
Viewing 1 - 20 of 136 results

Ch 84 Reflections · 2:34pm Nov 16th, 2019

Okay so wow, chapter 84! Long chapter, big events, and a lot to go over. I definitely hoped that you enjoyed reading it but I can understand how there could be points that might be confusing. So this is to try and clear some of those up.

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Report Haunter_Rayne · 265 views · #Reflection

I have changed · 3:33am Jan 7th, 2022

Wow I went back to my original Redemption or Darkness and...holy shit. It is way darker than I remembered. Even if it's extremely poor quality. I was really messed up to write like that....

Now to get to another topic...I'm working on the next chapter of T.E.E but having a slow go of it. I suppose I don't have much incentive to get it done quick. But I do have a direction so hopefully you'll like it.


Personal Fandom Review: My "Brony Bucket List" · 5:07pm Oct 20th, 2021

Ok, so I'm bored and in a reflective mood, and thus I decided, "Hey, let's look back at my time in the fandom!"

And what better way to do that than to look at something I put on my FiMFiction page years ago: my "Brony Bucket List". Let's go through each thing on there. (Copy and pasted, I'll put it below and then review each in turn.)


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Report SaxPon3 · 167 views · #reflection #personal

Why Harlan Ellison? · 1:10am Dec 20th, 2018

Troubled. I am writing this blog because I am troubled.

Why am I troubled? There's no real 'good' reason behind it. Plethora upon a plethora of reasons bug the ever living shit outta me, but no matter which one I choose to dissect, none of them ever appear, or reveal, to be a good enough reason.

The thing that troubles me now, on December the nineteen, at six o' clock, in two-thousand and eighteen, is the death of Harlan Ellison.

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Writing Reflections: Part 1 · 1:09am Jun 26th, 2016

Hello, everyone!

I've been thinking a lot about my stories lately, and thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts, and maybe a few insights, on most of them. I'll do a few at a time so as not to create one horribly long blog. But before I get started, I first want to thank you all again for your kind words and understanding as to why I was away for so long. Coming back has honestly felt like coming home, and it has been so wonderful to be back here. Thank you all.

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Writing Reflections: Part 6 · 1:25am Mar 2nd, 2017

Hello, everyone!

With a new story soon to be released, I thought now would be a great time to do a writing reflection on my last tale, The Wonder of Winter.

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A World, Reflected Chapter 10 progress report · 6:30pm Sep 26th, 2015

I haven't forgotten about AWR. Just been absorbed/consumed by Undertale and my own financial and medical situation, which isn't the greatest.


I'm going to be publishing another chapter of this before October is out, possibly another two if I bang it out fast enough.

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Interesting thoughts · 7:22pm Feb 12th, 2018

So having come back to FIM I decided to start reading through all of my old material, looking through crashed stories I've rewritten 6 times and some where I just hit a dead end. I also began reading through my own blogs as well as comments from long past. It was a very...enlightening experience. I noticed a few trends in my writing which I found to be a huge flaw throughout every draft and story I've created. I only took a concept, and tried to make a strong introduction and a strong ending

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I'm Sick · 12:21pm Nov 28th, 2017

That's how all this nonsense got started, you know. I got sick and thought, "hey, let's write about Bic Mac fucking Caramel up the ass". Because I'm apparently so deeply repressed/closeted that I can only express the gay parts of my sexuality through ponies.

Still that repressed, but now I express my queerness through ponies AND flirting with Scoots. So that's something? Maybe?

Also two years and 200,000+ words of fanfic is something.

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A hint at AJ's arc for Shattered Equestria: Jagged Reflections · 6:58am Aug 28th, 2017

I just saw TheSleeplessOne's blog post on the upcoming AU arcs. For the sake of the reader's and balance's sake, I shall give you a hint at what Applejack will face in her world.

Duty, truth, and determination
Are the stalwart Apple's traits.
To what's right without hesitation,
And to banish false constraints.
The Apple does what must be done
With goodness at her heart,
But if ill and ill is all to come
The question is where to start.
What must be done, it must be done,

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The end of the Crystal Ball trilogy · 1:32am Mar 3rd, 2020

I genuinely can't say enough about this series. I say series referring to the trilogy and Reflections as one. It is my favorite series that I have found so far and, unfortunately in my eyes, it is finally over. I finally read the final chapter that was posted.

I'm not going to post any direct reactions so as to avoid spoilers. If you want to read the series here is the first story. Feedback

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D.O.A. · 6:00am Sep 29th, 2018

Well, it looks like my first story is dead on arrival. A 75% disapproval rating is pretty damning, despite how small the sample size is. Four dislikes don't look that bad without context, and even with context it just looks like a rocky start. However, I can still predict that this story isn't going to succeed.

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The real reason; after the fact · 5:18am Feb 3rd, 2021

I finally came to understand what Cozy Glow really means to me in the last few minutes... Originally portrayed as a "mystery villain" in the series, we never really learned who she was or why she did what she did in the series. That said, I took that opportunity to give her a heavy dose of my own fear and pain. That is, the fear of the world not accepting me and the pain of losing my parents. I'll admit that I legitimately felt sorry for her as I typed those words of her breaking down in

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"There is no year eight" · 6:01pm Mar 30th, 2023

Well, failure to meet climate targets not as flash-catastrophic as say a lot of H-bombs, but living your older years in world where climate change meets peak everything, under capitalism .... does not look like happy future to look forward for!


Wrath · 10:01pm Jun 28th, 2018

To my dear followers and acquaintances. My fellow people.

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The monthly news · 6:03pm Aug 28th, 2017


The Problem of Evil: Personal Reflection · 11:50pm Jul 1st, 2018

This blog post contains spoilers for The Problem of Evil. If you have any interest in reading that story, please consider completing it before reading this post.

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New She-Ra chapter · 3:36pm Mar 10th, 2022

And this time I remembered to link it correctly! Really enjoyed working on this, check it out!

In a world where Hordak never forged his great Horde, our heroes lead very different lives…

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - The Universe · 8:40am Nov 6th, 2019

Scientists calculate that the universe is 13.8 billion years old; that the earth is 4.5 billion. Actual life on Earth on the microbial level is believed to have begun approximately 3.5 billion years ago. And humans, as we know them (homo sapiens sapiens), have only been around for about 200,000 years.

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A Never Ending Cycle · 9:05am Sep 18th, 2017

Pull up a chair. Listen to some good music. It's going to be a long one, folks.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 136 results