New Story! Magic School Zord · 11:25pm Dec 6th, 2017
Hello again. I have a new story. It's called Magic School Zord. It stars Cheerilee. As the name implies, it's about Cheerilee using her Zord for a fantastical school trip. Where? The moon of course! This is a silly idea that floated in my head that I wanted to make reality and I thought Cheerilee deserves more love. I think she is the most underappreciated of the Luna 6.
I also have a new story idea that I am working on. The details aren't final yet, but I have a general idea of the structure of it. It's about Fluttershy of all ponies.
Fluttershy wants to apologize to Trixie for running off and hiding when her house was attacked by Vicereine Puissance's thugs. For reasons she doesn't quite understand, her heart goes aflutter whenever she thinks about Trixie and she can't bring herself to face the mare. During one of her attempts to apologize, she learns a dark truth about Trixie's new assistant Moondancer. Moondancer is a spy sent by Puissance to ruin Trixie's life.