Magic School Zord is finished. · 11:07am Feb 15th, 2018
Hey again. Magic School Zord is finally finished. To be honest, I don't think this was my best. I am happy with it for the most part, but there are some parts I made some mistakes in. The biggest one is that it took me forever to find a voice for all the foal characters. I just couldn't find the right places to put dialog in for them, so it was mostly Cheerilee talking. I finally found their voice in chapter 5 of all things. That was when I was the most comfortable writing for them. On the plus side, this story made Dinky one of my favorite characters. She's just great and I love writing for her.
Next time will be a one-shot with Raindrops and Carrot Top. It still doesn't have a name yet, but I will think of something. The story is just going to be a heart to heart between Raindrops and Carrot Top over CT's anger issues. I am super excited for this story. I have been waiting to write a story staring Raindrops for a long time now.