
Viewing 1 - 20 of 308 results

Completed Audiobook and a Year of SH! · 11:36pm May 7th, 2020

Now I know that normally I update on Fridays, but when I was looking over the chapters for SH I saw that I published the first chapter on May 7th, 2019. That was about four days ago, and after a few frenetic days of coffee and writing, I've just managed to get this next chapter out in time for the story's anniversary! Just over 200k words written in a single year, which is three times the speed of EH! And we're in the last several chapters of SH now—I'm guessing eight more at the most—so soon

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fallout equestria: project horizons comic adaptation project progress report · 9:07pm Aug 19th, 2017

It's done! The first installment of 18 pages that is. the next installment will be 15 pages, and will be posted sometime in the next 6 months. the plan is December, but in truth it will be done when it is done.


I did it. I finally did it. · 8:08pm Aug 15th, 2020

I finally got my hands on Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

Report BezierBallad · 156 views · #New Horizons

State of the Horizon: April/May 2019 · 6:13pm Jun 1st, 2019

Boy, funny how two months can go by in a blink. Time for a double-sized project update!

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Act One Complete! [SPOILERS] · 4:53pm Dec 8th, 2018

Whoa, what a ride, am I right? Did you see that ending?

Before I go any further—in the event that any of you suffer from a malignant illness that keeps you from reading the last 36% of the characters in a blog title, I'm assuming going into this that you have in fact read all of Empty Horizons. And that means SPOILERS AHEAD. You've been warned.

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Project Horizons · 6:14pm Feb 29th, 2016

I screamed—the first band in my mane buzzed, bolts of energy bouncing off of it as the enchantment activated, allowing me access to more magic. The caved walls and fallen ceilings were enveloped in my magic, but my eyes never left Glowheart's as I teleported the debris somewhere. I might've destroyed them by not having a specified destination, they might simply reappear in a billion years or two seconds, but I'd cross that gap when it became more important.

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horizon's kitty · 2:06am Aug 22nd, 2015

I'm not sure how many of you know horizon. He's pretty nice, a good writer, writing things like Hard Reset 2: Reset Harder, does all these writeoff things, likes dinosaurs, and isn't a changeling. (It says so right on his user page!)

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Report SweetAI Belle · 380 views · #horizon #kitty #hugs

Something I did! · 12:46am Mar 8th, 2017


Chapter 14, and Lore Supplements · 10:34pm Oct 20th, 2017

Hey there buckos. First things first: Chapter 14 is all written, edited, and ready to go. It's a real doozy, coming in at only 5300 words but boy does it pack a punch. Comments from my editor m1nt include snippets such as "Oh my god" in a scene involving Rainbow and Gava, and "Good one" in a scene involving Applejack. There's a few things that come to a head here, including Twilight's corruption and the whole Gava thing altogether, and although I hadn't planned for this chapter to be a climax,

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Chapter 20 Drafted · 1:11am Mar 31st, 2020

Dude, I'm so over this coronavirus stuff.

Chapter should be out soon, 15k words. I'll push it as soon as my editors give it the ol read-through!

And don't forget to wash your hands!

Oh, also, check out this super dope work-in-progress art of the Argo! Design not final! Thanks, Driver!

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Note to Guerrilla Games: People have lives. · 3:23pm Feb 24th, 2022

People don't always have an hour plus to commit to your damn game, especially in the morning.

One thing Guerrilla needs to seriously work on is their exposition or at least WARN us to make ourselves comfortable for over a half hour.

Otherwise I'm done playing Forbidden West in the mornings before work. 17.5 minutes of dialogue choices and conversation. Followed immediately by a 6.5 minute cutscene, followed by 10 minutes of combat and cutscenes.

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Psst. Hey, Hey Miles · 3:39am Feb 23rd, 2022

Brain: "You know all those stories you're working on, and that ever-increasing backlog of Steam games that you have yet to get to?"

Me: "Yeah...?"


Me: "Damn you, brain. Damn you..."


Happy Easter! · 5:43am March 31st

Let's pretend that I saved this for today and didn't just forget friday because time is an illusion when I don't have a routine.
Have a song

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Okay, so that's why PS4 was cut out. · 1:23am Apr 16th, 2023

I've known for some time that last gen consoles were going to be left behind at some point, but was still a bit disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to play Horizon Forbidden West's Burning Shores DLC on my PS4 Pro.

The tease at the end of the launch trailer gave me a clear answer as to why:

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Project Horizons Revised Edition Status · 5:37am Mar 26th, 2017

Right, so have gotten the occasional prod about this, and just to be clear: I really have no idea if I'll ever finish it. Yes, I am aware Somber just threw PH in a ditch, went "Close enough!" and ran away. (Not that I can really blame them) Not bothering to fix any of the blatant mistakes and/or errors on it. And yes, you have told me my version was vastly superior to the original. (once I cut out the banter, and just fixed the issues)

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Report Satch · 480 views · #Project Horizons #Update

Heads up! · 4:47pm Feb 2nd, 2018

I made a few edits to Event Horizon. New villain, new storyline. Everything else remains the same. Just so you know.


Chapter 26, Already? · 2:37pm Nov 19th, 2020

14,446 words. And I wrote it all in one week.

I'm not exactly sure what happened. I suppose it's just the knowledge of how close I am to wrapping up this second act and, thereafter, the home stretch to the finish. I ran the monster math, pulled the graveyard graph, and concluded that SH will end by Chapter 30 (plus an epilogue) at the latest. And knowing that, with the path set out before me, I guess I just really wanted to get started on it.

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Major news; HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORZA HORIZON 4!!!! (+ story updates) · 12:36am Oct 2nd, 2023

Well, the Standard release version of the game anyway. That's the one I got, way way back in 2018. I can still remember that day, coming home from a trip to a tech convention and immediately running to my local games store to pick up a copy of Horizon 4.

Five years goes by fast, doesn't it? And to think that The Horizon Adventures has been around for over four of those...

I'm so glad we're on the home stretch. In proportion to the overall story, that is.

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Report GT3RS · 125 views · #Forza #Forza Horizon 4

My Dinner with Horiz-andre · 3:22am Jul 24th, 2017

(Yes, Ferret, I know I still owe you the Hypatia Transracialism Controversy blogpost.)

So I'm up in central California right now, doing a spot of dog-sitting and dissertation-writing. But I took time away from analyzing the marginalization problem with DIC today to drive up to Sacramento and meet up with one of my pony-friendliest pony-friends: horizon! He demanded that I write a blog post following this meeting, for reasons that will later become clear.

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EH Side Story: The Lost Student · 5:33pm May 1st, 2019

Hey, buckos! I've got some great news! First off, just wanna let you all know that progress on Sunken Horizons is going smoothly. I've pretty much finished the second chapter draft, and I expect the third one to flow easy. You can expect the story out soon!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 308 results