• Member Since 17th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A writer who wants to do better (read that last part in billy may's voice please)

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  • 11 weeks
    Is Spike hate a meme or real?

    Just about everyone I talk to and see on the internet doesn't like Spike, but don't give a reason as to why.

    So, Why?

    Is this just a meme or is there an actual list?
    If someone could link me via a comment to something, that would be great.

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 12 weeks
    Gotta Catch Em' All! - Bad Steryotypes!

    This post is for people who have read up to chapter 5 of my Saved!!! story only.
    Those who prove they didn't in the comments will be ignored.

    When writing chapter 2, I came to a realization that Ponder followed in the footsteps of many bad ocs of fandom:

    Tragic backstory
    Plot revolves around him (for the most part)

    But then I realized that I actually didn't do too bad ( at least according to my beta readers and the vote ratio ) :

    Read More

    0 comments · 50 views
  • 14 weeks
    Own story or adaptations?

    For awhile now I've been trying to decide whether to focus on new stories or adapting the ones from the show with PonderBright in it.

    I guess it all depends on my skill level of writing, and what everyone wants to read.
    I have little opinion on the direction the story goes as far as this is concerned, so I'm putting it up to a vote.

    What do you want to read?

    Want to read about how Ponder would respond to situations in the show? <- this one will seem to ' fit ' better.

    Read More

    1 comments · 47 views

Is Spike hate a meme or real? · 10:19pm May 10th

Just about everyone I talk to and see on the internet doesn't like Spike, but don't give a reason as to why.

So, Why?

Is this just a meme or is there an actual list?
If someone could link me via a comment to something, that would be great.

Report ArchoPony · 53 views · #poll #question
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