• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017


I am the king of nothing

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When Shining Armor is alone for the weekend, he gets an unexpected visitor.

Contains: Implied Sex

Chapters (1)

This story was commissioned by Caladis

Despite her lineage and ongoing best efforts, Flurry Heart has always struggled to make a romantic connection. When left to her own devices, she tends to over share and overwhelm prospective stallions with her desperation and foal-like quirkiness. Unable to find a true special somepony or take the Crystal Empire throne without getting married, her life as a princess is beginning to look bleak. But her hope is rekindled when she meets Equestria's only resident human who seems to share many of her bizarre proclivities.

Chapters (9)

Luna gains the ability to blow up any type of food with her mind. So she proceeds to blow up food in peoples faces.
(Omg my bad photoshops strike again.:pinkiegasp:)

Chapters (1)

Anon didn't pay taxes back in the human world and now that his former government has found him, and they will take him back to earth by any means. [fun fact the only thing the joker fear's is the IRS]

source of picture https://www.dontmesswithtaxes.com/2022/11/irs-ci-domestic-and-global-tax-crime-efforts-pay-off-in-fy2022.html

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon runs the 1s with the bug queen

After 1v1ing bug queen and absolutely running her fade, Anon thinks he can now take on Sunny D. Why exactly? Well he beat up the over sized ant and that broke into his house, and Sunbutt lost to her so surely he can take on the number 1 cake eater in the world.

(I love taking a photo off the internet and putting GREEN over it, I am so original :derpytongue2:)
(Anon 1v1ing the bug queen is no longer a 1 shot i am truly getting desprate :ajsleepy:)

Chapters (1)

A few years ago, a rumor surfaced that I creature of tall statue and thick clothing, made himself home in a cave on top of a mountain. He would offer insight into future events in exchange for food, as a tribute to his divine knowledge and has been known as The Oracle ever since. For years he has given out knowledge sparingly, now Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence have made plans to visit him, but Celestia’s question might be a little risky, but curiosity is killing her.

Chapters (1)

Anon feels like there's no need to get up today. He's been feeling a lot of things actually, and that's why he has been spending most of his time in the library lately.

But today he won't be able to stay put, because at the incredibly important festival they've set up a mystical tent, that even magic itself compels him to visit.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rider on the Storm

For the briefest of moments, Anonymous wielded absolute power. He single-handedly destroyed the city of Canterlot, laid waste to Ponyville, decimated the Everfree Forest, and came dangerously close to annihilating the very Tree of Harmony itself. And he had an absolutely fantastic time doing it.
Right up until he lost.
Now he's stuck as a statue under the watch of the princesses he tried to subjugate, awaiting the time he'll be locked away forever, with the key no doubt thrown into a volcano. But from the very beginning, Anonymous suspected that the shenanigans of the good guys would cost him his victory at the last moment, and so he laid plans with his most loyal of subjects—all former soldiers of the Storm King he betrayed to obtain his power—to arrange for his release should the opportunity arise.
Unfortunately, he wasn't counting on the ponies calling in help from a faraway land. Enter the Four Princes of Zebrica, all wielding the same exact power that Anonymous did, and knowing a thing or two about how to put bad apples like him away for good. This is made even worse by the sorry state of Anonymous's storm beast forces, having hit hard times in the months since his defeat.
But not all is lost for the petrified supervillain. Because in a rare twist of luck, the Princes just so happen to unknowingly bring with them a zebra criminal with his own dirty little secret. A secret that not only secures Anonymous's release from captivity, but just might be the start of a horrifying new partnership, and with it, the birth of a new force of evil.
And of course, with all that going on, there's always the matter of the nascent Legion of Doom, plotting to bring their own age of darkness to Equestria as well...

Takes place during the final two seasons of Friendship Is Magic. With a few alterations here and there, because I HATE THE ANTI-FIM I HATE THE ANTI-FIM :bread:
Reading Rider on the Storm is strongly advised if you want any idea of what the hell is happening in this story.

Chapters (8)

There have always been myths surrounding the mysterious Everfree Forest. Its mysterious origins, its unnatural feel to those that brave its depths, the odd curses and hexes it seems to birth. Since the days before the Alicorn sisters' rule, one story has been told to young colts and fillies, of a protective spirit deep inside, that wards off the dangers of the woods, and safely leads any lost children home.

A story for kids, to make the world seem less scary. However, when Dinky finds herself lost, the story's validity is brought into question when she spots a glowing white deer staring at her from the trees.

How does one continue to find a reason to live when they've been cursed with an eternal life? A lonely spirit, the last of her kind - or so they think.

Athanasia [ ath-uh-ney-zhuh ]
Derived from the Greek a-, 'without', and thantos 'death'. Meaning eternal life.

Chapters (7)

Since retiring and starting a family with Anon, everyday life for Celestia has been mostly peaceful. At least, it has been when compared to what a typical day was like as a princess. However, that doesn't mean her new family isn't really good at keeping her on her hooves anyway.

Just what are they doing now?!

Chapters (1)