
Viewing 101 - 120 of 545 results

For the first time ever... · 5:51am Feb 14th, 2017

I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.


Review Incoming · 6:57pm Jul 13th, 2019

First, I need to express a little bit of disappointment. While I appreciate FanOfMostEverything expressing interest, I was hoping for more than one person responding. With such a lack of a response... honestly, it feels like no one really cares.

That said, the review is something that I really want to do, and this book is one I've wanted to talk about since I first learned about it. To that end, the review is still going to occur. And hopefully, some of you will actually enjoy it.

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Guess What Guys?! · 8:04am Dec 3rd, 2019

Hey there fimfiction fam!

It's been a little over a week since we last talked. I'm still writing for glee at the moment (And I'm on a serious writing kick for that fandom, y'all. I've written 38,361 words in stories for that fandom in a period of 11 days so I am for real slaying it) so I'm sorry if y'all thought this was an "I'm back" kinda post (I eventually will be, I promise).

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Update on stuff. · 3:20am May 4th, 2022


A few things.

1) A new chapter of "All The Time In The World" will drop tomorrow.

2) My stomach is feeling better, and the pain is going away.

3) I watched some FiM with my five year old cousins today, and I was so proud of myself. Cousin 1 likes Twilight Sparkle, and Cousin 2 likes Applejack.

4) I have an announcement planned soon. Stay tuned.


Well, I Done Bucked Up · 3:00am Mar 31st, 2019

I know you’re expecting this blog post to be some witty statement about a story I’m reading, or a cryptic reference to some unknown April Fools’ prank.

But that’s just it, I don’t have one.

Let me explain.

I had a 7-point April Fools’ setup for this Monday. I was so hyped up for it. I realized I had two emails, so I decided to create a troll account that seemed completely legit. It was called P1NKB0T.

Guess who never read the rules.

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Latrans has only one published story on this website and I apparently inspired it so I read jt · 2:22am Oct 11th, 2022

Also because bus companies suck in several different ways I'm trapped in Arizona until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow

Anyway Latrans is really cool


48 hours of Suppression (For Christmas) · 12:30pm Dec 26th, 2022

And BTW: My other Blog has been updated.

During highly religious holidays (Namely Christmas) I try to act a little more moral for the time.

So, between the 24th to the 26th of December, I try to suppress as much of my negativity as I can...

-No swearing
-No meltdowns
-No saying "I want Revenge" on real people (I say it constantly every day) I can still get revenge on cartoons

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Hey Everyone · 11:39am Mar 28th, 2023

Hey everyone, I have been seeing comments about waiting for the next chapter. I thought I'd like this blog to explain. The cost of living has gone up in the UK, therefore I've had to get another job, which makes my total job count three, and having three jobs doesn't leave me a lot of time to write, but I am doing my best to try and get some writing done, Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ryder a.k.a. rarityxspike


BRB Feels.... · 5:26pm Dec 3rd, 2015

Why?:fluttercry: Just why?:raritydespair:


Miss Koi reviews "BrotherHooves Social":D · 6:54pm Oct 3rd, 2015

Let me be frank with y'all, when I first read the synopsis of this episode...I wasn't too excited about it. Don't get wrong, I love love Big Mac. He's one of my favorite male characters along with Discord. But something about the wording or situation presented in the synopsis just didn't catch my attention. BUT THEN...I saw the sneak peek and I cracked up so hard! Oh my sweet Celestia, it was hilarious!

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Gosh Darn Cold! · 6:01pm Dec 15th, 2015

Hey everybody! Guess what!? I'm sick! Isn't that fantastic!? :pinkiecrazy:

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40th Blog! · 4:48pm Jan 11th, 2017

I was running around on FIMFiction, looking at the new things and checking out how everypony's doing when I noticed that I'm one blog from forty, which is surprising to me since I'm not the type of person to write blogs. I'm going to make this blog a little more special than the others and reach out to my friends on this site. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all! Because of you, I've been moving forward in my life with a warm, friendly smile and have making more friends than I ever

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Let's get this shit to the frontpage · 8:50pm Dec 14th, 2016


On The 4th Day of Sadness... · 10:19pm Feb 4th, 2017

The heavens gaves to me~

4 dreams of grandma :trollestia:
3 major mood swings!
2 GIANT hugs!
And a poem for all to see...

My life is getting a bit easier. Don't worry about me guys. Shit doesn't hit the fan until day 6.

~TheHeartsSisters :heart:


Cute Little Animated Film · 8:39pm Oct 31st, 2015

This was created by Mike Inel. Check out this persons' work. It's pretty good. This came out yesterday and I would say that it hits me in the feels :fluttercry:. Please watch this. It's sooooooo cute :rainbowkiss:


Time To Be Honest · 8:30pm May 4th, 2021

This is gonna be a rough blog, but I gotta get it out there.

So, if I'm being perfectly honest? I kind of hate this site. A little bit. I love the source material. I love the stories. I love that there are people who love my work and love reading it. With that said, having recently spent hours upon hours upon hours fulfilling my duties in judging for the SunFlower Contest, it's highlighted something about Fimfiction that I've been trying very hard not to think about.

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I'm a sponsor · 3:00pm Feb 18th, 2020

Sooo, today I decided to become a sponsor.

I have never really done any of that before, but I am quite happy with it. I like this site, and I hope the money will go to maintaining it and making it fun. ^^

I've gotten some nice new friends, and there is a lot of stories, and a place for me to practice. So I think it was worth it. :eeyup:


I won another contest! Who wants to touch me? · 8:49pm Oct 28th, 2022

Winner: Bad Dragon

Proof of winning:

And that's not all! This WINNING story just got an upgrade in the latest chapter of:

TBad Dragon's Short Stories
Got a minute? It will take you even less to read one of these unrelated short stories designed for instant reader’s gratification.
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  35  39 · 1.1k views

Breaking out meh sweater! · 3:32pm April 10th

Brrr, still rainy around here. With it, it's super chill. I'm naturally a thin skinned person, so of course I'm a sweater lover! Odd thing is during winter I didn't really need them, but for Spring it has been unnaturally cold.

I want more of my flowery days and sunshine!

Until then I'll just keep bundled.

Stay safe out there!


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I did a thing · 4:08pm Jul 2nd, 2015

Remember when I said that "Monsters" (a prequel to Night Shift) would be my last pony fanfic? Weeeellll... technically, I'm going to release that one later, so that still holds. Take that!

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 545 results