
Viewing 441 - 460 of 623 results

I need some help coming up with ideas involving a daybreaker story. · 2:14am Nov 7th, 2022

So the glorious empress of the sun has conquered both equestria and ponyland. She has also "adopted" some children (Megan Williams*after taking her rainbow of light* Danny Williams, sweetie Belle, scootaloo, apple bloom, Babs seed, rumble, Molly Williams, and featherweight.) And has learned that Humans from ponyland can use magic. And has her student twilight study the human magic (she uses Megan for the tests and is careful not to accidentally hurt her for fear of daybreaker's wrath). Although

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also btw since i've already had a tumblr for years i've recently returned and become active on tumblr again so have another link · 9:28am Dec 25th, 2022


Cute little comic from SapphireGamgee · 5:23pm Apr 12th, 2023


Shoutout, Editing, Cuteness · 10:00pm Nov 23rd, 2015

Firstly, firstly, firstly… a shout out for Arian Blaze, a friend of mine who's got a tiring week ahead of her :ajsleepy: but is on 99 followers, so please somebody push her into triple digits! :pinkiehappy:

Secondly, I've been doing a bit of editing and proofreading lately. Mostly little one-shot stories, because I don't have the patience for anything long. I keep a bookshelf of stuff I've edited and proofread here:

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Chapter 3 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. is finished + a special Hearth Warming story · 5:56pm Dec 18th, 2018

Chapter 3 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. This one is mostly set up for the next chapter which I am sure you will find most interesting. I have some great news. While I was writing this chapter I also wrote a colab with several other Lunaverse writers. It about the Luna 6 giving Secret Santa gifts to each other. Each author took one of the members of the Luna 6 and wrote about how they found/bought their gift. I did Raindrops. Each chapter will be released daily until Christmas Eve. Check it

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Another Little Preview · 3:13pm Jul 21st, 2020

Here's another scene that I have in mind for the sequel of A Sweetie Dreamland and that I hope to place somewhere. The idea was just so surealist that I just had to do it. Enjoy!

"You mean that YOU actually almost managed to conquer your whole universe?" asked Wolf. "By the way, I fold."

"Yes. Twice." Bowser eyed him. "Why are you so surprised?"

"Because you act like an idiot most of the times," laughed Hades.

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An Apology and Explanation (Plus Audio Drama News) · 10:27pm Nov 18th, 2018

I'd like to apologize to those who have been patiently waiting for the next chapter of Nighty Night Scootaloo. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned the project. It's just that I have a lot of projects in the works. First of all, I'm not good when it comes to filler content, so parts of the story that aren't part of the general bullet points of the story tend to send me into a type of writer's block.

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Chapter 11 and 12 of Secret Agent Dinky are finished · 7:04am Jul 2nd, 2019

Hello again. These chapters present a huge shift in the story that allows Dinky really bring the end to Chrysalis's plan without having to throw a single punch. I thought it would be interesting that, though she's been interested in becoming stronger and being a secret agent, it's her kindness and friendship that gives her the real key to victory. She's growing up and learning what's she's good at. I didn't want to just have a story about Dinky but have her grow a little as a person too. I hope

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Chapter 2 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. · 10:05am Nov 17th, 2018

Hello again. Another chapter of Secret Agent is done. This chapter reveals a little on Bon's past and her secret troubles and angst. Her past was going to be crazier and more elaborate. It involved secret cults, time travel, and Trixie, but I couldn't bring myself to put it to paper. No, instead I came up with a more realistic tale that I personally think works so much better. I am glad I listened to my instincts on this one.

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A song for the Cutie Mark Crusaders - "We've earned our cutie marks." · 2:16am Oct 12th, 2015

So long have we waited for
A light upon our flanks
So long have we been patient for the day
When we can walk among the ranks
Of other ponies with cutie marks and proudly say

Finally, we crusaders three
Have earned our cutie marks
After everything we have been through
We got our cutie marks
After all the bumps in the road
We walked just to get here
We crusaders three now finally
Have earned our cutie marks

When we first met each other
We quickly all became best friends

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New Story! Magic School Zord · 11:25pm Dec 6th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story. It's called Magic School Zord. It stars Cheerilee. As the name implies, it's about Cheerilee using her Zord for a fantastical school trip. Where? The moon of course! This is a silly idea that floated in my head that I wanted to make reality and I thought Cheerilee deserves more love. I think she is the most underappreciated of the Luna 6.

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Stuck In Place Continues!! · 8:12pm Jul 20th, 2022

Yes, my most disgusting and depraved story gets another chapters. Things get more insane and horrifying and someone might even die. Sex, Murders, Zombies, Dragon Bitches beating some mad whores, all on the next chapter of Stuck In Place.

[Adult story embed hidden]


Magic School Zord is finished. · 11:07am Feb 15th, 2018

Hey again. Magic School Zord is finally finished. To be honest, I don't think this was my best. I am happy with it for the most part, but there are some parts I made some mistakes in. The biggest one is that it took me forever to find a voice for all the foal characters. I just couldn't find the right places to put dialog in for them, so it was mostly Cheerilee talking. I finally found their voice in chapter 5 of all things. That was when I was the most comfortable writing for them. On the plus

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Hearts and Hooves Day" - Season 2 Episode 17 · 8:56pm Mar 18th, 2020

CHEERILEE: "Don't get me wrong, I do love my students, but it's so hard finding ways to dispose of the overblown gifts they sometimes give me. I mean, what am I supposed to do, keep that thing in my tiny house? Not happening. Hey, don't judge me, at least I keep their gifts long enough for them to forget before I dispose of them."

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Ponyville Confidential" - Season 2 Episode 23 · 7:32pm Apr 6th, 2020

APPLE BLOOM: "...Do you reckon this is an accurate depiction of how these episodes are written on a weekly basis?"
SCOOTALOO: "I don't know about that, but this certainly feel like an accurate depiction of how the cold opens for these reviews are done!"

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Congrats to our collab writers! · 9:17pm Aug 16th, 2015

9 months and 5 days ago we started writing. 103 Chapters later, and we've finally reached 200 upvotes.
Congrats, writers, and thank you, readers for all your participation, comments, and views.


Made A Fanfic Reading! · 11:21pm Dec 18th, 2016

My Patreon:

Clip clop, clip clop...

Sweetie Belle is awoken in the middle of her Hearth's Warming Eve slumber to hear hooves on the roof. Sweetie Belle, being the curious filly she is, decides to investigate.

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Winner · 12:23am Oct 27th, 2016

Okay. Voting for my next story over. And the winner is:

'A Dragon's Nature'

Yes, with 32 votes, 'A Dragon's Nature' won.

The one with the second most votes was, 'Just a scepter, right?' with 22 votes.

Then, 'The Great and Controlled Trixie', with 13 votes

'The Bracelet' with 12

And lastly, 'Timberwolf', with 8 votes.

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Made some slight improvements to Chapter 1 · 1:35am Mar 3rd, 2016

I was reading the first chapter of "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity" again because of its anniversary and discovered that there are still a couple mistakes in it.
I went over them now, fixed them and improved the chapter a little. I figured it would be appropriate today, on the anniversary, to give it a little makeover.
The changes are nothing major; just a few replaced words, removed a comma that was too much and rearranged one or two sentences.

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Episode Review: Crusaders of the Lost Mark · 2:39pm Dec 7th, 2015

We got our spoilers! We got our spoilers!

This is the episode that Hasbro decided to air for FiM's fifth anniversary, and what an episode it is! It has so much packed into it, and so many twists, that it could stand as two or three episodes, if only we had the time.

The Plot

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Viewing 441 - 460 of 623 results