
Viewing 1 - 20 of 223 results

Comments on Equestria's Pony Meat Business chapter 1 · 1:35am Dec 29th, 2015

The following are comments on the first chapter of the explicit, Mature-rated story "Equestria's Pony Meat Business", by The Dark Ghost. They include spoilers and NSFW text. I was initially going to just post a regular comment; but what resulted seemed a bit long for that.

Edit from 2020: While the story was deleted from Fimfiction, it's available from Fimfetch, under story ID 177647.

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Report Fome · 792 views · #feedback

how's my driving? · 1:19pm Mar 15th, 2021

If you're reading this, chances are good that you follow me, but they're better that you reached the end of my current chapter of "Sparity Shipping Mega Epic" and were curious enough to click on the link here. Either way, thanks for your attention.

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Report Mareity · 312 views · #feedback

Sorry for the delay/Feedback? · 8:56pm Apr 23rd, 2018

First off. Sorry for the delay for the chapter of Detective Dash that was meant to go up yesterday, but I think it will have been worth it as it gave me more time to edit some parts and I even ended up rewriting a whole section so that
On another hand I NEED FEEDBACK it's all well and good liking my stories but I need to know it's flaws too so I can improve further chapters. Thank you for the likes so far but please try to leave a comment after a read. Thanks.


Feedback · 10:46pm Jan 2nd, 2019

Hey, guys.
I've posted several chapters, now, but I don't know if anyone is reading them.
Feedback is really highly valued. Even if it's just a comment on a chapter with no real feedback, but just commenting on the story.

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Report Kaity-Kat · 274 views · #feedback

I don't know anymore. · 1:09pm Apr 18th, 2016

I feel so many different emotions at once right now. It doesn't seem real. I just don't know. I mean, I'm proud of my story and everything, but I feel so insecure. If you don't like my stories, please give me tips on how to improve my writing. Don't just say "it's shit". That's just crass. I want to improve, but I can't if nopony tells me how.

Report PuzzlingInsanity · 288 views · #feedback

Understanding your Feedback Personality type · 4:01am Aug 30th, 2017

I recently finished rereading the book: Thanks for the Feedback. I highly recommend it as it's chock full of good life advice about how to actually give and receive feedback.

But what really struck me about the book was one chapter that described what I'm going to call "Feedback personality types." These are just the way in general in which we respond to getting feedback from others.

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It's 6am, the cars outside, full of gas. And i'm not going anywhere. Do glasses count as shades? Let's go. · 10:16am Sep 16th, 2016

Sorry if I ramble, i run long, or a seem to meander in words. About to lay down, and an allergy attack hits. Anyhow, something interesting to talk about, ramble on, much as led zepplin did, and keep singing my song.

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So, what is going on here? · 9:13pm Jan 21st, 2016

Hey everypony! Now, things seem to be coming along nicely with Penny and Stick (oh noez, there is a but here? flash to picture of pony waving their flank ) but I write too much! Seriously, and what is worse, if I keep crossing over/collabing with David, well, things would get very skewed very quickly. So in short ( flash to a picture of the CMC ) I am thinking of starting another little series, with maybe-daily maybe-irregular updates, or even just do a series of short bits (

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Report Damaged · 371 views · #Feedback #SilverVerse

Cover-Art for A New Dawn! + Other News · 5:02am Sep 7th, 2015

Hello everypony!

As thou might notice I just got some Cover-Art by a nice guy named Zeotic-Zebra. This is huge for me as it feels one step closer to completion! (Don't worry, there are many more chapters coming.) As I mentioned in the previous blog post I'm going on a military course next weekend and that means that I won't have as much time to write this week.

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Report Crimson Twilight · 328 views · #News #Feedback

Would you read this? · 11:12pm Mar 2nd, 2017

A story about 6 friends (2 unicorns, 2 earth ponies and 2 pegasi) on a crazy weird trip to Las Pegasus (trying to NOT make it sound generic).


A story about a young colt lost in the unknown wilderness with nothing but a hatchet, a torch and a Labrador Retriever as help.


Rejected From EQD · 12:07am Jul 17th, 2016

Well, I finally got around to try and see if Roses was good enough for EQD. Apparently... the answer is no. While they didn't put a strike against me, but the rejection is a bit disheartening. It doesn't help that they didn't give examples, so it leaves me at a loss as to what I could do.

Here's what I was told:

It's a long enough story that I can't delve into detailed instances, or I'd have time for little else, but the broad things I see are these:

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Report Mordy · 723 views · #feedback #EQD

I would greatly appreciate more feedback from my readers for Flesh and Bone. · 9:50am Apr 24th, 2018

The latest chapter of Flesh and Bone has been posted. I would greatly appreciate any comments people have on the story, especially in regards to character development, growth, and tone. Please remember I intend to convert this story to Original Fiction and publish it later. Your input is very helpful for this process as it will allow the second draft to fix problems, or develop things which are interesting but were missed this first time around.


What's Going On · 2:28pm Nov 11th, 2015

Hello everypony.

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Report Crimson Twilight · 329 views · #News #Feedback

Trying to figure out what went wrong with this story... · 11:50am Sep 29th, 2020

This is pretty much a re-post of this request:

I'm looking for some feedback on a story:

TA Fading Mirage of Friendship
Twilight has everything going for her. She is an Element of Magic, has loyal friends, and now she's become the princess of the whole Equestria. It's like a dream come true. Too bad, all dreams must come to an end...
Huk · 2.2k words  ·  31  4 · 1.4k views

This thing got almost no traction, and I'm trying to figure out why. I tried reading and re-reading, listening, and re-listening, but... it seems fine to me. I'm at a loss...

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Report Huk · 367 views · #feedback request

Survey and feedback · 3:15pm May 12th, 2016

This is just something I like to do once in a while, to get some feedback from my watchers on how I'm doing. I'd greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Thanks!

1. How did you first find my work?
2. What made you decide to follow me in the first place?
3. What is a) your favourite and b) your least favourite of my fics, and why?
4. What do you like the most about my writing?
5. What do you think needs improvement?

Report Shamrock95 · 415 views · #survey #feedback

Feedback on A New Dawn, New Chapter Ideas · 10:14am Mar 17th, 2016

So here's the deal, I'm not sure how want the next chapter to play out. I know what I want it to end like, but it's the execution of it that I'm having trouble with. I wrote maybe a quarter, or so, of it, but I just don't like it. If you have any idea, or maybe you want to see something, now is the time to say. Maybe even a character you want to see?

So, if you're interested in seeing something now is the time to say so. :twilightsmile: I might even consider it! :trollestia:


Announcement Blog: · 3:22pm Apr 10th, 2021

Hey everyone! Now that my in-progress story has finally been released, allow me to make some announcements. Some of these announcements were made before, but since I didn't work on a bunch of it, I feel inclined to repeat what's been said. Feedback will be appreciated.

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So, what do we do now? · 10:50pm Jul 22nd, 2015

So Feeding Problems draws to a close, begging the question what to write next. I have a metric ton offew ideas, of varying levels of appeal, some with actual chapters written already just to see if it was worth writing. But I’m curious if anyone is actually interested in reading any of these ideas in particular, so could you let me know? Open to other ideas too, or infinite variations of any of these.

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Report ferret · 924 views · #ideas #feedback #spoilers #stories

Substitute - The sequel to Feedback is coming! · 3:32pm May 1st, 2016

I’m freaking out over here! I am just so immensely excited to share this news with all of you!

Sunday, May 8th, will mark the very first publication of Substitute!

After a few months of the occasional tease here and there, I think that I am ready to begin publication. I feel confident in the direction that the story will go at this point. Really confident.

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Report RQK · 532 views · #Feedback #Substitute #Sequel #Release

What went wrong? (My latest story) · 9:41am Oct 28th, 2017

Hello Readers!

With my current story sitting at 2 upvotes to 4 downvotes, it's starting to look like it's going to be my first story to bomb on this site. So, I think it would be a good time to ask all of you guys a few questions about it. That way I can really learn from this story and not repeat any sort of mistake that I unknowingly committed. I believe that's what has happened. Anyways, my questions:

1) Was the grammar sound?
2) Was it faithful to the source material?

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Report Nugget · 363 views · #New post #feedback #honesty
Viewing 1 - 20 of 223 results