
Viewing 1 - 20 of 511 results

It has arrived. · 1:06am Nov 12th, 2016

HELLO EVERYBRONY!:pinkiehappy:

It has arrived, It's published. Finally, after five weeks, the fifth chapter of Other is available!:yay:

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Report andrizzi · 229 views · #Other

So RealityCheck is leaving · 6:03am Jan 4th, 2016

I am a sad squirrel :fluttercry:


Other's new chapter is published · 11:37am Oct 8th, 2016

HELLO EVERYBRONY!:pinkiehappy:

I finally uploaded Chapter 4 of Other.
Yes, I said I was going to do it yesterday.
I did it today, deal with it.:twistnerd:

Report andrizzi · 270 views · #Other

Chapter 5 · 3:21pm Nov 8th, 2016

One month, everybrony!

An entire month has passed since my last update of Other.:twilightangry2:

In my defense, the next chapter is going to be big. Almost as big as two of the usual chapters.
In fact, I split it into two halves but they're going to be both parts of Chap 5. becouse I'm running out of names for the chapters

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Report andrizzi · 273 views · #Other

Something else not MLP · 7:14pm Mar 31st, 2020

Since I haven't been able to go anywhere lately, I been watching some videos called Elena of Avalor. In one of the episode called Song of the Sirenas, I learned what happened to her dad's brother. When Elena was lured to meet the prince Marzel and princess Marisa of the Sirenas, she found out that they are the only ones that can transform their tails into legs. In a Marisa song, it's discovered that their mother was a human before begin turn into a Sirena by their Dad.

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Report Apricot Heart · 137 views · #Other

So yea, I wrote a thing · 3:11am Aug 12th, 2015

Okay, so just to make this quick, I'm currently writing an Naruto/MLP fic. Now it's not going to be some long story. It's more of a three to four chapter short story, that I feel like publishing.

Currently I'm say 3k words in, and I'm almost done chapter one. I think it might end at 4.5-5 thousand words.

See ya soon.

Report Nasha Rei Kun · 226 views · #Other

A Day at Other Work · 12:55am Apr 6th, 2020

It’s not too often that I talk about other work, but I thought y’all would enjoy how a memorable shift went down.

I may or may not have mentioned in a previous blog post that the group homes are locked down. No visitors, nobody goes out into the public at large unless it’s absolutely necessary. This of course weighs heavily on some of our residents who are used to having more freedoms, who are used to doing more things.

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Report Admiral Biscuit · 1,196 views · #other work

Fading Flames of a Phoenix · 4:42pm Feb 12th, 2016

A grim time has appeared in my presences, and it is an upsetting one. Not far in the past, my travels led me to a strange light that lived deep within the books of our world, and this light would shine greatly with speeches and words like no other. This light took the form of a wide bird which would spread its wings far so that the world may see them. It bathed itself in fire and would fly to the highest point in the sky. I approached this high spirited form with bliss and asked if he may aid

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Report TheSpiritWolf12 · 305 views · #sad #other

Appologies again. · 6:55pm Sep 8th, 2016

Sorry for the lack of an update last week. The latest chapter is taking longer then I was hoping. With me starting school up again and literally diving straight into homework its been rough. Some of my free time involved me typing out words with the ten minutes I have before class. Anyway, I also got The Division on clearance at Walmart for dirt cheap, so that aided in me distractions. :twilightblush: I'm tempted to write a story about it... but then that means I need to do a few

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Report REDMAMBA · 462 views · #Update #other

Unrelated... New music video · 7:29am Dec 28th, 2017

Hey all! I just thought I'd drop off another track here. Nothing else, really.
Now On VHS

Report Charlemane · 332 views · #Other Stuff

Sneak Peak for a new work... · 2:51am Jun 9th, 2017

Yes, I drew these, before anyone accuses me of anything. :rainbowwild:


I now feel like a real writer · 9:01pm Oct 6th, 2015

Why? Because I have now joined the (not very) exclusive "Not Recommended by Titanium Dragon Club" for We Who with Songs Beguile. TD's review is quite interesting, and can be read here. I don't agree with it, of course, as I happen to think WWwSB is rather a good story -- but that doesn't mean I don't value what

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A message to Anime fans · 5:31pm Jul 28th, 2015

As I've mentioned in older and most likely newer posts, I love Anime. If any of you could give me suggestions on what would be good for me, I'd appreciate it. I'm still new to it.

Here's what I've already watched:

Attack on Titan,
Clannad, (series)
Death Note,
Spirited Away,
Princess Mononoke,
My Neighbor Totoro,
Howl's Moving Castle,
and The Secret Life of Arietty. (Is that how you spell it? Whatever.)
Wolf Children

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The Other View Universe ( The remake) · 8:03am Sep 5th, 2023

Hey it's Polaris, it's been a while... Anyway as an apology for being gone for a long time I've decided to remake my second oldest au in order to update it like I did with the Different View Universe which is now called The Shifted View Universe, this Universe Will not change it's name but some characters may. As for The Other View Universe itself here's a recap: pretty much The Other View is is ab au where only the members of the Mane Six have been swapped about, in this universe Twilight has

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Blog 005 : Your writing style and others · 5:01pm Sep 10th, 2021

I enjoy writing a certain way. I like word's - falling, reaching, peaking at the sky as they breach...

You. The reader at the end of the day, frayed as they are with the touch of rain, cloud, and mound's of grass covered in the smell of wet fur and smoke.

I want you to feel something...

I want to feel something...

I think that in the pursuit of being a better writer. Their is a mistake that is almost not a mistake.

Almost a hole. A trap.

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Presenting the Project From Last Night... · 3:32am Feb 9th, 2016

So my college is offering an Advanced Creative Writing class, and for it, I have to write three (IRL, non-pony) short stories. There are a few people on here who've expressed interest in seeing them, so I'll upload them to Google Docs as I write them and share the link with you guys. The first one, which you can get to down below, is "Solitary Confinement," a psychological crime story. Unless I change my mind, the second one will be called "Perfect Storm" and will be an adventure piece about

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So This Happened Today... · 4:31am Mar 30th, 2017

Earlier today, one of my friends who is an exchange student from Russia was called an "Anti-Soviet Bitch" from a disabled, but racist kid. This wasn't the first time this guy would go around and say something like that to other people :twilightangry2:
So guys if your reading this do me a favor. The next time you guys see someone who is getting bullied, please help them (or beat them up). Because the last thing I want to see is someone who terrorizes and hurt other people on purpose.

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Other story · 11:27pm Sep 7th, 2016


For those of you who hadn't notice, I published a new story.
It's having the best response so far, or at least the fastest.
Is it because I have a new editor? Is it because it's about Sunset? Or maybe I'm becoming a better writer:raritystarry:?

Ok, stop laughing now.:twilightangry2:

But seriously, I think I just reached a milestone here. Or two, about the ratings.

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Report andrizzi · 261 views · #ratings #journal #Other

CANCELLED - Even In Other Worlds · 9:29pm Oct 13th, 2019

This was confirmed to be cancelled last night post-finale in favor of The Archmage's Last Bow, which will be coming soon. However, I don't like to leave readers hanging with what I had planned from where things ended.

So, Nova's original story was supposed to span 5 total stories. I'll leave rough descriptions of each one I never got to, with a full list of plans for where Worlds was going to end, just so there is some closure on this end.

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Report Rytex · 359 views · #Even In Other Worlds

Posted some of my old works. · 2:52am May 15th, 2022

Well some of you might remember a little fic called mlp: friendship is fucked and Soviet hellscape 1.0. Well, one never got posted for more than a day and the other lasted a couple months till I ended up moving on. I left soviet hellscape unsubmitted because I planned on writing some new chapters and maybe getting a proofreader and editor, Mlp: FiF was removed by me because I lost interest and it was at that time a blemish. Howeve, I have had as change of heart and decided to post them again

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 511 results