Other story · 11:27pm Sep 7th, 2016
For those of you who hadn't notice, I published a new story.
It's having the best response so far, or at least the fastest.
Is it because I have a new editor? Is it because it's about Sunset? Or maybe I'm becoming a better writer?
Ok, stop laughing now.
But seriously, I think I just reached a milestone here. Or two, about the ratings.
first milestone: this story so far has gained 27 likes (good!) and 0 DISLIKE (WHAAAAAAAT?) and we're just about the first chapter!
second milestone: I counted my Like and Dislike from all my stories. I was hoping to reach 100 likes. Instead, as I'm writing, I have 98 likes and 6 dislikes. All in all, I consider it a win.
The second chapter of Other is finished, I handed it to my new editors and it's gonna be huge. At least as a word count, then if you don't like it I think you should like it...