The Reign of Friendship ended, leaving a grieving Equestria to grapple with their loss. Rarity Belle, the successful 500+ year old fashionista, has been
Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia are forced to contend with an evil sorceress bent to terrorize Octavia Melody for her own sinister agenda. A G1/FiM story.
Follow Twilight as she and a trio of other survivors try to reach Manehatten amidst the arrival of a new and blood thirsty foe...will they have what it takes to make tough decisions in a world that is slowly falling apart around them?
A luckless thug is not worth much. Two are barely worth half a bit together. The world certainly will not revolve around them when all they want is to make sure that when they go, they do so together.
After the loss of Pinkie's beloved pet, Twilight preforms a spell that will change their lives forever. Unleashing the undead hordes the mane 6 must fight their way through the once grand town of Ponyville. Come join the horde.