• Member Since 27th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Just a skinny white guy from Montana, I think ponies and guns are the best inventions in life.

More Blog Posts37

  • 169 weeks
    Never Forget.

    I've never done a blog on this particular day because I have my own way of honoring those that were killed during the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

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    2 comments · 478 views
  • 172 weeks
    Guess it was only a matter of time.

    I just got confirmed today that I caught the Covid-19. Which I more or less had confirmed myself when my sense of smell started to deteriorate. I think I know who I caught it from from, but they didn't know at the time and were feeling healthy and I had only been in contact with them for a total of like, ten minutes over the course of a six hour period, outside, with generally five to six feet

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    2 comments · 262 views
  • 200 weeks
    Happy Early Star Days!

    Holy shit this is why I love Warframe!

    Your girl earned her wings! The Angel of Death has a new look...
    There is no salvation for your crime...

    4 comments · 337 views
  • 203 weeks
    This is why I hate beurocracy.

    Exactly as it says and why I really have issues with big government. Along with why I think most of what is going on in the U.S. is a farce and only getting worse each day. This is also this is one of the biggest reasons why the government does not care about its people and only about lining their pockets. Because today, 1/19/2021, I finally got my first stimulus payment. Almost a year

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    10 comments · 314 views
  • 220 weeks
    I'm so sick of the political toxicity in this community.

    Exactly as the title states.
    I'm also just venting a bit. I remember when this community was all about love and tolerance, but the second it gets political, all the things we used to say and stand by just go right out the window. Jeez, reminds me this guy, who left the community because of the toxicity.

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    10 comments · 412 views

Appologies again. · 6:55pm Sep 8th, 2016

Sorry for the lack of an update last week. The latest chapter is taking longer then I was hoping. With me starting school up again and literally diving straight into homework its been rough. Some of my free time involved me typing out words with the ten minutes I have before class. Anyway, I also got The Division on clearance at Walmart for dirt cheap, so that aided in me distractions. :twilightblush: I'm tempted to write a story about it... but then that means I need to do a few other things with a few friends here in this site before doing so. Anyway, as the chapter sits unfinished I'm over 6000 words and still going. When its over and the number looks to high for me I might drop a not-so-important part for the sake of keeping the chapter from droning. I'll make sure to finish it this week and get it posted. Promise.
Until next time Tenno. Shoot straight and keep your blade sharp.
RED, signing off.

Comments ( 3 )

That means your just working on something good. Nobody should hold that against you.

And I know you have something else you're working on... After all, i'm the editor... SO WHERE THE HELL ARE THE HORSE WORDS?!

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