
Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results

Sharing without context · 10:43pm May 15th, 2017

Report Super Trampoline · 380 views · #Correct

Mystery Scootaloo | Plot Fix(Urgent) · 10:33pm May 18th, 2018

Hello, everypony! As you all know, I am currently working on a story titled Mystery Scootaloo. It is about Scootaloo being born a human that know what, just read the story. It makes a lot more sense reading it than me explaining it. Seriously.

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Final Chapter in Dark Chronicles up · 4:31pm June 15th

To those who've already read it. I apologise cause I dun goofed. I actually forgot to publish the last chapter so take a look at that when u have a few minutes. I feel so stupid, yall prolly thought I pulled some idiotic cliffhanger or something.


Went Over Chapter 5 Of Intriguing · 9:16am Sep 6th, 2018

Looking over it, I felt the part where Photo Finish doesn't believe Fancy Pant's letter was a bit anti-climactic.
I've learned that, when taking apart a lie, characters need to accentuate what they know is true through more than just certainty. Facts need to be measured.
So I took reference from Reservoir Dogs.
Anyone want to check it out, let me know if it works. Thanks. :pinkiehappy:

Report Purple Patch · 256 views · #correction #better

FimFiction formatting attempted to destroy my latest chapter of TD&HD · 4:50pm Feb 8th, 2016

Apologies to anyone who slogged through the latest chapter of The Destroyer and Her Doctor. You're a champ for putting up with all that. That'll teach me to update something right before I go to bed.

I cleared out the weird bold and centering woes. Just the joys of importing from GDocs. Also cleared up some name confusion.

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Fanfic Continuity Correction: #Fan@tic · 5:40pm Oct 31st, 2022

Blog Number 203: "Writers Can't Do Math" Edition

It turns out I made a couple of errors - one of them a whopper - when I wrote one of my fics this year. Here's a record of those errors, in the hopes I might avoid making them twice. 🤞

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Continuity errors · 12:07pm Aug 22nd, 2015

Some continuity errors have been pointed out to me by dedicated reader, Admiral Stoic Rum. Because I set the story after Discords reformation but before Twilights ascension, these will cause a problem in the long term. Thankfully they are easily corrected.

I want to extended a big thanks to the Admiral for pointing these out.


I'm back · 5:55pm Sep 8th, 2015

After facing the dread of organising (and actually living) me moving from my parents in the French Caribbean to my new residence in continental France, facing several administrations all at once and starting my classes while fighting dreadful panic attacks, I finally have the time (and motivation) to write a bit.

Once I get rid of that writing block.

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Looking for a proofreader. · 4:23pm Apr 4th, 2017

Hi all, I know you probably weren't expecting this, but I need a proofreader. I think my fanfictions are okay, but I'm having a huge problem, typos. Pretty much every writer has these problems, and I try my hardest to minimilize them. But I can't always catch all them. So, I need someone to help me out. I have them all on google docs, so, all I need is someone to go on there and correct any errors you may find. I'd be more than happy to give you credit for doing so. And if you don't want to,

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Correcting Ignorance (TVTROPES) THE END OF ENDS · 11:49pm Aug 20th, 2018

Since it's been discovered that most of my haters are responsible for those ridiculous TV TROPES. Even thought they're all hopeless mental cases, some of you have a chance to learn the truth. So I'm going weed out the lists, and only put in the false and ridiuclous notions to counter them and reveal just how mentally unfit these bungler haters of mine are.


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Corrections on Pinkie Pie Realizes That She's in a Fan-Fiction · 6:21am Jan 7th, 2018

Yep. Went through my short story and fixed many rather embarrasing mistakes. I hope this pleases current and future readers of my fic. :pinkiehappy:

... Yeah, that's all that I have to say on this blog. :twilightblush:

Report Crimsee · 267 views · #Corrections #Pinkie #Pie

Celestia's Empire correction · 11:55am Mar 16th, 2017

So... many... mistakes...
Why don't I double-check what I write?


Statement relating to Chapter 7's Author's comment · 10:59am Sep 2nd, 2020

I have to admit what I said was a bit...poorly worded so I feel I need to address it(even if no one has said anything), this is for the Yugioh fans who may feel like I was being a prat. I shouldn't have said "I have seen Zexal and Arc V but don't generally like them. I like ARC V's story but duelling is a bit silly" because fact is I like those seasons and their summoning but what I meant was I just don't want to use a summoning method I don't use myself in a consistent fashion, I play Yugioh

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Probably my first Smash Bros. Meme · 2:25am Mar 25th, 2021


A Matter of Time live reading and other story news. · 8:22pm Dec 3rd, 2015

First and foremost, a very special thanks to mindlessgonzo for the below live reading of A Matter of Time.

I especially am in love with the art. Another special thanks to mysteryfanboy718 for that.

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Did you know~? · 5:54am May 2nd, 2020

Adagio Dazzle in the second EQG movie is actually a pale green, not yellow~

Nightmare Moon doesn't have any hobbies.

Twilight Sparkle shares the same initials as her voice actor, The Shockmaster.


Top Ten Unicorns, Version 4.2 · 5:08am Feb 11th, 2018

Now that I've corrected the error for Earth Ponies and put Star Tracker where he belongs, it's time to see which unicorn takes his place on the list. Like with the list for Earth Ponies I posted yesterday, this one is just a correction not a completely brand new version. And the same rules as my other top ten lists apply. (Honorable mentions go to: Twilight Velvet, Stygian, Sassy Saddles, Fancy Pants, Coriander Cumin, Saffron Masala, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor)

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IMPORTANT EDIT to Foe — Pillars of Society. · 7:08pm Aug 2nd, 2020

The segment reading:

Lyra sighed. “All right fine. Cogsworth, forget what I told you. The buffalo willingly gave up their lands to make room for the ponies.”

Now reads:

Lyra sighed. “All right fine. Cogsworth, forget what I told you — override protocol A, password twilightisaputzasterisksixnine. The buffalo willingly gave up their lands to make room for the ponies.”

You'll see why this is important in about 90K words. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Fixed Symmetry · 3:35am Dec 13th, 2015

I accidentally left a minor oversight in the second chapter of Broken Symmetry. :twilightoops: To rectify, I've added the following sentence to the section where Twilight explains to Moondancer why Starlight didn't need to modify the spell's once-per-caster restriction:

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Top Ten Earth Ponies, Version 5.2 · 3:41am Feb 10th, 2018

I was going to make this list update eventually, along with an update for another list. I had hoped to wait until after I'd reviewed the movie more in depth, but so far I haven't been able to obtain a copy either physically or digitally. But with the information that Season 8 will air in late March, I feel like now's as good a time as any to make this update. It turns out that the character of Star Tracker from "Once Upon a Zepplin" was an earth pony and not a unicorn. Therefore, he's being

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results