• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2021



More Blog Posts186

  • 154 weeks
    Hello & Goodbye!

    Hey everyone.

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  • 300 weeks
    Where Do I Go From Here?

    I just came to the realization that the majority of my school days are pretty much over now that I’m graduating this May. I never thought that in all in all of my nineteen years of life that I would be able to make it this far given the fact that I started school late due to of my shy, quiet, emotional and introverted personality in kindergarten which led to me getting homeschooled by my parents

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    4 comments · 357 views
  • 310 weeks
    Happy New Years Everyone!

    There were moments were I wanted to stop.

    There were moments where I wanted to quit.

    And there were moments where I wanted to give up all together.

    2018 has been both a rough and hellish year for me.

    Yet by some miracle I managed to stay true to myself.

    Both my brain and heart, as well as my own subconscious made me me realize that there is still light ahead of me.

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    2 comments · 287 views
  • 311 weeks
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Hope you all have a great Christmas full of lots of food, family and friends. And ponies, that is unless if you still have a thing for ponies.

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  • 335 weeks
    It's My Birthday!

    Yeah, thought I let you all know. Considering how I haven't posted anything in a while now that I've been slowly moving forward with my life. But despite that, I never thought that I be getting old really fast, even though I still feel relatively young. But 19 years old? Jeez time really does fly by when the realization hits you. It seriously feels like yesterday when I first came here on this

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    8 comments · 430 views

So This Happened Today... · 4:31am Mar 30th, 2017

Earlier today, one of my friends who is an exchange student from Russia was called an "Anti-Soviet Bitch" from a disabled, but racist kid. This wasn't the first time this guy would go around and say something like that to other people :twilightangry2:
So guys if your reading this do me a favor. The next time you guys see someone who is getting bullied, please help them (or beat them up). Because the last thing I want to see is someone who terrorizes and hurt other people on purpose.

Comments ( 7 )

These kind of things still happen? :ajbemused: That's beyond sick.

Personally if I was there I would've said, "Shut up you disabled bitch."

I hate bullies, but now they fear me.

Maby he has torets?
Any how do like my friend he broke his bullys nose with a chair.

Hmmm... that is pretty bad. I don't think it'd be wise to resort to violence, though. :twilightoops:

So guys if your reading this do me a favor. The next time you guys see someone who is getting bullied, please help them (or beat them up).

It sucks that people can't just be at peace with one another. Sorry for your friend, dude.

But... if the kid was disabled, maybe there was some possibility that he didn't mean it? Hopefully so. That happens sometimes.

4476949 Indeed. I was beyond disgusted when he said that.

4476951 Oh I know you would :ajsmug:

4476960 He has what? Woah really :pinkiegasp:

4477103 Actually this isn't the first time he would go on and say something like that. He may be disabled, but he uses words to make others depressed, including teachers. As for me, I simply ignore him.

4477976 That's probably the better thing to do. How is he disabled? Like... is he like the missing body part kind of disabled, or mentally disabled? It's bad either way, but worse if he's just missing something, or if something grew wrong even. That'd give him no excuse.

How disgusting. Good on you my friend. I doubt I'd have courage to do the same.

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