
Viewing 1 - 20 of 343 results

Continue A New Destiny? · 6:39pm Jul 13th, 2020

That is the big question should I complete a new Destiny?

EA New Destiny
Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.
Pen Dragon · 16k words  ·  180  19 · 7.1k views

So which story you want me to continue? · 3:31am Nov 26th, 2019

Hello there! I've finally come back! Thanks to someone reminding me to keep the chapters coming, I'm back in game!

I request that you check my stories and whichever you want to see continue, type #continue-story or simply #continue and I promise that you'll see your requested story continue soon!


Also share this with other people so that they can support your decision!

Check my new story as well!


Continue My Stories? · 8:08am Jul 28th, 2021

I've still want to write, but I've not know what to go about it at the moment, and I am not sure if people would even read.

But if anyone does want to see them continued, just say Speda down below, so we know.

This is related to all my stories


Working on next chapter · 5:31pm Nov 3rd, 2020

Slow going but I’m mostly out of that pandemic funk that made me rather bummed out for months on end so I have spent some time rereading my big story again and rewriting the bit of the chapter I had before stopping for a mental break. Hopefully I get out the chapter by this month sometime

Report Peridork · 193 views · #Continuing story

What story should I continue? · 12:03am Oct 14th, 2015

So, as you know I'm not getting great readings anymore, but despite this which of my stories would you like to see continue? And because of an open mind, I am open to suggestions. Go on and shoot.

Report Moniker · 459 views · #stories #continuing

Hello, my followers! · 5:57pm Sep 14th, 2018

Hey! I am back! I'm sorry I haven't been on here for a few months but I have been busy writing other stories, doing videos, animatics, moving (which I am fixing to do tomorrow... again) But I am finally back and I will do everything I can to keep Bubblegum's Adventure and A Magicians Secret going. I am currently trying to write another chapter for Bubblegum's Adventure so stay tuned for that, too. Anyways, just thought I'd let ya guys know :pinkiehappy:


Chapter four is done being edited. · 8:35pm Oct 27th, 2015

Enjoy your long chapter. Remember that if you wanted to know exactly what I might have changed and edited, just skip on down to the Author's Note and read the "Renewal" Overview Section.


Continuity errors · 12:07pm Aug 22nd, 2015

Some continuity errors have been pointed out to me by dedicated reader, Admiral Stoic Rum. Because I set the story after Discords reformation but before Twilights ascension, these will cause a problem in the long term. Thankfully they are easily corrected.

I want to extended a big thanks to the Admiral for pointing these out.


Flushed Away: The Adventure Continues · 11:48pm Oct 31st, 2021

Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Get ready for a unsanitary story, cause I'm reviewing 'Flushed Away: The Adventure Continue'. In this story, The Toad is at it again and tries to kill the rat population of London City's sewers. I enjoy this story because this story would be a decent sequel to the movie or the video game. This story shows things aren't always black and white, greed is a poisonous thing, and that words do hurt. Aside from some minor grammatical

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Feedback - That continuity · 6:35am Jul 5th, 2015

Today's episode. Amending Fences.

First I would like to say that I absolutely adored today's episode. I mean, besides the Starlight Glimmer cameo at dinner and the unfortunate implications of that (likely for the season finale), everything was just so solid. Moondancer especially was one heck of a foil to Twilight. The supporting characters were great too.

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New Poll · 11:40am May 21st, 2018

Glad to see the turnout for my last poll. So I decided to do a new one, because I have a few other projects but I have a inherited one i realllly need to get off the ground. Follow the link below to help me decide.

For those that voted last time, i'm at least posting up the prologue before I start continuing another story.

What Story Should I continue work on next?

The deadline to vote will be this Sunday at the end of the week.


Finally continuing "When The Dead Start To Trot"! · 6:37pm Jun 29th, 2019

Celestia damn, that was a long hiatus. I am sorry. But after all this time, I've finished the eleventh chapter. I'm gonna upload it in about an hour.

Again, sorry for the long wait.


Wow · 9:19pm Mar 19th, 2021

Huh, alright then. Changing the complete tag, I guess look forward to the second chapter? :rainbowderp:


Fan continuations? · 12:28am May 23rd, 2020

I've been re-reading a lot of my favorite stories here. Most of them, sadly, are cancelled and will never be completed.

When a story you love ends prematurely, you can't help but think up your own interpretation of how it would be continued and ended. These ideas may be enough to be written down and, with consent from the author, shared.

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Big News! It is happening.... · 2:34am May 9th, 2023

Hello once again everyone! I am writing this blog post in order to announce something incredible! A story called Lost and Fallen was places on a hiatus back in 2015, with no hope of being continued. The story was to be left in the depths of this wonderful website, collecting dust and giving people a good read on the chance that they were to find it.

But now this will change.

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Coming Soon: If You Weren't Afraid, Starring Discord · 8:31pm Jan 22nd, 2016

There's a new story on the way! It's one that I've been working on for several years, now, just trying to pull it together into a satisfying, enjoyable story. It's had several false starts, and even more mutations.

What was originally a story about Pinkie Pie getting Discord's power has become... something very different. Something better.

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Chapter 3 of Princess Celestia is Still in Your Bed! · 7:45pm Jul 13th, 2016

First, Princess Celestia is in Your Bed got a sequel and a continuation in Princess Celestia is Still in Your Bed, then the sequel got a continuation chapter.

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Okay, seriously, what the heck me?! · 11:58pm Apr 25th, 2016


Okay, so I know I've done like fifty posts going on about "I'm coming back" and all that.

None of the times, I've made good on that promise. So I've decided I'm not going to make promises. Instead, I'll tell you the facts. I'll tell you what's happening in my mind and in my person, and see if we can't come up with something. Alright?

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It’s been over a year now… · 5:13am March 19th

Hey guys, Silver here, or by how I actually address myself now, Tobi here. That’s not my real name just my new alias that I go under. It’s been more than 10 years since I joined this fandom, and on top of that a lot of years of trying to continue Stressful Nights. The hard truth is, Stressful Nights has been on the backside of my mind this past year. Not because I don’t want to continue it, but because I don’t write as much anymore due to some issues at home. I am going to attempt to continue

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Fanfic Continuity Correction: #Fan@tic · 5:40pm Oct 31st, 2022

Blog Number 203: "Writers Can't Do Math" Edition

It turns out I made a couple of errors - one of them a whopper - when I wrote one of my fics this year. Here's a record of those errors, in the hopes I might avoid making them twice. 🤞

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 343 results