Conversion Bureau, the time has come for the hero of the first Persona game to finally defeat the genocidal tyrant 'Princess' Celestia... but the Abyssinian New Kitten reading it feels like he's read this a million times before.
Filthy Frank, the man with the worst channel on YouTube, inadvertently fights against the Conversion Bureau. Ravioli isn't the only thing that's in this pocket-oli.
Gabe Newell, our lord and savior and god king of Steam, faces his greatest foe yet: The Conversion Bureau! The Bureau threatens to permanently close Valve for good and completely destroy modern gaming as we know it today. So Gaben takes a stand!
Many have faced the Bureau. Nazis and Communists, Americans and British, God and the Earth itself. Even another Equestria. Now, a new opponent fights the Bureau.
Skeletor is the evil dark lord of the evil Human Liberation Front. Skeletor fights for humanity's very survival against the good and friendly alien ponies that plan to invade Earth to turn all humans into ponies against their will.
Shrek's gaming session is interrupted by Princess Celestia who reveals her special plan to "save" Shrek's world from its own people. It ends in gratuitous violence..
Post-Conversion Earth is a calm, peaceful place. However, it lacks the certain kind of chaos that only religion can bring. Enter a single, fanatical human from space to dish out his own kind of conversion.
The world is being overrun with mindless Borg ponies being controlled by the evil Xenolestia. All hope is lost! Until the greatest man in history shows up to beat some sense of Humanity's greatness into them.
One Shot - Celestia and the ponies of Equestria are posed to start opening conversion bureas on Earth, however they didn't count on the horror that is government workers with paperwork.
The ponies tried many ways to convert humanity into ponies, failing countless times. Eventually they simply chose to let the Barrier handle them. Unfortunately though, they are going to meet something that doesn't take too kindly to them.
When Equestria appeared on Earth and discovered the MLP fandom, the initial reaction was of interest. Then they discovered the terrors of The Conversion Bureau, and there was only one way for them to react...
This story follows the adventures of three criminal new foals, on a quest to return the human delicacy of meat among ponies. However, such a task is no trot in the park, as the evil Empress Celestia wants to stop their crusade for delicious justice.
Bizarre comedy disguised as something else. Humans are being transported to Equestria through no fault of their own. The only polite thing to do is to help them settle in, and that includes trading in their old money for Equestrian bits.