I do and don't for personal moral reasons.

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Report RedtheDestroyer · 251 views · #Requests

Fan Art of my Sonic OC · 4:31am Jul 10th, 2023

Hey if anyone sees this message can anyone out there draw fan art of her even porn of her being fucked by The Mane 6 The Princess's and the villains I would love to see what you people can cook up on images comics and animations of her being fucked and here is her BIO There so please someone draw her even draw porn of her.

Report Turok34 · 75 views · #Request

Is anypony here good with speadsheet programing? · 1:04am Jul 29th, 2015

I use an OpenOffice spreadsheet to keep track of my FiMF database, but it has a really odd error. I was wondering if I could get some help with it.

Report Thorniestmax · 504 views · #Help request

Help Choosing My Next Story · 9:12pm Jun 5th, 2018

So, to be upfront, I'm not really opening myself up for requests or commissions. I've got plenty more Stargazing Together to work on, there's more to the Sunset series to write (already started the next one), and I've got a number of other things I want to clean up.

For the most part, right now, I want to get all of my stories to a completed status. I've only got a few that I need to finish off, I've actually canceled a number of my stories.

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Report Slateblu1 · 681 views · #Poll #Request

Free Requests! · 10:26pm May 8th, 2018

Hello everybody!

Have you ever wanted to see an idea of yours come to life, but you can't do it yourself? Well, maybe I can help! :pinkiehappy:

From this moment forth, I'll be leaving open slots for Free Story Requests!

Now, before you go and tell me what you'd like to see being written, I'd like to set a few rules, agreements and provide some tips:

Rule #1) No lewd stuff! I have no practice writing it, so I won't be takin lewd story requests!

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Report AniMun · 317 views · #Free Requests!

Trying to figure out what went wrong with this story... · 11:50am Sep 29th, 2020

This is pretty much a re-post of this request:

I'm looking for some feedback on a story:

TA Fading Mirage of Friendship
Twilight has everything going for her. She is an Element of Magic, has loyal friends, and now she's become the princess of the whole Equestria. It's like a dream come true. Too bad, all dreams must come to an end...
Huk · 2.2k words  ·  29  4 · 1.3k views

This thing got almost no traction, and I'm trying to figure out why. I tried reading and re-reading, listening, and re-listening, but... it seems fine to me. I'm at a loss...

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Report Huk · 345 views · #feedback request

Pretty sure that's not how it works... · 9:31pm Mar 25th, 2020

So, when I play I my guitar a bit 'too loud', by my gran's reasoning, even though she has the TV loud enough to wake the dead, she'll text me to turn it down.

Take note of that last bit. Then understand I was playing an acoustic guitar... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, grandma... That's why it's called 'acoustic', we've been over this.

Report Ribe_FireRain · 193 views · #Odd request

100 Followers! · 3:00am Aug 1st, 2015

So a few days ago I hit 100 followers on this site, now I would have made this post sooner, but I was busy with a few things. For the past few months, my activity has sort have halted due to me working on Saddle Up 2. However now that I've finished and the pack is out, I'll be able to start writing much more often!

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Thought Dissection 4: Live Free or Dissect Thoughts · 6:51pm Apr 6th, 2016

I wonder what I'm going to do when I run out of Die Hard sequels...

Eh, a problem for another day. For now, I've hit something of an inspirational logjam, and I'd appreciate a little help in determining where I should focus my efforts. Read on for what's on my numerous back burner and the opportunity to tell me which ones you want me to prioritize. New concepts have asterisks in front of them.

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OC DISPLAY: Friend Request · 12:44am Aug 2nd, 2016

Made this for my school friend decided to post here :pinkiehappy:

Report Meadow Feather · 325 views · #OC #Request

Missed My Own First Year Anniversity · 3:46pm Oct 20th, 2015

I made an account on the twelfth of October. That was a year ago... Let's hope I make it another year.

*claps hands*

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 423 results