So... Sex sells. What else is new? I guess if you want to get on that feature board, it'll help if you put down the M-Rated, (sometimes teen-rated, how the hell does that work?) sexy times. I'm not complaining about that fact, I just find it funny is all. The first three stories in the new story section are listed as explicit sexy fics, and four of the featured ones too. Though I'm sure they all contain a driven and not at all forced romance at their core, especially the one about Anon and
Hello everyone, just writing to say that you can expect my new clop story this Tuesday! Still not giving anything away for it yet, so you'll still have to wait and see who else is going to be having a good time in this story.
When I started out writing Friendship is Manic, I fully intended to delve into the saucier aspects of the premise as soon as the time came. While sauciness to some degree is certainly in store sooner or later, the more I've written it and played with the ideas and concepts in my head, the less certain I am of just how hardcore some of those saucy elements will be. As in, I'm not sure if I actually can write decent porn-ish
So I know I said this story would be out last week but a whole slew of real life problems made that kind of impossible. Anyway, the new story will most likely be releasing sometime in the coming week now that I'm back, as for what it is well for anyone who may have read my last blog will know many people had been asking to try and write a more mature story. Therefore, next week you can expect my first clop
So after the big success of Royal Blood Line, I have decided to make well on my ideas and write another slop story. Given it will only be my second clop story I'm looking to try something different, and this is all while ideas for the sequel to Royal Blood Line are being formulated. So I can confirm that, for all the many people that were requesting another story to follow on from that, there will be a sequel, just not next.
CONTENT WARNING for mentions of grief and sexual abuse. I had to write the background so people could understand the full context behind the story. If that's not a topic you feel like getting into, skip this one and wait 'til chapter six. It's a lot more light from here. Just letting you all know in case it turned out to be too much.
So as I've been saying for the past few days the new story I've been working on is finally here, and as you all probably know it's very much different from anything I've written before. If you want to check it out you can find it on my page!
Thanks, everyone!
Well, I didn't expect this kind of response from this story at all, but here we are. I suppose this kind of story will be something I'll be writing again in the future, and I do have some more ideas. Maybe even a sequel? Regardless, thank you to everyone who supported the new story! Plus, here's an image I think sums it up perfectly!
So as I mentioned earlier this week there is another story planned for some time next week. Now, I also have the next four or so stories to come after that planed and the ideas for them ready. Yet I was wondering what people would like to see after that.
I think well a know that as Equestria's leading sports team, plus... Whatever else it is they're supposed to do (it's not all that clear really) the Wonderbolts are all probably in peak physical condition.
I mean one only has to look at Rainbow Dash to see how lean and strong a pegasus can be. Yet there are some images of another pretty fine looking flyer. This one's so hot she literally looks like she one fire!
Guessed who it is yet? Find out below the break!
Yet another of my stories seems to have been deemed worthy of an audio adaptation. For anyone who's interested you can find the story's audio version here!
Anyone one want a really cute, kinds of sexy looking Skittles horse? Well here's one for you...
I mean just look at her face, you tell me she's not total giving off those bedroom eyes!
I was kind of hesitant to do this, but since January is coming to a close I thought I might as well get it over with and post more of the art commishes I made. Safe for work images first, then the saucy ones near the end.
Hello everyone, just thought I should start posting some more stuff like artwork and other cute pony related things again, given I've been away from this kind of stuff for quite some time.
Anyway, cute pony shipping below the break!
So after the discussion in my Valentine's Day blog, I thought it would be fair to bring some cute pictures of all our favorite ponies to those who, like me, are spending this day alone. So as well as my new story, Birds of Few Feathers, here's some glorious and possible saucy, ponies! Expect adorable Waifus and cute pony crushes galore below the brake!
More awesome artwork!
So you're at the seaside enjoying the sunshine with some pretty faces all around you, then this happens...