• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen January 9th


I am the king of nothing


The day the moon left Equestria · 1:19pm Jul 18th, 2019

So I thought of a what if scenario based on the movie the day without a Mexican. So the idea is that instead of becoming nightmaremoon. Luna just leaves Equestria and takes the moon and the stars with her while leaving a note saying how she feels and how she may decide to come back one day but if she feels she nothing has changed she will leave and never come back. P.S. I’m also wondering if someone already wrote something like this :applejackunsure:

Report Betsuni · 373 views · #Luna

Windigo fic idea · 8:21am Mar 8th, 2019

So my idea is this basically when windigos show up they are the ponies they are freezing to death future ghosts.

Report Betsuni · 298 views · #Windigo

I’m helping with a fic yay · 5:05pm Feb 27th, 2019

The story I’m helping on is https://www.fimfiction.net/story/382750/the-wings-turned-dark And all I can say is check it out :twilightsmile:

Report Betsuni · 301 views · #Angel #Displaced

Silly thought · 7:53pm Nov 29th, 2018

So I had a silly thought what if the protagonist goes to meet the princesses and the protagonist says “Surrender and I will bring a great age of peace “ and Calestia replies “ we already do” much to the surprise to the protagonist and replies with “ so after you question me can you point me to the job listings :twilightblush: “ and that was my silly thought :derpytongue2:

Report Betsuni · 398 views · #Silly

Apple Family Creepypasta · 4:01pm Nov 19th, 2018

I don’t know if this is already a creepypasta but here’s my idea it’s a creepypasta about the apple family and how they grow their numbers they find disabled abandoned ponies and take them to their farm to eat an apple from the first tree. (It’s an alternate universe fic.) it begins with the death of Granny Smith everyone morns her passing after her funeral applejack and bigmac leave the farm at night a curious applebloom follows them and witness them take a colt/filly from the orphanage and

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Reincarnation · 2:01pm Nov 15th, 2018

I have an idea for an anon romance fic that makes sense when you read the sequel. So how it goes is anon shows up in ponyville or were ever in Equestria he is writin in and find love in a pony he meets they date for 3 months before he meets her parents for some reason the father asks anon to please not date his daughter anon says no his wife tells him that he can’t decide who his daughter dates and the father reluctantly leaves it alone then after the fic ends after anon and the pony mare have

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Season 8 · 5:22am Nov 13th, 2018

Just finished watching season 8 of mlp :pinkiecrazy:

Report Betsuni · 315 views · #Season 8

Discord’ Anon Story · 5:03am Aug 17th, 2018

So I got some inspiration from anonpencil’s anon and berry punch dieing fic. So the idea is about Discord’s secret past and why he tormented ponies for so long. My thought line went like this Discord as a young draconequus meets a lost anon who comes from our time line (and no he is not a brony and he doesn’t know what mlp is) anyways he and anon become like brothers and anon shares his knowledge of entertainment from earth and he teaches him that killing is wrong punishment is one thing but no

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Crossovers · 5:53am May 16th, 2018

I welcome you to add my self insert oc to your displaced fics or any fic if your interested in doing that join my group for my oc also you don’t have to worry about a time line for my oc just pm me to let me know if your interested :pinkiehappy: P.S. my oc is also a displacer and only helps those that are willing to make a contract :pinkiecrazy:

Report Betsuni · 147 views ·

Hunter Ponies · 8:06am May 8th, 2018

Ponies only Calestia knows about because the moment they get their cutie mark she erases their ever being born from ponies minds and how they got their cutie mark. How a hunter ponies gets their cutie mark is by killing a baddie like an abusive parent or a burglar or just something that would be a bad guy basically someone sentient that’s bad. Their cutie mark starts all the same a 1 then when get to 100 it changes to a circle with the type of weapon they specialize in and the more kills they

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