
Viewing 1 - 20 of 142 results

Look Under Your Chair · 7:07pm Jun 21st, 2017

...There's a little Dinky Hooves-centric post-episode flashfic under there!
Couldn't resist. Don't worry; it's less spoiler-y than the episode summary.

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New Illustration - Human Dinky · 1:03pm Jun 28th, 2020

Volume 11 - Chapter 1 - Human Dinky

Dinky sitting on Arc's couch as he rummages in the attic looking for some clothes that will fit her. She's still rather nervous on what he'll say when he comes down, as she specifically disobeyed her mother when she followed Arc through the portal. Drawn by my daughter on her new drawing tablet. :heart:


A reading of Dinkin' Donuts, and it's a really good one! · 6:36am Dec 24th, 2016

This was just great, from all the voice acting to the sound effects to the music, and I loved every minute of it.

Thanks to Neighrator Pony, Starry Flame, obabscribbler, SassMasterMickey, Illya Leonov, and Emogak for the voice talents, plus Novel-Idea designed the art (plus a version for the story cover art as well), and music by Kevin MacLeod and from Overwatch.


Bumbling Through My Education Update · 5:21am Dec 4th, 2016

I figured that it would be good to give an update for this story. As many of you know I'm working on no less than a dozen stories. It's my own fault. I tend to get an idea, and I chase after it like a dog chasing cars. The difference I know what to do with it when I catch it. So, anyway, I've been updating several of my stories, but that is not to say that I haven't been working on Bumbling Through My Education. So, this is a scene, specifically chosen to let you see the direction the

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Pip's First Kiss · 10:47pm Oct 21st, 2017

A little illustration of my favourite toy-ship.

Just to brighten up your day.

When Pipsqueak was approached by am impatient trio of Cutie Mark Crusaders telling him Dinky Doo needed to tell him something in the classroom, alone, he didn't suspect a whole lot.
Though thinking back, he probably should have caught on to something when he saw the trio watching tentatively out the window.

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First Story! · 4:03pm Jun 21st, 2020

Hey I just released my first story ever! It's called Reflections and it's based on the Aero-Replies blog on Tumblr.

It's short and kind of messy but I like how it turned out.

Give it a read if you're up for some pride month fiction.


Hugs For Heroes · 5:22pm Nov 14th, 2016

A while ago, Wolf declared her wish to give Fancy a huge hug for coming to Derpy's aid.
I'd imagine she'd want to do the same for the Doctor after he took responsibility for Derpy and Dinky and gave her abusive aunt another well-deserved 'The Reason You Suck!' Speech. :yay:
So I had their respective love-interests do so on her behalf. :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

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[Closed] A Ditzy Poll · 7:07pm Feb 20th, 2016

Update: The poll is now closed. Nopony has voted, so I'm going to make the decision to replace Derpy with Dinky, as she is a lot easier for me to work with. I have posted The Perfect Job: chapter 4.
Hey, guys! I just finished chapter 4 of The Perfect Job, so it should be out in about a week now. But before I start chapter 5, I want to take a quick poll regarding how you want the story to continue.

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Story Review: Pinkie Dinky Pie · 6:45pm Jan 1st, 2019

Okay, new year, and that means new story reviews both good and bad. And today, we start off with a real whopper. I don't actually mean that in a bad sense, it's just that it's a rather long one-shot topping slightly over 8,000 words I think? Been putting it off for various reasons, not just because of the length but because I needed to figure out how to word certain things. Even now I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to word things right. But one of my Resolutions was to do this story at some

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Progress · 8:40pm Jul 6th, 2015

The new chapter of Minuette may appear soon. Partially because I realised that trying to cover both the rest of the trip to Maneaus and events there would result in a chapter exceeding the previous one in length. Thus, the new chapter will have a reasonable wordcount of 7-10k words. The exact date depends on the craziness of the current week. If everything goes well, I may either write a lot or be too drunk to put a sentence together.

Related picture: Alas, poor Yorick!

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The Next Project · 10:50pm Oct 13th, 2023

Hey everyone!

Been a long time! I have some cool news for you folks, I've been working with my good friend Recon on a very distant prequel to Flurry in Time! It's set a few years after the show (1700 years before FiT) and deals with Nyx as she struggles to become the mare she is destined to be. We've got war, explosions and ponies!

Go check it out!


Eh...6/10 · 6:44pm Jul 6th, 2015


First Story - New Story · 6:34pm Jan 16th, 2016

I've been reading fictions involving the characters of MyLittlePony for over a year now.
Some were well written, while others were poorly made.

But in the end, all my respect goes for stories that started, and ended how they were intended to.
Even if a story is poorly made, as long as the author has the confidence to continue with his/her passion, despite the hurtful comments, then I should give it proper respect.

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New Fic - "Dinky vs. the Moon" · 9:21pm Feb 18th, 2016

Hello, friends! Hope you're doing great today. I've got a new story ready for you guys!

It should be out by tomorrow, but if not, expect it within the next few days. I hope you like it!


Heavy Things · 4:13pm July 13th


In Memory Of Review · 11:46pm Dec 18th, 2016

Video made by me.

This review is going to be difficult for me, I'm not going to lie.

Its not that this is a bad fanfic, its actually really good, the thing is that its not only sad, it also hits me on a personal level. This is a good fanfic that sets out to tell its story and does it very well.

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I swear, with every episode The Sibling Situation gets more relevant... · 6:30pm Jun 21st, 2017

That's most definitely NOT your timeline, Dinky...


New Illustration - Cutie Mark Crusaders · 5:04am Nov 23rd, 2020

Volume 20 - Chapter 15, The Cutie Mark Crusaders.


Comic: A Daughter's Final Gift, Drawn by FluffleLord · 8:49pm Jul 27th, 2015


Signal Boost - Revisions for "Rainbooms and Royalty" · 6:21am Aug 25th, 2016

Reblogging on behalf of my buddy Trinary, and you can find the original blog here:

First of all, apologies to my fans (all three of you) who've been waiting for more regular updates. Life has been … distracting over the summer, and I will certainly try to do better this fall. I still have one story, Diamond and the Rough, that I hope to finish before the year ends.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 142 results