
Viewing 1 - 20 of 224 results

Title suggestions for Chp 3? 🧽 · 3:07am Jun 13th, 2021

I originally had “are ya ready kids?” As the title for “Chapter 3” but I don’t think it’s good enough. So I’m asking for suggestions on what the title might be, and if U couldn’t tell, it has to be related to “Spongebob”. See ya 👋

Suggestions are now closed

Report Sirplayalot_64 · 125 views · #Suggestions

Looking Forward · 1:50am Apr 29th, 2021

Finally, a little less paperwork on my schedule. I might be able to breathe just a bit!

With that said, I want to look beyond my currently active work and start thinking of what should come next. Do y'all want to see more long-term stories, or some one-shots again? I know I haven't done a solo story in a while; I think it may have been February.

What sounds better:

  • MILF's
  • Scandalous Romance
  • (Your suggested long-term here)
  • One-shot

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Report KingdaKa · 260 views · #Suggestions

Chapter Title Suggestion · 10:01pm Apr 8th, 2020

Hello, so I'm halfway done with writing the next eight chapter summaries, then I'll move on writing the next eight chapters for IANG, but during my writing process, two of the stories derailed from my original plan. One of them was suppose to be a chapter to focus a little on a character's background, while the other is a winter-based chapter; I won't explain what each the chapters is about - spoilers and all - but I'm having troubles with one of the chapters, specifically the winter-based

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Report Animatorsnake · 247 views · #suggestions?

Imagine... · 2:58am Sep 6th, 2022

Imagine if our avatar images could gifs! I think that could be cool, unlikely but cool!

I could make mine spin! Spinning Trixie!

Obviously this could be used the wrong way but... maybe they can lose their gif avatar privileges... and maybe there can be a on/off button for users who don’t want to see gif avatars...

But if used respectfully it would still be kinda fun, and users might have some creative gif avatar ideas!


October Suggestion Thread on Patreon! · 9:26pm Oct 5th, 2018

Here it is! Drop your suggestions over there, not here!

So as you probably know this is a special month! Not only because its my favorite holiday of the year but also it means a special request thread!

So, give me your best spooky suggestions and every single one that piques my fancy will get its own story!

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Report Jest · 359 views · #suggestion

Dealing with the Canterlot additions · 11:47am Jul 22nd, 2023

With the Canterlot arc coming up just after Sapphire and Rose are introduced to the harem I’ll need to decide on who should be added to the list to begin with. Here though there’s a problem, simply that there is a lot of characters that will be added. I definitely shouldn’t have included Cloudsdale in hindsight (for the sake of simplicity when I refer to Canterlot in this blog it also includes Cloudsdale). So far I have two solutions to avoid the vote box getting overwhelmed.

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Report Darkstar239 · 296 views · #NSFW #Suggestions

Need Title Suggestions · 6:21am May 13th, 2017

After hearing opinions over at the Writer's Group, I've decided that my latest story needs a better title to hook people in. I've already tried two different titles, but I can't help but think that a better one could be made. Therefore, I'd like the help of anyone who has already read my story. If you have any suggestions for a better title, I'll gladly hear them if you post them in the comments section. If no one comes up with something, I guess I'll stick with the current title.

Report Eddy13 · 359 views · #Suggestions #Title

If Pinkie Pie made a kid's show · 11:09pm Feb 6th, 2018

I've been binge-watching this series on Netflix called P. King Duckling. It's the antithesis of modern kid's programming, excising all cynicism and cruel hipsterism and replacing it with pure surrealist humor in all cases where cynicism would be the usual response. They also break the fourth wall for running gags and meta jokes, and have a bizarre cast of curious characters. I'll admit, my favorite is the bakery weasel. Her sole mission in life is to marry a big gorilla, to the point that in

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I've been thinking... · 6:00pm Oct 26th, 2015

I dunno if I should change my name or not. I mean, I like the name 'CloudGazer, but I just think the 'Cloud' part is getting... A bit old. I'm gonna ask you guys what I should call myself from now on. I'm taking any, and all suggestions.

Like you did with asking for story ideas? Oh, and how are those going, by the way?

LittlePip... What did I say about playing games on my PSVita without my permission?

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Report CloudG45 · 288 views · #suggestions #littlepip

So What Y'all Want? · 1:55am Jul 20th, 2020

Well the big one's done. I've got a couple of ideas for some one-shots. Nothing huge.

So that means most of my time here is blank. And I'm open to suggestions from the floor. We've got a couple crack-ships, one lighter and one heavy. One long-term item. As to where from here...

Well, what do y'all want to see?

- More one-shots?
- Something long-term?
- Sequel? I might have an idea for one if I sit on it.

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Name suggestions for Surgeon Ponies · 10:13pm Nov 20th, 2020

Two Mares (Earth and Unicorn) and One Pegasus Stallion, have them make sense for their profession.

They were working with Doctor Horse M.D. (Unicorn Stallion) during the operation.
Name Suggestions/Ideas very helpful.


The Father's Day Chapter Discussion · 10:06pm Mar 14th, 2020

Considering I am in the spritely mood revising/adding content, I thought about expanding the Father's Day Chapter. Would you all fancy a human bonding with Ditzy plus Dinky scenes?


Tickle Story Ideas! · 8:21am Mar 10th, 2021

Hey guys! I'm thinking of making some more tickle stories on MLP.. I have some ideas already in mind but I'd like to hear some ideas you guys have! If you got any ideas on tickle stories of MLP I can make, please let me know by commenting on this blog. Thank you!


Top Ten Things FiM Should Improve in Season 6 · 5:13am Dec 20th, 2015

Well, before you all start asking, the answer is yes. I saw The Force Awakens in theaters, it's a good movie, but I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it. Personally, I found it better than the prequels, but not on par with the original triology. But that's my opinion, and you may or may not have a different one upon seeing it.

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My Anime List · 4:13pm Mar 30th, 2016

So I'm going over my anime list, the list being which anime I'm going to watch in some rough order, and I decided that I wanted to talk about it. More specifically, I want to know if there's anything that's not on this list that ought to be. This isn't an exact order, but it's how I'm going to attack the massive pile-up as of right now. *means I've already started.

Baka and Test Season 2*
Hyperdimension Neptunia*
Freezing Vibrations*
Seven Deadly Sins
Assassination Classroom

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Report chillbook1 · 408 views · #Anime #Suggestions

A time to travel and a time to tweak. · 9:41pm Aug 9th, 2015

So yes, as I mentioned in the notes for Chapter 21, I'll be away all of next week so 'Scaleless' will be taking a brief hiatus until I return . I'm hoping this will give me time to build up a bit of a buffer for chapters as I had before a few twists in my life severely cut down my free time. Maybe if I'm really lucky I might be able to start on one of the one shot stories still sitting in my planning folder so I have a few more works to my name here.

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A little help, please · 2:24am Aug 25th, 2018

I’m working on a new chapter and I’m having trouble deciding Star’s job. Any suggestions?

Report dracone · 284 views · #Suggestions #help

An idea · 9:18pm Oct 31st, 2022

Heyo all,

Recently I've been playing Yu-gi-oh! a bit and wondered if i should try doing my twist on a sort of crossover of some sorts. The issue being... I'd have to play the game and record some gameplay with different decks. So before i subject myself to a sort of maddening event like that let me know what you guys think about it.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 154 views · #idea #suggestion

Another Thing! · 2:32pm Sunday

I am going to add stories that you suggest to a suggestions bookshelf. feel free to send some my way!

Suggestion Bookshelf


Still Working on the next chapter, Would you like to help? · 1:23pm Sep 20th, 2016

I know some of you are waiting patiently for the next chapter of Queens, and I'm sorry it's been such slow going. You probably noticed in a prior chapter I left the names of Rarity's husband and daughter ambiguous, this was intentional since I myself was unsure of what to call them. Feel free to provide some suggestions regarding who they are, if you want to give some summaries along with the name then please PM it all to me so as to avoid possible spoilers for everyone else. Since the next

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Report dracone · 350 views · #Guesses #Suggestions
Viewing 1 - 20 of 224 results