
Viewing 6001 - 6020 of 6,132 results

Mini Re-Reviews: "The Last Roundup" - Season 2 Episode 14 · 11:56pm Mar 7th, 2020

RARITY: "Do - You - Have - Any - Idea, how long it took me to clean my coat and mane of all this desert dust and bit of cacti! Twice as long as it should have, with Pinkie's words still ringing in my ears! Oh, darling, you'd better believe I let Rainbow Dash have it!"

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This is the face of best pony · 9:41pm Jun 9th, 2016


It is done..... MythrilMoth is archived. · 1:20am May 15th, 2019

I am finished with archiving everything from MythrilMoth. I went over five different web presences and archived content by him in the WaybackMachine. It was an insane amount of work and I'm just tired now, in total, it took 47 hours and 12 minutes to archive it all. But it was necessary, because Zef implied a possibility that his accounts could get deleted, either by his wish or by demand from his family.

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Yes there will be a Stalk Me While I Write Today · 6:21pm Feb 26th, 2017

Despite picking up “con crud” at Gallifrey One last weekend, I am crawling out of my cave of misery to livecast today. Being with friends always makes me feel better. Even minutes after waking up from hernia surgery years ago, I wanted my friends there around me. Everyone was saying, “you need to rest” and I said, “Screw that. I’ll sleep tonight.” It works. I got out of the hospital the next day feeling weak but so much better for their company and fun!

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There is one last thing I need to do before I dive into the Generation 5 Movie myself..... and that, is this story. (+ My return to writing after a near complete 5 months long break.) · 8:22pm Sep 29th, 2021

Generation 5 is here. The long awaited moment has come. I look forward to this and I'm hyped for the start of Generation 5 since January, ever since I learned that Generation 5 is not a reboot of the "My Little Pony" franchise, but a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I always said that Generation 5 could very well be a sequel, the first

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Hearth's Warming Eve" - Season 2 Episode 11 · 10:08pm Feb 26th, 2020


New story is released: Fluttercheer's "Everypony is important." Flashfic Anthology · 3:21am Oct 29th, 2020

I have just released an anthology of my flashfics that I am writing for the Flashfic 150 competitions. There isn't much to say here, everything I could say here is something I already said in the description of the anthology, but I'm used to accompany story releases with a blog entry. Here is the link to the anthology, everything is explained there:

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Expansive Universe Unlike Any Other Cover · 7:01pm Jun 4th, 2021


Sunrise is here. · 11:07pm Jan 20th, 2023

I think that has been long enough. As of now, I have four followers less. Four followers who support Mixmaster226's harassment campaign called Save MLP. One of them went out with as much dignity as he could, as the only one who unfollowed me voluntarily after I sent him the link to the first blog entry related to the matter in a private message two days ago. Two of them have

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Notes and Analyzing MLP G5 MyM Chapter 2 ep 2, Growing Pains · 12:11am March 22nd

Elloo everyone, this is my analysis and notes of MLP MyM, chapter 2 ep 2, Growing Pains

Episode 2: Growing Pains

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Journey To Hearth's Warming Universe is Expanding · 8:27pm Jul 17th, 2023

Yes, you see that right, this is the new side story to Journey To Hearth's Warming. This one involves what happening to everypony else while Twilight and Starlight are trapped in the past. This story covers 17 months of hell that the main six, and several ponies suffer through as they tried to find out what happened to Twilight and Starlight.

TSWWC: Something Wrong With Canterlot
17 months ago Canterlot was ripped apart and remade, Ponyville was destroyed, the main six vanished, the princesses were defeat and a new group the Anti-Six rose. Now what is left behind for us to find. Seeing 9 ponies in their journey to find out.
Lighttone GryphonStar · 34k words  ·  22  5 · 642 views

My Episode Review/Rant on My Little Pony: Make Your Mark-Chapter 1 · 7:39am January 28th

Greetings and salutations, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 71st episode analysis, I'm gonna give you give my take on the first “Chapter” of "My Little Pony: Make Your Mark".

Here's the rundown of it:

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A change for "Dreamwalker Dash"..... · 6:24pm Dec 29th, 2023

No, the story is not abandoned. But there will be a change coming to it. It's nothing that you already read, because it's not public and not even written, just an idea in my head. But I have changed my plans for "Dreamwalker Dash" after recent events.

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My Episode Review/Rant on My Little Pony: Make Your Mark-The Cutie Mark Mix-Up · 8:34pm April 24th

Greetings and salutations, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, I'm gonna give you guys my analysis of My Little Pony: Make Your Mark's "The Cutie Mark Mix-Up".

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Who are the Anti-Six? New Commission / New Artist / · 8:31pm Dec 28th, 2023

The Anti six are a group of six warriors that were formerly friends of the main six. None of them are ocs, rather I've taken close and background characters that the fandom often connects directly to the main six and turned them into the worst of the worst. Their minds and bodies have been morphed by King Kray to be the perfect opposite of each of the main six. This post will give you all the information about them and will even update every time one of them gets an art piece. First up, Slice

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The Best Day of the Year: Nightmare Night is here! · 7:39pm Oct 31st, 2022


[Random] Rararararararararararara... · 4:29am Sep 27th, 2015


Read It Now Reviews #54 – Red Apples, Sometimes Maps are Dumb, Would It Matter If I Was, The Last Dreams of Pony Island, One Heck of a Case · 6:50pm Sep 14th, 2015

So, it turns out that Sunday was a really good day for new stories. I read five new stories, and I liked them all.

How did this happen?

How is this even possible?

Who knows.

But I’m liking it.

Today’s stories:

Red Apples by Billymorph
Sometimes Maps are Dumb by HoofBitingActionOverload
Would It Matter If I Was by GaPJaxie
The Last Dreams of Pony Island by Horizon
One Heck of a Case by iisaw

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What if your special talent would constantly ruin the lives of the ponies that are dear to you? · 12:21am Aug 17th, 2016

What then? How would your life be? How would you feel about having a special talent that is supposed to help ponies, but harms them at the same time? How would you react to this and how would you try to cope with it? Can you imagine how it would be to go through life with such a cruel fate?
There is a pony who can imagine this, because this is exactly the fate that was bestowed on him.

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Fate must be Cruel only to the Kind - Act 2: The Sorrow of the Siblings · 12:04am Aug 20th, 2016

When Crackle Pop awakes the next morning, he finds an unpleasant surprise. An unpleasant surprise that suddenly makes everything different for him and his sister. It leaves them both in sorrow, but is there a glimmer of hope?

Viewing 6001 - 6020 of 6,132 results